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Are some people just carb intolerant?

That's true, but there are certain truths about food: for example we know that sat fat is unhealthy. So butter and bacon isn't good.
Sat fat isn't bad for you.
By whom? Most of the high profile keto advocates revealed themselves to be utter cranks during covid. Completely exposing their lack of scientific thinking as well as their horrendous biases
Who? When? What high profile keto advocates?
Hmmm, the thing is they all work for a bit. Until you stop doing them, and the more restrictive they are the less likely anyone can follow them for very long and then unless you've made long term changes to your relationship with food and eating then all the weight will go back on and / or the problems with come back.

Vegan keto ffs, that is not a sensible, healthy or realistic long term option for 99.9% of people unless they're obsessed with food.
Things always work for a bit if that's all you do them for. People have lost weight eating anything you can think of. Because it was less calories than they burned off and they stuck at it.

Vegan keto to me is bonkers to maintain, the people who did it said it was. They stuck at it and got results. Not for me and not for probably more than 99.9% since thats actually a fair amount of people out of 7 billion. Doesn't mean it can't work.
I think it’s all bollocks. Just eat a balanced diet ffs. Don’t focus on one particular food type. My sister never stops banging on about fucking carbs to the point that I think she’s orthorexic. Tuck in and enjoy your food IMNSHO
Sat fat isn't bad for you.
I don't agree and I don't think the literature does either. This guy, IMHO, is a good source on this minefield of a topic
Who? When? What high profile keto advocates?
Zoe Harcombe, Ivor Cummins (who grifted funding for a 'plandemic' movie), Tim Noakes, Malcolm Kendrick, Ken Berry, and not forgetting the utterly appalling lunatic called Bart Kay (abusive pretend professor who denies climate science). That's before we jump down the carnivore rabbit hole (which is separate but related as it is technically a keto diet).
Things always work for a bit if that's all you do them for. People have lost weight eating anything you can think of. Because it was less calories than they burned off and they stuck at it.

Vegan keto to me is bonkers to maintain, the people who did it said it was. They stuck at it and got results. Not for me and not for probably more than 99.9% since thats actually a fair amount of people out of 7 billion. Doesn't mean it can't work.
I have no problem with it, other than it seems extremely restrictive. If you can tolerate avocados tofu and seitan every day, go for it.
thanks i'll look at that over my oat free breakfast in th morning

EDIT: that first link quotes Zoe Harcombe who is an utter crank with no clue about science. Antivaxxer nutcase and total fraud. I will give the article a read but her presence is a huge red flag
Sorry they aren’t the best summaries (I’ve seen far better but was rushing to leave the house) but at least some of the criticisms are sound. A large thrust of argument is that the original public health advice was based on little and flawed evidence to start with. Plus I remember learning about the satiating qualities of fat two decades ago in my biopsychology of eating degree module.

Ultimately I rather unscientifically end up plumping for what my mum told me when growing up, which is everything in balance and moderation! And the psychology of eating is just as important as the physiology.
OH did the whole ZOE thing (Tim Spector/KCL etc, nothing to do with Zoe Harcombe!) where you wear a patch and do blood tests for a while, and some days have a strictly monitored diet (supplied) so they can measure your reaction to various foodstuffs. Because people do indeed have widely different tolerances. Turns out carbs cause a huge spike for him so he's now cut down massively on baked goods, pasta, rice, potatoes etc and is feeling a lot better for it.

And what you have alongside the carbs can affect how well the body copes. For example, a cup of green tea can make a biscuit a bit less evil. Allegedly.

Not that I've been paying as much attention as perhaps I should.

not all carb sources, obvs :oops:
pulses, nuts, most veg etc ok

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What is the difference between normal and green tea? I en joy herbal teas but have never liked normal tea because, curiously, it provoked a similar traction to carbs and left me shaky
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This BMJ review looks a decent analysis of the fat debate for anyone who wants to delve into it (my eyes started crossing a few paragraphs :oops:)

  • Much of the evidence suggests that the risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats (including plant oils) but not when carbohydrate is the replacement nutrient
Is interesting. Unless I've misread it says cvd risk diminishes if satfat is replaced by healthy fat - but not if replaced by carbs
Don't know, I haven't tried.

What? You've never eaten rice?

Green tea and tea are the same plant, just processed differently.

Don't be too sensitive about this... but you sound a bit weird about food. Have you got something else going on and worrying about food is just the way it's coming out?
What is the difference between normal and green tea? I en joy herbal teas but have never liked normal tea because, curiously, it provoked a similar traction to carbs and left me shaky
Green tea goes through a quick drying process using hot air to prevent oxidisation. Black tea is dried in the open air and allowed to change colour.
I've heard speculation that green tea has become wooifed because it's usually drunk without milk and / or sugar ..
And "antioxidants"..
The Indian gooseberry Amla is fetishized but you can't use much more than 200mg of vitamin C per day and you are IMHO better off getting it from broccoli...
I don't think anyone is intolerant to "carbohydrates". That reminds me of a girl in my class at school who claimed she was allergic to vegetables.

However some people definitely are intolerant to certain types of carbs, such as some oligosaccharides, but it takes quite a bit of work to tease that out.
OH certainly isn't intolerant to them, but some kinds produce a heightened sugar spike in his blood compared with the average. So he's on the sort of diet recommended for pre-diabetics.
I don't think anyone is intolerant to "carbohydrates". That reminds me of a girl in my class at school who claimed she was allergic to vegetables.

However some people definitely are intolerant to certain types of carbs, such as some oligosaccharides, but it takes quite a bit of work to tease that out.
Farting is life.
I'm sure IBS is a thing, but I'm sure far too many people medicate themselves because of "gas and bloating"

And then there are the anti-fibre people...

I eat a massive quantity of mushrooms ...not sure what the body does with chitin... (also a key structural polysaccharide in insects)
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OH certainly isn't intolerant to them, but some kinds produce a heightened sugar spike in his blood compared with the average. So he's on the sort of diet recommended for pre-diabetics.
My very brief brush with T2 - though I'd probably been sailing close to the wind for years - has seen me tending towards less "spiky" food - mostly to keep the weight off - but the longevity people are often wearing CGMs....

I won't feel relaxed replacing some of my beans with rice until I'm very much more physically active

The "carbs" that made me fat were bread, cakes and custard . And Linda McCartney's pies and instant mash.
Sorry they aren’t the best summaries (I’ve seen far better but was rushing to leave the house) but at least some of the criticisms are sound. A large thrust of argument is that the original public health advice was based on little and flawed evidence to start with. Plus I remember learning about the satiating qualities of fat two decades ago in my biopsychology of eating degree module.

Ultimately I rather unscientifically end up plumping for what my mum told me when growing up, which is everything in balance and moderation! And the psychology of eating is just as important as the physiology.
That's ok, I didn't mean to get sweaty about it. Nutrition science is a giant mindfuck and it doesn't help when people you, perhaps foolishly, thought were knowledgable turned out to be utter clowns. Covid has been a real litmus test of some of these people. There are extremists on both sides: the vegans who advocate 80% of daily calories be carbs dont like oil of any kind and to me are not much better.
That's ok, I didn't mean to get sweaty about it. Nutrition science is a giant mindfuck and it doesn't help when people you, perhaps foolishly, thought were knowledgable turned out to be utter clowns. Covid has been a real litmus test of some of these people. There are extremists on both sides: the vegans who advocate 80% of daily calories be carbs dont like oil of any kind and to me are not much better.

Turns out humans are really adaptable. It's why we spread to so many parts of the planet...I think people can have radicaly different diets and still be OK.
Turns out humans are really adaptable. It's why we spread to so many parts of the planet...I think people can have radicaly different diets and still be OK.
Though best not to fall foul of the fallacies like the Inuit or Masai ones... or even the "French paradox" ...
Conveniently we can look to The Mediterranean and Okinawa and Loma Linda which already works - but there will still be things we can learn - after all "nature" only "wants" us to reproduce and get the offspring safely out of the nest ...
Slow-release carbs are great for people with a relatively normal digestion. But if you've already got digestive issues, they can just make it worse because they end up fermenting in the gut and for some people that's a really bad thing. I can't take too much of them, or the results are quite explosive. Diet is very much a "you do you" sort of thing. By all means try out everything for a time, but if it doesn't suit you then it doesn't suit you. Move on.
This is probably too much of tangent. But I know I can’t really deal with a big range of different vegetables in one meal. at least ones I’m not used to eating. I was actually sick at a vegetarian restaurant last week. fortunately in the toilet. The food was nice though.
after all "nature" only "wants" us to reproduce and get the offspring safely out of the nest ...

Not really. With the advent of complex language a group of humans containing old and wise adults and/or childless adults, has better survival chances than a group of humans who are all parents who drop dead when their kids reach adulthood.
Not really. With the advent of complex language a group of humans containing old and wise adults and/or childless adults, has better survival chances than a group of humans who are all parents who drop dead when their kids reach adulthood.
OK , I'll allow nature to be taking us into late middle age :)
Since I retired, I have been repeatedly struck by all the people my age around here doing child-minding duties ...
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