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Hungry for Halloumi

I *kidney* halloumi cheese! Fried and then served with pitta bread.

Or just raw, straight from the packet. Hideously unhealthy - but fucking lovely. :cool:
Unhealthy? Say it ain't so! :(

Anyway, here's my ode to halloumi...

Halloumi is the king of cheese
it does but nothing except to please
On skewers of wood or parcels wrapped tight
It's delicousness fills our mouths wtih delight.
A hearty snack or full on meal
Halloumi is the real deal

It's not as good as my falafel effort though.
zora said:
Is there Halloumi in South London, then? It looks like I'll be leaving North London very soon and most likely move south of the river, and my greatest worry is the 24/7 availability of halloumi which I've been spoilt thanks to the abundance of greek and turkish shops 'up north'.

I can vouch for the fact that the turkish shops 'darn sarf' are also purveyors halloumilicious cheeses.

You will not be entering a cheese desert! :p
pootle said:
Unhealthy? Say it ain't so! :(

Anyway, here's my ode to halloumi...

Halloumi is the king of cheese
it does but nothing except to please
On skewers of wood or parcels wrapped tight
It's delicousness fills our mouths wtih delight.
A hearty snack or full on meal
Halloumi is the real deal

It's not as good as my falafel effort though.

very moving
pootle said:
So last night I had THE most delicious tea...a bulgar wheat sald that had pomegranit (sp) and carrot in it, falafel pitta sarnies, and this fanci houmous that was topped with chickpeas AND the piece of resistance was halloumi cheese just fried, but with sweet chilli sauce drizzled over it.

Hoummous(and pretty much all things chickpea related) is so delicious they should have called it yummous.

Is that the M&S Moroccan houmous? It really is the business...
Ms T said:
Is that the M&S Moroccan houmous? It really is the business...

Uh huh! I've never eaten chickpeas in their natural-not-mashed-into-hoummous-or-falafel state.

They're flippin' delish, aren't they? How would one re-create chickpeas like that at home to top your own hoummous?
pootle said:
Uh huh! I've never eaten chickpeas in their natural-not-mashed-into-hoummous-or-falafel state.

They're flippin' delish, aren't they? How would one re-create chickpeas like that at home to top your own hoummous?


the thing with chickpease is that to make hummos you add sesame taste which IMO is the magic ingredient... yummi whatever u add it to!
beeboo said:
I can vouch for the fact that the turkish shops 'darn sarf' are also purveyors halloumilicious cheeses.

You will not be entering a cheese desert! :p

What a relief! :D
OMG bump!

My lil one and I just had grilled halloumi slices with our pasta....o...m...g.....to...die...for. :eek: :D

Grill halloumi, cut it up, and put it in trahana soup. There's a traditional dish for ya :)

And may I take this opportunity to remind everyone that halloumi is a CYPRIOT product not a Greek one. Thank you :)
Strumpet said:
It's pretty healthy right? Or is it full of fat? :(
Well given that we eat this stuff all the time, and everyone lives to ripe old healthy ages, its fine :) The thing to watch with halloumi is the salt content.. though I think they've started selling 'reduced salt' halloumi now :rolleyes: Better to grill it though, than fry it.
AAhhh good ok ty. :)
Yup I brushed it with a tiny bit of olive oil and grilled it...was a little salty but I don't mind that. Might try the soaking it in water suggestion next time i buy some. And my 7yr old loved it too!
Can't wait for dinner tomorrow, gonna have the rest of it mmmmm. :D
oooh, I've got a pack of halloumi in the fridge. In fact I think I always have a pack of halloumi in the fridge!

I'm gonna try a variation on lighterthief's recipe for lunch.

This is a great thread! :D
han said:
I love halloumi - I *HEART* salty things


I love slicing it and grilling it. And just eating it really :D

lighterthief - that recipe sounds deliiiish!

Btw Strumpet - it doesn't strike me as a fatty cheese
I love Halloumi in Halloumis Lettue, tomato and guacamole samwiches. Also I like it wit peppers:

Pre-heat oven to 180
Take large pepper - whatever colour you like, I prefer red. - cut it in half lenghtways through the stalk.
Remove the seeds
Oil the pepper inside and out.
Cut the halloumi into slices and put a slice in each pepper.
Add a hand ful of pine nuts on top of each.
A sprinkling of dill.
A squeeze of lemon juice.

Place in the oven for 20 mins, or until the pepper is cooked and halloumi brown.
MrMalcontent said:
I love Halloumi in Halloumis Lettue, tomato and guacamole samwiches. Also I like it wit peppers:

Pre-heat oven to 180
Take large pepper - whatever colour you like, I prefer red. - cut it in half lenghtways through the stalk.
Remove the seeds
Oil the pepper inside and out.
Cut the halloumi into slices and put a slice in each pepper.
Add a hand ful of pine nuts on top of each.
A sprinkling of dill.
A squeeze of lemon juice.

Place in the oven for 20 mins, or until the pepper is cooked and halloumi brown.

oohh, droool!
beeboo said:
Canned chickpeas are teh business for those sudden legume cravings, but to me, there's no comparison between home-cooked ones and the tinned ones. The tinned ones take on a slightly metallic tang, and are (I think) tinned in sweetened, salted water, which is vaguely blech; home-made ones, apart from lacking the tang and the unnecessary sweetness, also tend to be less floury and mushy than the shopular ones. If you're in the business of doing much with dried pulses, I thoroughly recommend a pressure cooker: chick peas the normal way means 24 hours soaking, 10 mins rapid boiling, and up to an hour and a half simmering; in a pressure cooker, just blat the hard ones in, add water, and steam for 40-60 mins. Job done. Yum.

Remember that if you're making falafels, you don't cook the chickpeas, though, just soak 'em (in my recipe, at least, and that's Madhur Jaffrey, FWIW).

ETA: Oh, bollocks. This is an old thread. Grr.
waverunner said:
Grill halloumi, cut it up, and put it in trahana soup. There's a traditional dish for ya :)

And may I take this opportunity to remind everyone that halloumi is a CYPRIOT product not a Greek one. Thank you :)
Tell that to the Arabs in Dubai who sold me my first fix. :)

Just a plate of it dry fried with sweet chilli dipping sauce on the side. It's that new light stuff which was on offer and is a bit :confused: It's not got the same amount of water running out of it but it does have proper chunks of salt crystals in it.
It's a flippin Cypriot cheese. End of story. Nowhere else in the world can you buy it the same way you can as in Cyprus. My Lebanese friends used to take it fresh over to lebanon when they were visiting family. :)
I'm so looking forward to tonight's dinner (thanks to various urbanite suggestions)

Roasted veg (courgettes, red onions, peppers, tomatoes), couscous with chick peas & halloumi and an olive oil/tomato paste/herb dressing + home made humous on the side :cool:
SubZeroCat said:
I'm so looking forward to tonight's dinner (thanks to various urbanite suggestions)

Roasted veg (courgettes, red onions, peppers, tomatoes), couscous with chick peas & halloumi and an olive oil/tomato paste/herb dressing + home made humous on the side :cool:

fed ex me some, that sounds lovely.
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