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Help I'm still running Catalina on my MacBook Pro, should I upgrade?


Member Since: 1985 Post Count: 3
I'm still running Catalina on my 2015 MacBook Pro. It is asking me to update to Monterey . . . but if I click on that it takes me to the latest OS which is unavailable for my laptop. Last time I upgraded I lost all the plug ins in my Logic set up, which was a massive pain in the arse. . then the thing kept crashing. This put me off graduating further, as I always have projects on the go.

But, I use the Mac for remote work and the internet etc and it may become obsolete / incompatible with remote solutions. My old iMac did and now can't really go on-line (but can run photoshop and an old non cloud version of after effects etc so I still use it.

So, my question is should I seek out this Monterey OS it is asking for? If so, how? Am I going to get issues in Logic and other programs?
Dunno. I only upgraded to Mojave a few months ago.
How do you upgrade to an OS that isn't the current one. When I follow the link to my Macs demands for an upgrade it only takes me to the latest, which my 2015 can't upgrade to anyway.
How do you upgrade to an OS that isn't the current one. When I follow the link to my Macs demands for an upgrade it only takes me to the latest, which my 2015 can't upgrade to anyway.
It's a while since I used Catalina. If it has the App Store umm app, you should be able to search in there for "macOS" :
Dangers - some of your old software (or sometimes hardware) might not be supported or may need updates. The interface changes will take some time to adjust to.
Benefits - you'll get security patches and updates for the OS (if it's Monterey, Sonoma or Ventura) - newer versions of some applications will be supported.

This page should let you know which versions are supported on your machine - Find out which macOS your Mac is using – Apple Support (UK)
you'll get the live loop thing from ios garageband available on logic (whether that's aplus or not is a personal view)

make sure you do a time machine before upgrading in case you don't like it and want to revert.

last time I did an upgrade was on my old 2021 macbook and went from leopard to catalina after installing a SSD and extra ram, those last 2 bit made a massive difference as I kept getting a not enough ressources" hang message on ligic before that nearly all the time on simple projects before the upgrade.
then I fried the motherboard on it during a heatwave.
you'll get the live loop thing from ios garageband available on logic (whether that's aplus or not is a personal view)

make sure you do a time machine before upgrading in case you don't like it and want to revert.

last time I did an upgrade was on my old 2021 macbook and went from leopard to catalina after installing a SSD and extra ram, those last 2 bit made a massive difference as I kept getting a not enough ressources" hang message on ligic before that nearly all the time on simple projects before the upgrade.
then I fried the motherboard on it during a heatwave.
What's live loop.
The only two upgrades I have ever done cunted me on logic.
First one fucked the whole thing. Had to upgrade, then all my T-racks plug ins failed. When they fixed them then sent me upgrades for free, even the ones I had bought years ago on CD.
My original logic was on CD with massive paper manuals.
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