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How often do you want to say 'have you heard of headphones?' each day on the Tube?

I have started wearing headphones recently. Because I have been taking the overground between Hoxton and Clapham Junction for the last 3 weeks.

Drives me fucking potty. Noisy selfish mother fuckers.

Got one particularly obnoxious character opposite me right now that is shouting at his mate on the phone. He has headphones on but he can still fuck off

And the sniffers…
Not just the tube, it's on all public transport. I have often wondered exactly when headphones apparently went out of fashion :confused:

I'm always curious what would happen if I disconnected my headphones and added a podcast about the design principles of street signs to the mix.

Sadly, despite the fact I would be a righteous hero acting on their behalf, I have some doubts the other passengers would be on my side :hmm:
There was a woman in her 60s or 70s last week, in the doctor's waiting room, playing some detestable shit on her phone while she was just sitting there waiting. I usually read the Kindle app on my phone when i'm at the doctor's - can't wear headphones as i would not be able to hear my name being called. But because of this woman i ended up just sitting there looking at my phone, unable to take anything in, for about 40 minutes. Then for some reason she changed seat and came and sat next to me, so I got up and moved to where she had been previously. Then she glared at me for quite a while while i tried to ignore her. She also had a weird smile on her face like she was very pleased with herself. I just wish people would fuck off and leave me alone! It all left me very confused tbh.
Music out loud seemed to die off after the initial round of it being a thing 10+ years ago but it does seem to have made a frustrating comeback lately, less so with music but more with downloaded videos or tiktok. It's surprising how many will get out headphones when you ask and you wonder why the hell they chose to try to listen to it without in the first place!
Had a bloke on the 5.30am bus to stansted watching TikTok or some such shit. I was too hungover and tired to say anything but wtf.

Never. Don't get the tube much now and I wear headphones. Can't say I've noticed it happening much.

Maybe it's because those stupid apple earbuds are so expensive and so easy to lose.cheaper to keep them in your pocket.

Noise cancelling headphones are essential now... other even they don't totally eliminate the high pitched tinny noise from other folks mobiles..

I also get pissed off when I go to a cafe or restaurant, and someone plonks themselves down near you and proceeds to play out crap on their mobile.

Blame the iphone 7 and the end of the jack socket on mobiles.. But generally declining standards of behaviour in public spaces... ditto ebikes, escooters on pavements.

Still at least we don't have ciggie smoke blown in our faces these days..
I take the bus but given I spent my days with teenagers I get the feeling more than I'd like but less than you might think.

More bothered by getting the unintentional karaoke version.

Noise cancelling headphones are essential now... other even they don't totally eliminate the high pitched tinny noise from other folks mobiles..

I also get pissed off when I go to a cafe or restaurant, and someone plonks themselves down near you and proceeds to play out crap on their mobile.

Blame the iphone 7 and the end of the jack socket on mobiles.. But generally declining standards of behaviour in public spaces... ditto ebikes, escooters on pavements.

Still at least we don't have ciggie smoke blown in our faces these days..

Yes we do. Any venue that has a smoking area, most of them are covered over (because UK so rain) so they’re basically a closed room. Either I’m standing about indoors with all my many many reprobate mates in the smoking room, or I’m in the smoking room with all my many many reprobate mates, getting keys and vape vapour and tobacco smoke pushed up me hooter.

And I agree, I think maybe the removal of the jack socket on phones might have something to do with this noise thing. Annoying to find that my earbuds have run out of juice so I can’t listen to my phone.
Haven't been in London in an age. Do remember knobs playing their music so everyone else had no choice but to listen.

Public transport here is very quiet for the most part. You can get plenty reading done. Bicycles, though. Some will play tunes loud or some sing songs while cycling. That's new.
I have started wearing headphones recently. Because I have been taking the overground between Hoxton and Clapham Junction for the last 3 weeks.

Drives me fucking potty. Noisy selfish mother fuckers.

Got one particularly obnoxious character opposite me right now that is shouting at his mate on the phone. He has headphones on but he can still fuck off

And the sniffers…

The amount of people I see walking about having a full on video conflab with their mates is just bizarre.

Not even sitting down just walking about town phone in front of face shouting away and blithely walking into other people.

Haven't been in London in an age. Do remember knobs playing their music so everyone else had no choice but to listen.

Public transport here is very quiet for the most part. You can get plenty reading done. Bicycles, though. Some will play tunes loud or some sing songs while cycling. That's new.

Even with headphones on you can still hear people's tunes banging out when you sit on the tube which I find unfair considering my current tinitus level of hell
Earlier this year, an elderly gentlemen frowned at me for reciting the stops on the train a bit too loud and enthusiastically.
Some people here thinking noise pollution is just about how loud something is. It isn't. The clue is in the word pollution.
Literally don’t get me started.

This is actually not as insignificant problem as people think.

Quiet shared space is sacred in my view. As meaningful and important as say protecting green space. A shared quiet space, such as a train, bus, library, train station was one that was based on a kind of shared civility. You be quiet for me, I’ll be quiet for you. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. There’s something beautiful about this - it’s outside the market, it’s a human shared value.

And it is being slowly encroached on and destroyed.

Face time blatherers, people nattering on phones for whole journeys, people mainlining content without headphones, blue tooth speakers.

A London bus these days for example you might as well be sat bang in the middle of a call centre. So what was once a fairly quiet block of time for thought, dozing, listening to music, finished. Gone for good.
Literally don’t get me started.

This is actually not as insignificant problem as people think.

Quiet shared space is sacred in my view. As meaningful and important as say protecting green space. A shared quiet space, such as a train, bus, library, train station was one that was based on a kind of shared civility. You be quiet for me, I’ll be quiet for you. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. There’s something beautiful about this - it’s outside the market, it’s a human shared value.

And it is being slowly encroached on and destroyed.

Face time blatherers, people nattering on phones for whole journeys, people mainlining content without headphones, blue tooth speakers.

A London bus these days for example you might as well be sat bang in the middle of a call centre. So what was once a fairly quiet block of time for thought, dozing, listening to music, finished. Gone for good.
Mobile phones have changed shared spaces for good. A person in a park is no longer on their own, they're constantly in their own social group so there's no need to respect other people and no value in reciprocity.
Don't think I've ever lived on a bus route or train line that was a quiet space, allowing for thought.
Quiet areas in public life? That’s for old men saddos and boomers. Even worse you must be a conservative if you want those places quiet again. Horsehit. Fine them, fine them all 😝
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