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Huge earthquake in Turkey and Northern Syria 05-06/02/23


Fuck it. i think this deserves it own thread. Massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Turkey and northern Syria last night followed by a another quake of level 6 today. Scenes of complete devastation:

Cross posted from the earthquake and volcano thread

Some vids:

Donations pages here;

and here

Horrifying watching the known death toll and projections continuing to rise so sharply.
Reports here than China has offered aid, as has the UK plus Russia, India, Qatar and Iran and they're making a thing about Israel apparently cooperating with Syria to help.
This article give some idea of the issues face by aid organisations.

Meanwhile on Twitter one or two dodgy types are using this as an opportunity to call for lifting of sanctions on the Syrian regime. I think not. The people that need the aid most would be the least likely to benefit.
More buildings will collapse over the following days, quakes do structural damage that takes time to progress to full failure, you’re just not safe near any tall structures. Absolutely terrifying footage from so many places, this will be tens of thousands dead in mostly an area which has already suffered from years of conflict with many displaced people. Heartbreaking.
For anyone local to Bethnal Green/Victoria Park/Roman Road.

I was talking earlier to one of Mrs Idris' friends, who has contacts in that region. She says that there's one city (can't remember the name) which has the reputation of being the left-wing city . . . and the talk is already that Erdogan is going to block them from receiving aid, to punish them. . .
Nice one. I had a clearout at the weekend and have a load of suitable stuff that was earmarked for eBay.

This is better.

Yeah there's a lot of very cold people with no clothes and I think this is the fastest possible way to get some stuff over there. They're nice in there and it's a good shop.
They just said on Sky that the UK rescue people/dogs only left an hour or so ago. They were supposed to leave last night but there was a 'hold-up' at the airport :confused: Please tell me there wasn't some jobsworth involved being anal about immigration or visa issues.
They just said on Sky that the UK rescue people/dogs only left an hour or so ago. They were supposed to leave last night but there was a 'hold-up' at the airport :confused: Please tell me there wasn't some jobsworth involved being anal about immigration or visa issues.
yeh i'm sure the turks were keeping strongly to the letter of their law about immigration and transport of animals
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