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Hungry for Halloumi


little moran
I've got a craving for some of that yummy, squeaky greek cheese for my tea tonight.

Any top tips on what I could have it with?

Btw...I have to say that Surburban is rapidly becoming my favourite new forum!
I've got an unopened packet at the back of my fridge - shall I send it to you in a jiffy bag? :)

And of course, suburban is where it is at! :cool:
you could try a nice ciabbat drizzles with olive oil, some sun dried tomatos and a bit of rocket... which ever way you eat the halloum, it's bloody delicious.

Im having some for lunch today: black oilves, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, raddish and a bit of lettuce with lots of black peper and some olive oil. and ryvita. YUMMI.
My favourite halloumi recipe ever. It tastes fantastic, is good for veggie friends and you can usually pick up the ingredients cheaply and locally:

Slither and roast a red onion and a red pepper or two in the oven for 40 mins or so, until nice and soft and perhaps a little black at the very edges.

Make up some couscous (maybe half a packet - just pop in a bowl and add hot water, then cover with a plate).

Make the sauce: about a small mugful of olive oil, a decent squirt of tomato puree, juice of two limes, a small teaspoon of chilli powder (or harissa paste if you have some), sea salt and 2-3 crushed garlic cloves. Mix it up a bit, don't fret too much as it does tend to separate. It is a lot of oil, and some prefer a little less, so up to you really.

Rinse then chop the halloumi into small chunks and fry in a dry pan until turning golden brown. Keep an eye on the pan. One pack halloumi does two people.

Grab a good handful of pitted black olives.

Combine the lot, making sure the sauce really coats the couscous and vegetables. Serve.

Ring the changes with roasted parsnips or sweet potatoes instead of the peppers etc.
Oh. My. God.

That sounds delicious lighterthief, and pretty easy too.

Beeboo! Get that jiffy bag ready!! :)

God. I'm so hungry! I think I'm going to write a poem about halloumi to take my mind off it.
have a drink then :confused: ;)

i just have the simple halloumi brushed with chili oil and grilled

serve as a starter with physalis and rocket
rubbershoes said:
have a drink then :confused: ;)

i just have the simple halloumi brushed with chili oil and grilled

serve as a starter with physalis and rocket

I read that as "syphillis and rocket" :eek: :D
I dunno -- I've really tried to like halloumi, but it's just too salty and rubbery for me. I much prefer feta.
I love halloumi - I *HEART* salty things, and love the way it squeaks on yer teeth!

I just pour homemade chilli sauce on it after grilling it and eat it like that. God my mouth is watering just talking about it!

Lighterthief.....that recipe sounds gorgeous <runs off to print it>
rubbershoes said:
have a drink then :confused: ;)

i just have the simple halloumi brushed with chili oil and grilled

serve as a starter with physalis and rocket

Jesus, I wish I'd thought of that (slaps forehead). :p
I mean so thirsty that it wakes me up about 3 times in the the night and I can't get rid of the thirst no matter how much water I drink.
why would you want anything else on the surface of your plate if you could completely cover it with slices of fried halloumi? why mess with perfection?

PS halloumi should ALWAYS be taken out of the packet and soaked in unsalted water (just out of the tap is fine) for a couple of hours before you use it anyway, unless you are only using it for a topping or a few dice in a salad and you want it v salty. Soaking it in fresh water limits the saltiness but its squeaky qualities remain intact.

It ends up a bit like proper fresh mozzarella, but more flavourful and firmer.
ps you should change the water every day or 2 if you're foolish enough not to eat it all at once.
As a recent convert to the halloumi (didn't used to like the rubbery squeakiness, but it grows on a person), I made some wicked pasta with caper sauce and grilled halloumi last week:

Fry up some onions and garlic, after about 5 minutes add loads of flat leaf parsley, fry for a couple of minutes more then whizz in a food processor with lots of capers and maybe some more oil if you like it moist. Grill two large red peppers till they're black, take the skin off and cut into strips. Cut the halloumi into cubes, brush with olive oil and chuck on loads of black pepper, then grill till golden and crunchy on top. Cook some pasta shapes and mix the whole lot together for a luscious lukewarm red, white and green mess.
trabuquera said:
PS halloumi should ALWAYS be taken out of the packet and soaked in unsalted water (just out of the tap is fine) for a couple of hours before you use it anyway, unless you are only using it for a topping or a few dice in a salad and you want it v salty. Soaking it in fresh water limits the saltiness but its squeaky qualities remain intact.

It ends up a bit like proper fresh mozzarella, but more flavourful and firmer.
ps you should change the water every day or 2 if you're foolish enough not to eat it all at once.

Bingo! that's my problem - I need to soak it - ooh that's made my day that has.
trabuquera said:
It ends up a bit like proper fresh mozzarella, but more flavourful and firmer.
ps you should change the water every day or 2 if you're foolish enough not to eat it all at once.

Sorry, but proper, buffalo mozarella really is the business -- much better than halloumi.
Didn't mean to imply that halloumi (even when properly soaked) is BETTER than buffalo mozz - just that soaked halloumi becomes MORE LIKE buffalo mozzarella. (i meant 'tastier as in savourier, stronger tasting' not as in 'more delicious'.)

Agree with you that proper fresh buffalo mozz is the bees knees tho. I've never had the chance but an Italian friend of mine recounts that she knows a place in deep southern Italy where you line up and get given the freshest possible ones to eat .... no dressing, no parsely, no tomatoes, no nuffin, just a knife and fork and a big bouncy ball of buffalo goodness. (she says she could eat 2 WHOLE ONES at a sitting - and these are the proper traditional size, like 2 big men's fists together. mind you she was totally incapable of moving afterwards.)
Yay to all of the above recipes and to add:

an ex-boyfriend of mine invented the scrambled egg and halloumi breakfast baguette. dog's. bollocks.

Is there Halloumi in South London, then? It looks like I'll be leaving North London very soon and most likely move south of the river, and my greatest worry is the 24/7 availability of halloumi which I've been spoilt thanks to the abundance of greek and turkish shops 'up north'.
zora said:
Yay to all of the above recipes and to add:

an ex-boyfriend of mine invented the scrambled egg and halloumi breakfast baguette. dog's. bollocks.

Is there Halloumi in South London, then? It looks like I'll be leaving North London very soon and most likely move south of the river, and my greatest worry is the 24/7 availability of halloumi which I've been spoilt thanks to the abundance of greek and turkish shops 'up north'.
I got my halloumi from Sainsburys or something. It's pretty common nowadays.
i bought some tonight after this thread... :) from somerfield so don't worry about availability. somerfield's is a truly crap supermarket
han said:
I love halloumi - I *HEART* salty things, and love the way it squeaks on yer teeth!

Oh yes...squeaking halloumi

It always does it for me...

Chop them up into half size rectangles
Pop under the grill, nice and toasted but not burn't
Get those asbestos fingers out
Chuck the toasted haloumi in the salad
leave a few minutes to absorb the dressing


yum, squeakingly delicious yum
Ok I'm very new to this phenomenon...I have tasted it once and omg YUM! :)
I have tried getting it at Tesco's but all they have is it with mint in?? Is that right or is it usually plain?!
So last night I had THE most delicious tea...a bulgar wheat sald that had pomegranit (sp) and carrot in it, falafel pitta sarnies, and this fanci houmous that was topped with chickpeas AND the piece of resistance was halloumi cheese just fried, but with sweet chilli sauce drizzled over it.

Hoummous(and pretty much all things chickpea related) is so delicious they should have called it yummous.
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