Mostly bewildered
It all happened quite suddenly in the end. I think I’ve been in denial for a long time and not facing up to how shit things had become.Retirement that you hadn't planned for and weren't checking the days off on a calendar must be very scary, especially while you are trying to get all your finances in place wrt pensions and whatever benefits you might be entitled to.
I hope it all goes well for you, and that once the shock wears off you will be able to get sorted and look on this new phase of your life with happiness and embrace some of the freedom that comes with retirement.
If you are in London and want to do any environmental volunteering (no rush, just if you fancy it any time) then just ask - as well as doing my own volunteering in East London, I'm part of a London-wide network (London National Park City Rangers!) and might be able to point you towards something local to you.
No idea how it’s going to pan out - got a lot to sort out and come to terms with.