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Hundreds of Post Office workers ‘vindicated’ by High Court ruling over faulty Post Office IT system

So, having gone down a few rabbitholes, I've learned some things about Horizon.
  • It was written for NT 4.0, and up until 2015 at least, was running on the same platform.
  • The programming language was Visual Basic (remember, this would be late-90s VB).
  • The message passing system they used to mediate communication between branches and the central system was one that had no notion of atomicity of transactions.
A few thoughts.

I was in the full pomp of my IT career in the late 90s - maturing across to becoming a database designer/developer/admin on fairly large Unix systems (typically Sun or AIX). I come from a pretty solid Unix background, and - yes - I shared the general attitudes of my peers to things like NT. In Unix, pretty much from the start, reliability and security are baked in, in a way that means that, particularly in the early days of NT, it couldn't hold a candle to Unix on reliability OR security - its history was littered with comparatively trivial exploits, because it was comparatively easy for malware to gain access to the privileged part of the kernel; on reliability, NT types consider maintaining an uptime of days or weeks as an unusual achievement - NT shops I knew of would try to ensure that servers were rebooted daily, to avoid system crashes and unpredictable behaviours.

NT also didn't scale very well - again, Unix has the idea of machine-agnostic operations baked in, while NT did get some distributed stuff over time, but it was always a bit of a bolt-on. And an overloaded NT system tends to fail unpredictably (to be fair, overload failure cases for Unix systems aren't exactly beautiful, but tend to fail somewhat more gracefully than NT, whose usual failure mode was a segmentation fault and the blue screen of death).

Visual Basic is not a language that ranked (or ranks) very highly in terms of programming environments for large systems (and let's be clear here - Horizon was a LARGE system). It lacks all kinds of important features. In all the use cases for VB (and this is VB Classic, not the rather more competent .NET version around nowadays, which I probably still wouldn't touch with a bargepole) that I encountered in my career, the primary consideration was "ease of development", because it came with an integrated development environment, and "well, everybody knows BASIC, right?".

Things that BASIC doesn't have or do - consistent interfaces with external libraries - the language isn't really extensible in the way that most of the more solid offerings tend to do; a decent exception-handling model (typically, in BASIC, you're going to be testing error states explicitly rather than integrating your error handling into some kind of exception framework. That makes code complex to review and debug, and doesn't do a very good job of differentiating, for example, input errors vs aspects of system failure (communication link failures, synchronisation errors, inability to access subcomponents such as databases.

Atomicity is a critical part of any data processing system. There are certain kinds of database update which, while they might consist of several steps, need to operate on an all-or-nothing basis, ie. if a part of that collection of updates fails, the database should be rolled back to its initial state, and an error reported, rather than leaving the database with the transaction half-done (as a roving DBMS troubleshooter, I encountered dozens of cases, in all kinds of programming language, where this basic Databases 101 principle was not followed). The way you do it with any halfway decent DBMS is that you group the steps into a "transaction". You tell the DBMS you're starting a transaction ("BEGIN TRANSACTION" in SQL), do the steps, which are cached in the DBMS until you send the "COMMIT", at which point they are applied all together to the database. If you want to manually roll back, you can issue a command to do that, and most DBMSs will automatically roll back an uncommitted transaction if there is some sort of failure (eg a programme crash) before the COMMIT is sent. Another reason for checking those error states very carefully.

Another big fat gotcha I encountered a lot was people just assuming that their database update had worked, and not doing any error checking around that (probably on an "I'll get to that later" basis, as - particularly with something like VB, adding that error checking adds a lot of cruft and clutter to the code, and as we now know, many of Horizon's developers were barely competent*)

I haven't been able to find out which DBMS Horizon was using, but I'm willing to guess, on the strength of the choice of NT and Visual Basic, that they were using some version of SQL Server, Microsoft's in-house DBMS. I never liked administering it much, but the general view is that it was a solid enough platform, so they probably got that right, at least.

But - particularly given the question of atomicity - even if the DBMS supported transactions, which SQL Server does, we're talking about a distributed system here. The database ran on Horizon's servers; the workstations at the post offices just generated "transactions" (not DBMS transactions) which were then piped over the ISDN line to the servers, using a message passing library. In principle, with some decent design (and proper error checking, FFS), this could be made to work. But the problems you have when you are generating information on one system, and then updating a central system with that information, make doing local database updates look like a walk in the park.

While it is unlikely that there would be conflicts in data between the post offices (although there WERE errors that arose as a result of the system confusing updates from multiple workstations within a single post office), there are many more factors that come into play.

First, you need to be absolutely sure that your transaction went through, and handle it appropriately if it doesn't. So why wouldn't a transaction go through? Typically, this would be as a result of a communications failure - a temporary outage on the ISDN line, perhaps even some local networking issue. But another factor with Horizon is that every post office in the country did its reconciliation at the same time on a Wednesday afternoon, with the result that there would be heavy peak traffic just as everyone was updating their accounts for the week. Remember I said that NT doesn't scale all that well? Here we are. There's a front-end server somewhere, running NT, and suddenly receiving thousands of updates as each workstation sends a bundle of data to it. Most inter-system communications protocols will have some kind of timeout, so that a transfer that isn't reported as completed after a certain time (30s, 60s, something like that) returns as an error. Now, here is where it gets messy. You've got a developer sitting in their office writing code to do this kind of update. Their "local" workstation is sitting on the same network that they are, and that will be reliable enough for the dev to forget that there is even potential for an error. As for scaling - even with the best intentions, organising some kind of "stress test" where you put the server under high load is a complete PITA, and uses up huge amounts of time and resources - being able to do that kind of thing was, in my experience, a bit of a luxury. And, if you're inexperienced in working on distributed systems, you might not even perceive that there could be a problem. I think this is borne out by some of the statements at the inquiry, where subpostmasters would describe the system "freezing" without explanation, and then recording their multiple attempts to try and get the transaction submitted as multiple separate transactions. So it seems pretty likely that Horizon was handling communication failures badly, if at all.

There's loads more I could get into, but this is a long enough post already. Anyway, my curiosity about how the system worked is partly assuaged... :D

* barely competent - I recall encountering a fair few VB programmers in my career, and the bulk of those tended not to be what we might think of as "serious" developers, whatever they considered themselves to be. They typically had zero experience of remote, multi-user, multi-server environments, let alone working with databases (actually, that's not true - I saw a lot of CVs claiming "database experience" which turned out to be solely using the execrable Access). Plenty of my colleagues knew VB, and used it for simple, kludgy things, but wouldn't do most of their work in such a language - a pretty good tell for a dubious programmer would be to see if they had any programming experience outside VB.
had no notion of atomicity of transactions.
Atomicity is a critical part of any data processing system. There are certain kinds of database update which, while they might consist of several steps, need to operate on an all-or-nothing basis, ie. if a part of that collection of updates fails, the database should be rolled back to its initial state, and an error reported, rather than leaving the database with the transaction half-done (as a roving DBMS troubleshooter, I encountered dozens of cases, in all kinds of programming language, where this basic Databases 101 principle was not followed). The way you do it with any halfway decent DBMS is that you group the steps into a "transaction". You tell the DBMS you're starting a transaction ("BEGIN TRANSACTION" in SQL), do the steps, which are cached in the DBMS until you send the "COMMIT", at which point they are applied all together to the database. If you want to manually roll back, you can issue a command to do that, and most DBMSs will automatically roll back an uncommitted transaction if there is some sort of failure (eg a programme crash) before the COMMIT is sent. Another reason for checking those error states very carefully.
I do keep meaning to start a thread (very niche though I think) on scientific/programming concepts that translate well to everyday life. I was taught it as a 'single indivisible action' and is extremely useful when turning on gas, starting to run a bath, going out and locking the door and the like.
So, having gone down a few rabbitholes, I've learned some things about Horizon.
  • It was written for NT 4.0, and up until 2015 at least, was running on the same platform.
  • The programming language was Visual Basic (remember, this would be late-90s VB).
  • The message passing system they used to mediate communication between branches and the central system was one that had no notion of atomicity of transactions.
A few thoughts.

I was in the full pomp of my IT career in the late 90s - maturing across to becoming a database designer/developer/admin on fairly large Unix systems (typically Sun or AIX). I come from a pretty solid Unix background, and - yes - I shared the general attitudes of my peers to things like NT. In Unix, pretty much from the start, reliability and security are baked in, in a way that means that, particularly in the early days of NT, it couldn't hold a candle to Unix on reliability OR security - its history was littered with comparatively trivial exploits, because it was comparatively easy for malware to gain access to the privileged part of the kernel; on reliability, NT types consider maintaining an uptime of days or weeks as an unusual achievement - NT shops I knew of would try to ensure that servers were rebooted daily, to avoid system crashes and unpredictable behaviours.

NT also didn't scale very well - again, Unix has the idea of machine-agnostic operations baked in, while NT did get some distributed stuff over time, but it was always a bit of a bolt-on. And an overloaded NT system tends to fail unpredictably (to be fair, overload failure cases for Unix systems aren't exactly beautiful, but tend to fail somewhat more gracefully than NT, whose usual failure mode was a segmentation fault and the blue screen of death).

Visual Basic is not a language that ranked (or ranks) very highly in terms of programming environments for large systems (and let's be clear here - Horizon was a LARGE system). It lacks all kinds of important features. In all the use cases for VB (and this is VB Classic, not the rather more competent .NET version around nowadays, which I probably still wouldn't touch with a bargepole) that I encountered in my career, the primary consideration was "ease of development", because it came with an integrated development environment, and "well, everybody knows BASIC, right?".

Things that BASIC doesn't have or do - consistent interfaces with external libraries - the language isn't really extensible in the way that most of the more solid offerings tend to do; a decent exception-handling model (typically, in BASIC, you're going to be testing error states explicitly rather than integrating your error handling into some kind of exception framework. That makes code complex to review and debug, and doesn't do a very good job of differentiating, for example, input errors vs aspects of system failure (communication link failures, synchronisation errors, inability to access subcomponents such as databases.

Atomicity is a critical part of any data processing system. There are certain kinds of database update which, while they might consist of several steps, need to operate on an all-or-nothing basis, ie. if a part of that collection of updates fails, the database should be rolled back to its initial state, and an error reported, rather than leaving the database with the transaction half-done (as a roving DBMS troubleshooter, I encountered dozens of cases, in all kinds of programming language, where this basic Databases 101 principle was not followed). The way you do it with any halfway decent DBMS is that you group the steps into a "transaction". You tell the DBMS you're starting a transaction ("BEGIN TRANSACTION" in SQL), do the steps, which are cached in the DBMS until you send the "COMMIT", at which point they are applied all together to the database. If you want to manually roll back, you can issue a command to do that, and most DBMSs will automatically roll back an uncommitted transaction if there is some sort of failure (eg a programme crash) before the COMMIT is sent. Another reason for checking those error states very carefully.

Another big fat gotcha I encountered a lot was people just assuming that their database update had worked, and not doing any error checking around that (probably on an "I'll get to that later" basis, as - particularly with something like VB, adding that error checking adds a lot of cruft and clutter to the code, and as we now know, many of Horizon's developers were barely competent*)

I haven't been able to find out which DBMS Horizon was using, but I'm willing to guess, on the strength of the choice of NT and Visual Basic, that they were using some version of SQL Server, Microsoft's in-house DBMS. I never liked administering it much, but the general view is that it was a solid enough platform, so they probably got that right, at least.

But - particularly given the question of atomicity - even if the DBMS supported transactions, which SQL Server does, we're talking about a distributed system here. The database ran on Horizon's servers; the workstations at the post offices just generated "transactions" (not DBMS transactions) which were then piped over the ISDN line to the servers, using a message passing library. In principle, with some decent design (and proper error checking, FFS), this could be made to work. But the problems you have when you are generating information on one system, and then updating a central system with that information, make doing local database updates look like a walk in the park.

While it is unlikely that there would be conflicts in data between the post offices (although there WERE errors that arose as a result of the system confusing updates from multiple workstations within a single post office), there are many more factors that come into play.

First, you need to be absolutely sure that your transaction went through, and handle it appropriately if it doesn't. So why wouldn't a transaction go through? Typically, this would be as a result of a communications failure - a temporary outage on the ISDN line, perhaps even some local networking issue. But another factor with Horizon is that every post office in the country did its reconciliation at the same time on a Wednesday afternoon, with the result that there would be heavy peak traffic just as everyone was updating their accounts for the week. Remember I said that NT doesn't scale all that well? Here we are. There's a front-end server somewhere, running NT, and suddenly receiving thousands of updates as each workstation sends a bundle of data to it. Most inter-system communications protocols will have some kind of timeout, so that a transfer that isn't reported as completed after a certain time (30s, 60s, something like that) returns as an error. Now, here is where it gets messy. You've got a developer sitting in their office writing code to do this kind of update. Their "local" workstation is sitting on the same network that they are, and that will be reliable enough for the dev to forget that there is even potential for an error. As for scaling - even with the best intentions, organising some kind of "stress test" where you put the server under high load is a complete PITA, and uses up huge amounts of time and resources - being able to do that kind of thing was, in my experience, a bit of a luxury. And, if you're inexperienced in working on distributed systems, you might not even perceive that there could be a problem. I think this is borne out by some of the statements at the inquiry, where subpostmasters would describe the system "freezing" without explanation, and then recording their multiple attempts to try and get the transaction submitted as multiple separate transactions. So it seems pretty likely that Horizon was handling communication failures badly, if at all.

There's loads more I could get into, but this is a long enough post already. Anyway, my curiosity about how the system worked is partly assuaged... :D

* barely competent - I recall encountering a fair few VB programmers in my career, and the bulk of those tended not to be what we might think of as "serious" developers, whatever they considered themselves to be. They typically had zero experience of remote, multi-user, multi-server environments, let alone working with databases (actually, that's not true - I saw a lot of CVs claiming "database experience" which turned out to be solely using the execrable Access). Plenty of my colleagues knew VB, and used it for simple, kludgy things, but wouldn't do most of their work in such a language - a pretty good tell for a dubious programmer would be to see if they had any programming experience outside VB.

So good to see a detailed, thorough and well-informed post on a messaging platform.
Just to add to what existentialist is saying, and to preempt the potential counter-argument that lots of scalable and reliable complex enterprise systems are built on Windows services these days, I have had a few interactions with Fujitsu, and it is no surprise at all that a software dev culture sustained mainly to exploit the continued gravy train of servicing legacy green screen HMG megasystems would struggle with anything new and shiny.
Just to add to what existentialist is saying, and to preempt the potential counter-argument that lots of scalable and reliable complex enterprise systems are built on Windows services these days, I have had a few interactions with Fujitsu, and it is no surprise at all that a software dev culture sustained mainly to exploit the continued gravy train of servicing legacy green screen HMG megasystems would struggle with anything new and shiny.
Also, we have to remember that the world of software development HAS changed over the last 25 years. With the emphasis on cloud services, handling communications effectively is much more of a given than back when Horizon was being developed, when techie types would still be at the stage of creaming their drawers when they'd managed to get one system to display "hello world" on another system's display. Or maybe that was just me :D
Another Interesting Fact.

From a brief mention in a Computer Weekly article, it looked as if they'd been quite clever - they have an arrangement where each transaction entry logged in the database was digitally signed in some way (I suspect some kind of checksum), to avoid individual transactions being spuriously altered.

Shame, then, that someone had actually gone to the trouble of producing a tool which specifically allowed manual tweaks to database records, and the generation of a new checksum/whatever to bypass that check.

Also...transaction logs. The canonical way of managing a remote system updating a central one is that, rather than directly write the transaction over, you store it in a local transaction log. Then, another process works down the transaction log, posting them remotely, and (ideally) handling any error that arises as a result.

And it turns out that ICL/Fujitsu had the capability, repeatedly denied in court by POL, to go into local systems and amend that transaction log without leaving any kind of audit trail. That's like getting a big steel front door with 14 locks and a huge beam of wood behind it, then kicking a hole in the wall right next to it. No wonder POL wanted to pretend that couldn't be done.
Also, we have to remember that the world of software development HAS changed over the last 25 years. With the emphasis on cloud services, handling communications effectively is much more of a given than back when Horizon was being developed, when techie types would still be at the stage of creaming their drawers when they'd managed to get one system to display "hello world" on another system's display. Or maybe that was just me :D

And the other way that it has changed is that you get industry-specific middleware these days, so nobody would be mad enough to build a complex - but not particularly sui generis - retail transaction control system from scratch. You’d be employing an integrator to plug in and tailor a load of COTS stuff that took care of the basics you describe.
So, having gone down a few rabbitholes, I've learned some things about Horizon.
  • It was written for NT 4.0, and up until 2015 at least, was running on the same platform.
  • The programming language was Visual Basic (remember, this would be late-90s VB).
  • The message passing system they used to mediate communication between branches and the central system was one that had no notion of atomicity of transactions.
A few thoughts.

I was in the full pomp of my IT career in the late 90s - maturing across to becoming a database designer/developer/admin on fairly large Unix systems (typically Sun or AIX). I come from a pretty solid Unix background, and - yes - I shared the general attitudes of my peers to things like NT. In Unix, pretty much from the start, reliability and security are baked in, in a way that means that, particularly in the early days of NT, it couldn't hold a candle to Unix on reliability OR security - its history was littered with comparatively trivial exploits, because it was comparatively easy for malware to gain access to the privileged part of the kernel; on reliability, NT types consider maintaining an uptime of days or weeks as an unusual achievement - NT shops I knew of would try to ensure that servers were rebooted daily, to avoid system crashes and unpredictable behaviours.

NT also didn't scale very well - again, Unix has the idea of machine-agnostic operations baked in, while NT did get some distributed stuff over time, but it was always a bit of a bolt-on. And an overloaded NT system tends to fail unpredictably (to be fair, overload failure cases for Unix systems aren't exactly beautiful, but tend to fail somewhat more gracefully than NT, whose usual failure mode was a segmentation fault and the blue screen of death).

Visual Basic is not a language that ranked (or ranks) very highly in terms of programming environments for large systems (and let's be clear here - Horizon was a LARGE system). It lacks all kinds of important features. In all the use cases for VB (and this is VB Classic, not the rather more competent .NET version around nowadays, which I probably still wouldn't touch with a bargepole) that I encountered in my career, the primary consideration was "ease of development", because it came with an integrated development environment, and "well, everybody knows BASIC, right?".

Things that BASIC doesn't have or do - consistent interfaces with external libraries - the language isn't really extensible in the way that most of the more solid offerings tend to do; a decent exception-handling model (typically, in BASIC, you're going to be testing error states explicitly rather than integrating your error handling into some kind of exception framework. That makes code complex to review and debug, and doesn't do a very good job of differentiating, for example, input errors vs aspects of system failure (communication link failures, synchronisation errors, inability to access subcomponents such as databases.

Atomicity is a critical part of any data processing system. There are certain kinds of database update which, while they might consist of several steps, need to operate on an all-or-nothing basis, ie. if a part of that collection of updates fails, the database should be rolled back to its initial state, and an error reported, rather than leaving the database with the transaction half-done (as a roving DBMS troubleshooter, I encountered dozens of cases, in all kinds of programming language, where this basic Databases 101 principle was not followed). The way you do it with any halfway decent DBMS is that you group the steps into a "transaction". You tell the DBMS you're starting a transaction ("BEGIN TRANSACTION" in SQL), do the steps, which are cached in the DBMS until you send the "COMMIT", at which point they are applied all together to the database. If you want to manually roll back, you can issue a command to do that, and most DBMSs will automatically roll back an uncommitted transaction if there is some sort of failure (eg a programme crash) before the COMMIT is sent. Another reason for checking those error states very carefully.

Another big fat gotcha I encountered a lot was people just assuming that their database update had worked, and not doing any error checking around that (probably on an "I'll get to that later" basis, as - particularly with something like VB, adding that error checking adds a lot of cruft and clutter to the code, and as we now know, many of Horizon's developers were barely competent*)

I haven't been able to find out which DBMS Horizon was using, but I'm willing to guess, on the strength of the choice of NT and Visual Basic, that they were using some version of SQL Server, Microsoft's in-house DBMS. I never liked administering it much, but the general view is that it was a solid enough platform, so they probably got that right, at least.

But - particularly given the question of atomicity - even if the DBMS supported transactions, which SQL Server does, we're talking about a distributed system here. The database ran on Horizon's servers; the workstations at the post offices just generated "transactions" (not DBMS transactions) which were then piped over the ISDN line to the servers, using a message passing library. In principle, with some decent design (and proper error checking, FFS), this could be made to work. But the problems you have when you are generating information on one system, and then updating a central system with that information, make doing local database updates look like a walk in the park.

While it is unlikely that there would be conflicts in data between the post offices (although there WERE errors that arose as a result of the system confusing updates from multiple workstations within a single post office), there are many more factors that come into play.

First, you need to be absolutely sure that your transaction went through, and handle it appropriately if it doesn't. So why wouldn't a transaction go through? Typically, this would be as a result of a communications failure - a temporary outage on the ISDN line, perhaps even some local networking issue. But another factor with Horizon is that every post office in the country did its reconciliation at the same time on a Wednesday afternoon, with the result that there would be heavy peak traffic just as everyone was updating their accounts for the week. Remember I said that NT doesn't scale all that well? Here we are. There's a front-end server somewhere, running NT, and suddenly receiving thousands of updates as each workstation sends a bundle of data to it. Most inter-system communications protocols will have some kind of timeout, so that a transfer that isn't reported as completed after a certain time (30s, 60s, something like that) returns as an error. Now, here is where it gets messy. You've got a developer sitting in their office writing code to do this kind of update. Their "local" workstation is sitting on the same network that they are, and that will be reliable enough for the dev to forget that there is even potential for an error. As for scaling - even with the best intentions, organising some kind of "stress test" where you put the server under high load is a complete PITA, and uses up huge amounts of time and resources - being able to do that kind of thing was, in my experience, a bit of a luxury. And, if you're inexperienced in working on distributed systems, you might not even perceive that there could be a problem. I think this is borne out by some of the statements at the inquiry, where subpostmasters would describe the system "freezing" without explanation, and then recording their multiple attempts to try and get the transaction submitted as multiple separate transactions. So it seems pretty likely that Horizon was handling communication failures badly, if at all.

There's loads more I could get into, but this is a long enough post already. Anyway, my curiosity about how the system worked is partly assuaged... :D

* barely competent - I recall encountering a fair few VB programmers in my career, and the bulk of those tended not to be what we might think of as "serious" developers, whatever they considered themselves to be. They typically had zero experience of remote, multi-user, multi-server environments, let alone working with databases (actually, that's not true - I saw a lot of CVs claiming "database experience" which turned out to be solely using the execrable Access). Plenty of my colleagues knew VB, and used it for simple, kludgy things, but wouldn't do most of their work in such a language - a pretty good tell for a dubious programmer would be to see if they had any programming experience outside VB.
I love it when you talk dirty
There's another ETA to add to my long post.

Into and throughout the 1990s, and arguably since, there has always been a shortage of IT developer types. Well, a shortage of all IT types. That has had a couple of effects.

Firstly, it meant that good developers were expensive. Sometimes seriously expensive - market forces, innit? So if you need a lot of developers, you're either going to have to pony up a lot of cash, or find some other way of cutting that bill. One way that organisations often got excited about was the various new graphical programming tools, which in essence enabled people to write applications that looked dead cool, because these tools (such as VB) provided all the goodies that made it possible to make applications look cool. We've seen wave after wave of these miracle innovations - there was even an environment called "The Last One", because it claimed to make the need to programme anything redundant (amusingly, it output BASIC code).

Couple that with the fact that Visual Basic was a kind of entry-level introduction to programming, and all of a sudden you have a bunch of wannabe developers who've learned how to make cool-looking apps, but not very much beyond that - certainly no database theory, understanding of things like TCP/IP and comms, etc. We all know how government contract types will prioritise low cost over pretty much everything else, and my bet is that someone figured out that there were all these VB programmers turning out cool-looking apps, available for rather less than it would cost you to hire a DBMS-aware programmer with experience across a number of languages/platforms. I don't know what the going rate was back in the late 90s, but I was being hired out as a perl/C/SQL developer and DBA for something in the £40/hour ballpark (not that I got to see all of that - agency commissions, etc). But I bet they were picking up VB types for not a lot more than half that, unless someone was really ripping them off.

BASIC, FWIW, is a language that many of us in the world of IT tend to look down on a bit, and with good reason. It was never written to be an efficient, solid, secure development tool. It's an essentially interpreted language, so quite inefficient in terms of processing resources (less of a problem these days, but a big deal in the late 90s), and its primary purpose was as an introduction to programming for people new to it. There could be some argument as to whether starting with BASIC is the best place to begin to learn about programming, but, hey, it's where I started, and it didn't do me no harm :hmm:. The difference is that I went off to find other things (mostly C, although that wouldn't be my language of choice for writing something like Horizon, either). The fact that it even exists is really more historical accident than anything to do with fitness for purpose.
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To be fair to it, I don't think modern VB.NET has very much to do with the command line interpreted version of our respective youthhoods. It evolved out of it, sure, but it's a very, very different beastie.
To be fair to it, I don't think modern VB.NET has very much to do with the command line interpreted version of our respective youthhoods. It evolved out of it, sure, but it's a very, very different beastie.
I don't know VB.NET in any kind of depth, but the general view does seem to be that VB Classic (what Horizon would have been written in) is a very different animal from VB.NET.

I took the Unix path, so it was always very unlikely that I was going to find myself working with VB of any flavour, and I'll unashamedly admit that I still maintain some level of bias against Microsoft development tools, largely kept going by avoiding confronting my prejudices with actual experience. Nonetheless, I think that choice of programming language for Horizon was a very bad decision, if only because it almost guaranteed that the developers they'd end up with were more likely to be sub-par.

People who would write something like this:

Public Function ReverseSign(d)
    If d < 0 Then
          d = Abs(d)
          d = d - (d * 2)
        End If
    ReverseSign = d
End Function

For the benefit of the non-programmers among us, it is sometimes necessary to turn a positive number into a negative, or vice versa (with a double-entry bookkeeping system, for example).

Typically, you'd do this (assuming you're not some clueless clodhopper) by saying:
A = -B
(the fancy name for this is a "unary minus operator".

What the code example above does is to check whether the supplied value is negative, in which case it strips the sign and returns the positive value; if it's greater than zero, it turns it into a negative number by subtracting twice the number from the original number. Which is about the most bonkers way imaginable to do it, for various reasons, most of which do get a bit technical (eg integer overflow <taps nose>). More importantly, it burns up a chunk of processor cycles to do a trivial operation (remember what I said about NT not scaling too well?). That calculation could have to be done quite a few times for each transaction posted from the local office, multiplied by all the other offices also submitting data - it's just a stupid and clumsy way of wasting processor cycles.
In an effort to try and bolster existentialist's excellent post, I'm struggling to find the link I read to it now, but I read a couple of weeks back that the backend DB for Horizon - such as it merits the term "DB" when it was clearly barely anything of the sort - was actually a proprietary thing cooked up by Fujitsu themselves, rather than a Known Good platform for distributed transactions. Missing features like atomic transactions and zero auditing of the manual edits to the transaction logs (posts passim from me and others) had already been solved problems in the UNIX world for decades and I'm sure there were windows systems to achieve the same sort of thing since at least the early 90s (even if windows did lag sorely behind the "big iron" UNIX of the era in a number of other aspects).

Chances are that even with the deficiencies of VB (likely picked because it was fairly easy to knock up a winforms GUI pretty easily) and NT (much cheaper than a Sun/AIX/HPUX) there could have been a reliable system here but... likely due to cost, it looks like an unproven DB technology was used and, coupled with less than perfect development, that made transaction integrity almost impossible to achieve in the real world.

Incidentally, in hunting again for what DB Horizon actually uses under the hood I re-discovered this technical-but-not-too-technical video/article which details some of the steps commonly taken in financial DBs and some of the horror-show bugs witnessed occurring under Horizon:

In an effort to try and bolster existentialist's excellent post, I'm struggling to find the link I read to it now, but I read a couple of weeks back that the backend DB for Horizon - such as it merits the term "DB" when it was clearly barely anything of the sort - was actually a proprietary thing cooked up by Fujitsu themselves, rather than a Known Good platform for distributed transactions. Missing features like atomic transactions and zero auditing of the manual edits to the transaction logs (posts passim from me and others) had already been solved problems in the UNIX world for decades and I'm sure there were windows systems to achieve the same sort of thing since at least the early 90s (even if windows did lag sorely behind the "big iron" UNIX of the era in a number of other aspects).

Chances are that even with the deficiencies of VB (likely picked because it was fairly easy to knock up a winforms GUI pretty easily) and NT (much cheaper than a Sun/AIX/HPUX) there could have been a reliable system here but... likely due to cost, it looks like an unproven DB technology was used and, coupled with less than perfect development, that made transaction integrity almost impossible to achieve in the real world.

Incidentally, in hunting again for what DB Horizon actually uses under the hood I re-discovered this technical-but-not-too-technical video/article which details some of the steps commonly taken in financial DBs and some of the horror-show bugs witnessed occurring under Horizon:

Thank you so much for this! I've become quite curious about more and more of what went on with Horizon, particularly as it parallels the latter years of my own career in the industry. I almost wonder whether it might be worth splitting off a "Horizon tech" thread, if there were enough interest in the idea...?
In an effort to try and bolster existentialist's excellent post, I'm struggling to find the link I read to it now, but I read a couple of weeks back that the backend DB for Horizon - such as it merits the term "DB" when it was clearly barely anything of the sort - was actually a proprietary thing cooked up by Fujitsu themselves, rather than a Known Good platform for distributed transactions. Missing features like atomic transactions and zero auditing of the manual edits to the transaction logs (posts passim from me and others) had already been solved problems in the UNIX world for decades and I'm sure there were windows systems to achieve the same sort of thing since at least the early 90s (even if windows did lag sorely behind the "big iron" UNIX of the era in a number of other aspects).

Chances are that even with the deficiencies of VB (likely picked because it was fairly easy to knock up a winforms GUI pretty easily) and NT (much cheaper than a Sun/AIX/HPUX) there could have been a reliable system here but... likely due to cost, it looks like an unproven DB technology was used and, coupled with less than perfect development, that made transaction integrity almost impossible to achieve in the real world.

Incidentally, in hunting again for what DB Horizon actually uses under the hood I re-discovered this technical-but-not-too-technical video/article which details some of the steps commonly taken in financial DBs and some of the horror-show bugs witnessed occurring under Horizon:

Have got a bit of a way through that, it's really damning. The Post Office is just really criminally responsible because they lied to the courts relentlessly when they learned what had actually happened. Fujitsu though, criminally responsible because they lied to the courts relentlessly, too, but how embarrassed must they be too at seeing their beloved system taken apart and shown to be fucking useless :eek:

they're the supposed experts and as often stated: they had one job :facepalm:
Thank you so much for this! I've become quite curious about more and more of what went on with Horizon, particularly as it parallels the latter years of my own career in the industry. I almost wonder whether it might be worth splitting off a "Horizon tech" thread, if there were enough interest in the idea...?
This reminds of my own deep dive into the software used by Atos for those wretched assessments. I found out a lot of horrifying things about the process, like it was based on a series of drop down menus and ignored anything reported on free text boxes. Where all the pertinent info was being included by patients on answer to mandatory questions...

Maybe a software deep dives thread, a look behind the curtain sorting of thing?

Hundreds of people wrongly convicted in the Post Office scandal are set to have their names cleared after plans for new laws were set out by the government.
"The law is expected to come into effect by the end of July and will apply to convictions in England and Wales.
It will quash all convictions defined by a "clear and objective criteria".
Between 1999 and 2015, more than 900 sub-postmasters were wrongly prosecuted after faulty software made it look like money was missing from their branches.
The scandal has been called the biggest miscarriage of justice in British history."
This reminds of my own deep dive into the software used by Atos for those wretched assessments. I found out a lot of horrifying things about the process, like it was based on a series of drop down menus and ignored anything reported on free text boxes. Where all the pertinent info was being included by patients on answer to mandatory questions...

Maybe a software deep dives thread, a look behind the curtain sorting of thing?

Quite the shower of cunts

View attachment 413274

The double speak in that article - no one is accountable for anything.

“ On its website, the Post Office said the Peters & Peters note expressed “the personal views of its author” and that “the Post Office was in no way seeking to persuade government against mass exoneration”.”

“ On Monday Badenoch told MPs: “The only possible answer is that Nick Read himself decided to write that letter. I did not ask him to write it, the Post Office says that it did not, and UKGI did not.””

The whole fucking lot of them need sacking.
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