Sort of inspired by this post advertising an online meeting I thought this might be a useful discussion. I'm using left quite broadly mainly to mean those seeking to oppose the far right who are active or interested in being active outside of the party political system, rather than those seeking to build an electoral alternative or work within existing parties.
What has been successful historically? How do we challenge far right and conspiratorial views in workplaces and communities? What can we learn from campaigns like Don't Pay, the struggles against workfare, and other recentish initiatives that had some success at least in terms of raising issues outside of the usual activist scene? Should we be confronting them on the street and if so how, given we are usually outnumbered and the demographics of far right protests have changed considerably? What role does online media play and can we find a way to use it as effectively as the far right have done? How do we build support for an alternative bearing in mind we don't have much time? How should we respond if/when things escalate?
Stuff like that basically. What the fuck do we do?
Also what are people doing already and how we can amplify that?
What has been successful historically? How do we challenge far right and conspiratorial views in workplaces and communities? What can we learn from campaigns like Don't Pay, the struggles against workfare, and other recentish initiatives that had some success at least in terms of raising issues outside of the usual activist scene? Should we be confronting them on the street and if so how, given we are usually outnumbered and the demographics of far right protests have changed considerably? What role does online media play and can we find a way to use it as effectively as the far right have done? How do we build support for an alternative bearing in mind we don't have much time? How should we respond if/when things escalate?
Stuff like that basically. What the fuck do we do?
Also what are people doing already and how we can amplify that?