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IDS/DWP want me dead and I can't be fucked anymore.


Lil' J Pengele PhD. The Angel of Sesh
Don't even know why I'm doing a thread, just need to moan, but it's fucking pointless moaning.

Basically they want me to do some two week course which is like an every day thing in fucking May when weather gets warmer and I have a heat sensitive illness and now I gotta get reassessed and all this shit purely because some CUNT I complained about wouldn't even entertain a conversation about my fucking limitations. I was bawling my fucking eyes out and the cunts didn't even ask if I was ok or show any concern.

FURTHERMORE: If I could get buses five days a week and spend days doing shit then I would fucking be working wouldn't I. There is nothing I would like more than to be able to jump out of fucking bed and do fucking temping and ruin myself earning more than the fucking pittance govt wants to throw me.

I aint refusing to do any shit, but what the fuck happened to reasonable adjustments? Does this shit not apply to government departments?

I'm at the end of my fucking tether and >.< this close to giving them what they fucking want.

Atm it's a toss up between death and the game, might as well fuck for money for the time being because I gotta be alive to vote these cunts out and it won't make any difference, but y'know.

Good job I am hella fucking vexed about a load of other shit atm. Channeling anger towards the DWP is always cathartic.

I seriously wanna go down that jobby and stab that massive cunt.
Firstly, have a


By re-assessment, do you mean being sent back to ATOS?

And if you've made a formal complaint and are getting victimised for having made a complaint, firstly I'd suggest going back down the formal complaint path, and also involving your MP.

https://www.gov.uk/complain-jobcentre-plus in case you need it again.

I'm not sufficiently well up on how the system 'works' at the moment, but the ATOS thread may be good ground for getting advice.

Logic says that the thing to do would be to try and go along with this training thing, and if you're not up to it, get signed off by your GP.

Although since people can have a heart attack and get carted off in an ambulance part way through an ATOS 'medical' then get their benefits cut for not completing the 'medical', logic may not have a lot to do with it.

And have another

I've nothing to offer except brackets, but you can have a million of them. :( :mad: :(

I know fuck all about council/SS stuff but if there's anything NHSey that might help I'll chip in.
it aint workfares tho is some shitty cv writing interview technique thing that is useless cus i have had a job before, no fucker will employ me anyways and i got 126 on iq test when i was fucking stoned. i don't need any of this shit.
is this 'job club'? they've been on at me to go. 4 hours a day, 5 days a week for 2 weeks. help with CVs, roleplay interviews etc etc, a load of shite in other words. they've been mentioning it every time I go to sign on, but at a review today I was told it would be a waste of time for me and that its not compulsory so don't worry
I'm dealing with similar shit and threat of sanction. The sharing helps again and i've got strength from that opening post and replies; it makes me lose my fear and fills me with fight. I'm not alone, having that reaffirmed helps me.

This benefits regime is a fucking sick joke, it's a full time sham.

Buried my mum on Monday, treated appallingly in the Job Centre on Wednesday. Bitterly upset with the behaviour of the Job Advisor who cannot even use a fucking computer let alone follow DWP guidelines. Today i am angry in a constructive manner and i will rip them apart at the next meeting.
I'm dealing with similar shit and threat of sanction. The sharing helps again and i've got strength from that opening post and replies; it makes me lose my fear and fills me with fight. I'm not alone, having that reaffirmed helps me.

This benefits regime is a fucking sick joke, it's a full time sham.

Buried my mum on Monday, treated appallingly in the Job Centre on Wednesday. Bitterly upset with the behaviour of the Job Advisor who cannot even use a fucking computer let alone follow DWP guidelines. Today i am angry in a constructive manner and i will rip them apart at the next meeting.
FWIW - and despite your poor choice of footballing allegiance - (((Dex)))
Massive victory for me today, same Job Advisor and she came out fighting in an extraordinary manner that did her no favours and i consider her behaviour today to be an aggrevating addition to a complaint that i have lodged against her. I'm shocked by what she did and so was the line manager. It confirms to me that this individual is a nasty piece of work.

In the presence of a line manager she rapidly dissolved into a nervous wreck, i could see that in her body language, her facial expressions. She was pulled up, tripped up by her own arrogance and stopped; i knew not to gloat at that moment and i didn't.

I'm reading Long Walk To Freedom at the moment and the way Nelson Mandela conducted himself thoughout his life is teaching me how to win with dignity.

I had already won before i sat down because i was prepared, calm and confident.
Massive victory for me today, same Job Advisor and she came out fighting in an extraordinary manner that did her no favours and i consider her behaviour today to be an aggrevating addition to a complaint that i have lodged against her. I'm shocked by what she did and so was the line manager. It confirms to me that this individual is a nasty piece of work.

In the presence of a line manager she rapidly dissolved into a nervous wreck, i could see that in her body language, her facial expressions. She was pulled up, tripped up by her own arrogance and stopped; i knew not to gloat at that moment and i didn't.

I'm reading Long Walk To Freedom at the moment and the way Nelson Mandela conducted himself thoughout his life is teaching me how to win with dignity.

I had already won before i sat down because i was prepared, calm and confident.
*Internet Five*
My mate gave me bookkeeping one-two days a week, so I could fuck jobcentre off, so so glad I do not have to deal with those cunts, they have actually sent me batshit crazy. Now I'm gonna do some courses and do bookkeeping for other people, suits me cus I don't have to talk to any cunts all day.
My mate gave me bookkeeping one-two days a week, so I could fuck jobcentre off, so so glad I do not have to deal with those cunts, they have actually sent me batshit crazy. Now I'm gonna do some courses and do bookkeeping for other people, suits me cus I don't have to talk to any cunts all day.
Thats a great plan. Friend of mine went from zero to income in a few months with this idea. After couple of years, a healthy income with a few good long term clients.
A plus side is going self employed, still eligible for rent/council tax benefit, working familys tax credit, exempt from national insurance. Its still form filling but if you keep on top of it its more than manageable.

Don't let the bastards grind you down.
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