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Ian Tomlinson CPS verdict: "no realistic prospect of conviction"

And I tell DB not to fly off the handle. Yet he does, and yet people continue to provoke him, and yes it's deliberate provocation/windup in many cases. The only equitable thing to do is ban everyone involved in this self-perpetuating little clusterfuck. Or get down on my knees and pray to any god that's listening that posters will learn to get along with one another despite their differences.
It's not the flying off the handle I'm too fussed with tbh. That's almost healthy compared to the paranoid gibberings about the 'Collective' and other assorted claims, positioning himself as a decent foil against the rest (of us conspiring scumbags)

But cut to here and you're essentially asking for some kind of special protection from a largely inocuous comment that could apparently 'inflame' the uncontrollable one, giving the bloke some kind of weird justification for his martyr complex. I just find it difficult to see how that does anything other than reinforce the problem in the longer term.
And I tell DB not to fly off the handle. Yet he does, and yet people continue to provoke him, and yes it's deliberate provocation/windup in many cases. The only equitable thing to do is ban everyone involved in this self-perpetuating little clusterfuck. Or get down on my knees and pray to any god that's listening that posters will learn to get along with one another despite their differences.

a) Not backed up in action and b) 'The only equitable thing to do' very arguable.
And I tell DB not to fly off the handle.

Can you not see how even typing this neutral sounding guff means that you've taken a side, that you're siding with a narrative that has him being attacked rather than him him being the moustached pitbull more often than not.

if you're going to mod, then mod.
How about treating him like a normal poster rather than a special case? I'm not suggesting that I have all the answers by any means, but the principle that others should tread carefully incase they 'inflame' the aggressive consparanoid one makes me deeply uncomfortable. It also reinforces DBs behaviour and self awarded martyr status.

Nobody ever said this modding lark would be easy...
What alternative solution do you have? I'm all ears, genuinely.

Whist I was a drunken admin on another board;) I used a certain facility to change certain words automatically into other words. I suggest you change DB's use of "cunt" to "silly billy".
Then we should all resign, because none of us like touching this shit with a bargepole.
So to summarise: ,indulgent whinges, paranoid self-aggrandising accusations and slurs about a non-existent 'collective' are fine, but only if they come from ex-policemen

But other people will be accused of 'inflaming' the situation if they even comment on these unpleasant fights of fancy, laughable bullying accusations and the like. Why should folks have to ignore these continual, thread diverting, histrionics and be expected to carry on if nothing has happened. It's simply not a plausible or healthy state of affairs.
That's about the size of it.
Well, you're a cheery soul Butch. I don't blame Crispy for taking an easy path fwiw - my concern is that it's actually the least helpful route in the longer term. And tbh he's one of the few mods willing to put his head above the parapet and take any action at all. But I would agree with your view of the effect of his actions and the 'narrative' impression that is left by his comments.

FWIW I think there's some middle ground between resigning and this unhelpful bias towards treating DB as a special 'kid gloves' case, even when he acts like a ludicrously paranoid flapjack
I don't blame him for taking the choice to take the easy route either. He should not get the power to tell us what's going on if he does though. You're in or you're out.
Again, thanks for your advice, but I'd say my attitude is representative of all the mods here. We try to be deliberately hands-off, because over-moderation stifles discussion. This is evident everywhere on the net, and we think it's something that differentiates urban. But it's precisely this attitude that makes it so much harder to intervene when push comes to shove. So, I am sorry that I'm not the hard man you want me to be, but that's the price you pay for the permissive environment.
No, what you're saying is "if you want to be a mod, then mod the way I think you should mod"
That's not what he's saying at all. d-b is repeatedly destroying threads with his paranoid histrionics and is being allowed to get away with it, repeatedly. Your response is to blame everyone else for winding him up.

moon23 has been getting a much, much harder time recently than I have ever seen d-b get. He's handling it pretty well. He's not responding by shitting all over every thread he can find. If anything, since the last big blow up, d-b's been trying to provoke a reaction by running around posting his paranoid little mantra regardless of context. It's not like he's even responding to abuse - it's very rarely in response to abuse in fact. He does this every time someone questions what he's posted, every time someone suggests that maybe he didn't get it 100% accurate, every time someone asks him to explain what he meant.

Noone here apart from d-b is behaving in a way that is not absolutely normal for urban - challenging posts and not necessarily being particularly kind with their language when they do so. This is not a bannable offence, it's not even a warnable offence. Yet he's shitting all over threads, chucking out paranoid accusations and using literally any post to bounce this kind of crap off, and you decide that it's six of one and half a dozen of the other? It's fucking unbelievable. And the reason it's fucking unbelievable is that you're all decent mods. You don't normally let this kind of shit go down, and whilst it's impossible to be 100% fair you demonstrably do try to be.

I know it's difficult when he's a long-established poster, has posted some really useful stuff on occasion, and is personally known to and liked by one of the mods. But he is having a mental breakdown all over the boards and not only do you expect us to put up with it, you won't even let us comment on it. It's not doing him any favours, and it is destroying some very decent threads where it is becoming impossible to have a decent conversation because they are just swamped by his histrionics.

Sort it out, please.
Again, thanks for your advice, but I'd say my attitude is representative of all the mods here. We try to be deliberately hands-off, because over-moderation stifles discussion. This is evident everywhere on the net, and we think it's something that differentiates urban. But it's precisely this attitude that makes it so much harder to intervene when push comes to shove. So, I am sorry that I'm not the hard man you want me to be, but that's the price you pay for the permissive environment.

Apply the rules to one and all - don't need to be a hard man. You're not doing that.
Ok, I'm going to have to leave this thread for a bit cos I'm close to losing my cool, but

1. Not all moderation happens in public.
2. DB has not been shitting all over threads recently
3. I have genuinely read and listened to your post, ymu, and it's made me think. Thank you.
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