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Hungry for Halloumi

waverunner said:
It's a flippin Cypriot cheese. End of story. Nowhere else in the world can you buy it the same way you can as in Cyprus. My Lebanese friends used to take it fresh over to lebanon when they were visiting family. :)
Would you, by any chance, be of Cypriot heritage, then? Only I detect a certain pro-Cypriot bias in this and the hummus threads... :)

Anyway, given that Cyprus has been invaded or occupied by Mycenae, Greeks, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians, Templars, Venetians, and the British, I'm not convinced about any claim that anything might necessarily be purely Cypriot, any more than most of the rest of the countries around the Mediterranean can claim to be purely anything, either!
SubZeroCat said:
Come over and join us if you like. :)

We'll have spliffage and maybe even beer (France match innit ;) )

oooh, tempting... i'll let you know when i know what 've got to do tonight. thanks :D
MrMalcontent said:
I love Halloumi in Halloumis Lettue, tomato and guacamole samwiches. Also I like it wit peppers:

Pre-heat oven to 180
Take large pepper - whatever colour you like, I prefer red. - cut it in half lenghtways through the stalk.
Remove the seeds
Oil the pepper inside and out.
Cut the halloumi into slices and put a slice in each pepper.
Add a hand ful of pine nuts on top of each.
A sprinkling of dill.
A squeeze of lemon juice.

Place in the oven for 20 mins, or until the pepper is cooked and halloumi brown.

Trying most of this for dinner tonight! :D
pembrokestephen said:
Would you, by any chance, be of Cypriot heritage, then? Only I detect a certain pro-Cypriot bias in this and the hummus threads... :)

Anyway, given that Cyprus has been invaded or occupied by Mycenae, Greeks, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians, Templars, Venetians, and the British, I'm not convinced about any claim that anything might necessarily be purely Cypriot, any more than most of the rest of the countries around the Mediterranean can claim to be purely anything, either!
I'm Cypriot and I'm Lebanese too, amongst other things... but yes I am biased. :)
SubZeroCat said:
I'm so looking forward to tonight's dinner (thanks to various urbanite suggestions)

Roasted veg (courgettes, red onions, peppers, tomatoes), couscous with chick peas & halloumi and an olive oil/tomato paste/herb dressing + home made humous on the side :cool:

It was delicious :cool:

I brought some to work today too!

i could eat 20 packets of halloumi a day...
i may have to go and purchase some halloumi this very second
(or at least at some point before lunchtime :) )
i had a chargrilled halloumi and mediteranian vegetable pitta pocket with sweet chilli sauce , served with salad and sweet potato chips for my tea a few days ago, from one of the cafes in the lanes in brighton. it was yummier than a yum thing dipped in yummy, with a sprinkling of tasty, served on a bed of delicious, with a side order of extra yum:)
the shops round here dont have halloumi :( would have to go into town but have not enough money for such food foraging :(
feyr said:
the shops round here dont have halloumi :( would have to go into town but have not enough money for such food foraging :(

Are there any Greek or Turkish shops around? Have you tried those cornershop cum greengrocer shops?
feyr said:
it was yummier than a yum thing dipped in yummy, with a sprinkling of tasty, served on a bed of delicious, with a side order of extra yum:)

Love that description, that's halloumi that is!! :D
serious halloumi recipe

make a salad - any salad, as long as you like it it really doesn't matter what you consider a salad.....

cut halloumi into 1cm cubes and rinse under the tap, shake dry. Put halloumi cubes into a bag of well seasoned flour and shake well to coat. Fry off the cubes until golden on all sides.

Top your salad with these cubes of heaven, and dress with a simple salad dressing of olive oil, balsamic, lime juice and coriander leaves chopped finely.

my other fave halloumi recipe is a simple vegetable & halloumi brochette (skewer) done over a gentle barbecue....

making me hungry now dammmitt.....!
SubZeroCat said:
Btw Strumpet - it doesn't strike me as a fatty cheese

Most cheese is pretty fatty -- halloumi's no exception at about 45%.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's over-rated and I'd rather get my fat content elsewhere! ;) :p
Ms T said:
Most cheese is pretty fatty -- halloumi's no exception at about 45%.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's over-rated and I'd rather get my fat content elsewhere! ;) :p

Yeah true. I should really start thinking about fat contents etc :oops:

I like it a lot and I get my fat content elsewhere too! :D

leave it, leave itttt... you don't know what a hornet's nest you're stirring up ... it's the Middle East fffs, they've got enough grief over there without having to start a war about cheese (even if it is such a lovely cheese as halloumi.)

If you ever really want to understand why the dispute over Cyprus has dragged out for so long, just put one greek and one turk at the same dinner table and ask them which country invented greek/turkish coffee ... or turkish delight ...or baklava !!!

And if you want to understand the depth of feeling about Israel and the Arab world, ask an egyptian and an israeli which country invented felafel...:eek:

ps this thread is clearly working. I just bought the last available packet of halloumi in tesco brixton ... it was SOLD OUT!

more converts to the cult of halloumi, god of cheese :)
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