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Industrial Music - the showdown!!!

Who bangs your head?

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Paulie Tandoori

shut it you egg!
'Industrial' music, lots of it, in a completely random and possibly unrepresentative selection. Who do you love then?

- Coil

- Einsturzende Neubauten

- Godflesh

- Laibach

- Ministry

- Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel


- Swans

- Test Department

- Throbbing Gristle

- Whitehouse

who have i missed?

poll to come kids.....
I fully admit i know fuck all about industrial. I only know stuff like fear factory, pitchshifter and nails all of whom aren't considered industrial by people who know what they are on about.

what can you do.

I've seen 4 off that list live:

Ministry - at Brixton academy, around the time they released that unpronouncable album with Jesus Built My Hotrod on it. Probably the most brutal live show I've ever seen. Fucking amazing. (although these days, I'm more likely to listen to Work For Love or their Twitch album than their harder later stuff - I must be getting old).

Einsturzende Neubauten - at that place in Clapham Junction, whatever it's called, in about 1992. They had a big frame on the stage, which they hammered and poured gravel off of, and drills and stuff that they made their music with, but it didn't feel radical or exciting like I image they were in their prime. It was so polite, it was like being at an art exhibition.

Test Department - I saw them a few times after they turned to dance music, but they were more like a Drum Club style trance act with industrial flourishes than a harsh, pounding, head fucking industrial act. Good though. My main Test Dept memory was at a Megatripolis party at Bagleys where they were playing. I got there nice and early, dropped some acid and sat around chatting for a bit. Everything, naturally, went a bit wobbly. Then I asked some bloke: "do you know when are Test Dept on?". He laughed and said: "mate, they played about 4 hours ago". I'd missed most of the fucking night :rolleyes:

Whitehouse - probably the funniest gig I've ever been to. They played at The Venue in New Cross to a crowd of indie kids. Their music was just single note, harsh, electronic noise, while the 'singer' shouted monosyllabic 'lyrics'. The crowd, more used to Mega City 4 or Neds Atomic Dustbin hated them, and showed their hate, all encouraged by the band. There was a few hundred people stood there shouting 'FUCK OFF' at them, and they loved it. Some particularly gobby indie kid was dragged up on stage by the singer, who pulled his trousers down and spanked him. Brilliant night.

Who's the best industrial act on that list? Fuck knows.
The Brith Gof/Test Department staging of Y Gododdin (Celts vs Saxons epic poem) in Glasgow was well worth seeing. Some of them also helped set up the May Day Eve fire festival on Calton Hill in Edinburgh, which is still going iirc.
Impossible to answer, there's so little common ground between say, Coil and Swans.

I have more Coil records (and Coil tattoos :D ) than any of the others, and although they could turn out some wank, they made some truly astonishing records, so I guess it's them. But a very hard poll.
Oh and I fucking hate Whitehouse. No matter how many interviews I read with Bennett where he calmly explains what a serious aesthete he is, how he's trying to dismantle power structures through taboos etc, ultimately it's just a couple of gimps dicking about on stage shouting about concentration camps over increasingly non-powerful Power Electronics.
It's noisy art school wank and it has no place in a happy home! :mad: :mad:!!


Look, Pie Face - a PONY

WTF is industrial then?
My broad definition is stuff with shouting and metal hitting metal
BTW I've never heard that much Coil - never had them down as beatmakers.
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