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What flavour crisps would you have to be desperately hungry to eat?

I don't like cheese and onion much, but I do like the Pringles sour cream and chives.

On the other hand, I love basic salt and vinegar, but hate those poncey sea salt and basamic vinegar ones
I'll eat just about anything put infront of me and generally don't have any big problem with most flavours of crisps...

...Any kind of Dorito style crisps can fuck off though. I fucking hate corn chips, fucking shite!
Prawn cocktail and salt & vinegar in particular, but pretty much anything other than ready salted and cheese & onion. I wouldn't even eat PC or S&V if I was so hungry it hurt - I'd just buy some food.
Anything that Kyser buys really. I always say he buys the shit chips just out of spite, cause he knows I won't be able to eat them, but it's not that sinister really. He's just got weird taste. Prawn. Barbecue steak. Worcestershire Sauce. FFS.... :hmm:
I like the luxury versions of most crisps. For example, I'll eat Tyrell's cider vinegar and sea salt (when they're on special offer) though I don't normally like salt and vinegar. About the only ones I don't like are those Welsh sour cream and chives (Red Flag or something is it?) which I tried once and didn't buy again.
I hate them all. I especially hate paying for them, which you have to do if people who expect them are visiting (kids mostly).

I grow potatoes in the garden. I'll be buggered if I pay like $12.00 a pound for them, just because someone cut them very thin, fried them for me and stuck them into a Mylar bag.

I'd just as soon make popcorn and flavour it according to my whim of the moment.
I'm not that big on Bacon and Cheddar.

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