Dear Mr ******,
Thank you for your email. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding. As you can appreciate we are underresourced and are dealing with a large number of alleged unauthorised hoardngs as well as our caseload of over 1,500 planning enforcement cases. In order for the Council to take any action against inappropriate advertisement hoardings they have to be satisfied on the criminal test (i.e. beyond reasonable
doubt) that the hoarding is illegal and does not benefit from any type ofdeemed or express consent. The Council can not take any action against such hoardings if they are not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt. In relation to the hoardings outlined I an provide the following updates:
139 South Lambeth Road
Our photographic records show that the whole of this flank wall has used for advertising purposes since at least 1952. The square advertisement hoarding would no doubt according to the advertisers therefore benefit from deemed consent. The platform below this hoarding (which partially obscures the
streetsign) however does not appear to benefit from any type of consent and the advertising company have been issued with a Planning Contravention Notice legally requesting information on the date of its erection. If it can be shown that it is not immune from enforcement action, steps will be taken to ensure its removal.
110 Wandsworth Road
This advertisement company has been dissolved and I am in correspondence with their receivors in order to remove a number of their unauthorised hoardings in the Borough.
170 Wandsworth Road
There is a possibility that this advertisement hoarding is unauthorised.
This is currently subject to an ongoing enforcement investigation.
333 Wandsworth Road
The advertiser has recently been prosecuted for six offences and a removal notice has been served. The hoarding has now been removed.
355 Wandsworth Road
There is a possibility that this advertisement hoarding is unauthorised.
This is currently subject to an ongoing enforcement investigation.
256 Wandsworth Road
One of the advertisements appears to have been in situ for a number of years and is currently subject to an investigation. The smaller hoarding facing south appears to have been erected in the last few years. The advertisement company responsible have been advised to remove it.
397 Wandsworth Road
This is clearly a long established advertisement site therefore there is only a slight possibility that this advertisement hoarding may be unauthorised. This is currently subject to an ongoing enforcement investigation.
364 Wandsworth Road
There is a possibility that this advertisement hoarding is unauthorised.
This is currently subject to an ongoing enforcement investigation.
372 Wandsworth Road
There is a possibility that this advertisement hoarding is unauthorised.
This is currently subject to an ongoing enforcement investigation.
384 Wandsworth Road
There is a possibility that this advertisement hoarding is unauthorised.
This is currently subject to an ongoing enforcement investigation.
515 Wandsworth Road
There is a painted advertisement beneath this hoarding therefore there is only a slight possibility that this advertisement hoarding may be unauthorised. This is currently subject to an ongoing enforcement investigation.
517 Wandsworth Road
This is clearly a long established advertisement site therefore there is only a slight possibility that this advertisement hoarding may be unauthorised. This is currently subject to an ongoing enforcement investigation.
522 Wandsworth Road
This advertisement company has been dissolved and I am in correspondence with their receivors in order to remove a number of their unauthorised hoardings in the Borough.
Gerard Costigan
Senior Planning Enforcement Officer
Corporate Services
London Borough of Lambeth