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Question How much do you hate your printer?

How much do you hate your printer?

  • 1. Minor irritation

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • 2. Occasionally a bit pissed off

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • 3. Really quite angry

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • 4. Homicidal rage

    Votes: 21 42.9%

  • Total voters
I have to have a working printer to print out all my work travel shit at least once every two months

The only way I can deal with the printing was buy printer, buy more than enough cartridges and occasionally use the thing to keep it ticking over. I still plan days ahead of needing any documents

In the old days I used to drop round my 70 year old dads and ask if he could print stuff but the combination of ancient printer, ancient computer half speed geriatric two finger typing, shush I know what I’m doing I’m just reading the instructions pantomime sent me insane

Argos 100 meters away is my saviour. The town doesn’t have a single printing shop that will do a few docs for you
I have to have a working printer to print out all my work travel shit at least once every two months

The only way I can deal with the printing was buy printer, buy more than enough cartridges and occasionally use the thing to keep it ticking over. I still plan days ahead of needing any documents

In the old days I used to drop round my 70 year old dads and ask if he could print stuff but the combination of ancient printer, ancient computer half speed geriatric two finger typing, shush I know what I’m doing I’m just reading the instructions pantomime sent me insane

Argos 100 meters away is my saviour. The town doesn’t have a single printing shop that will do a few docs for you
The discovery that Argos will deliver printer cartridges to my local Sainsbury's the next day was a big help.
Argos 100 meters away is my saviour. The town doesn’t have a single printing shop that will do a few docs for you

without being quite sure where you are, but would the library have a copier / printer? (assuming of course you still have a local library)
I mean tbh sometimes it's not the printer I hate. Picked a ticket T1 couldn't do remotely. It was "jammed" and nothing T1 had suggested worked apparently.

"Please send someone on site"

The "jam" when I got there.

I have to have a working printer to print out all my work travel shit at least once every two months

The only way I can deal with the printing was buy printer, buy more than enough cartridges and occasionally use the thing to keep it ticking over. I still plan days ahead of needing any documents

In the old days I used to drop round my 70 year old dads and ask if he could print stuff but the combination of ancient printer, ancient computer half speed geriatric two finger typing, shush I know what I’m doing I’m just reading the instructions pantomime sent me insane

Argos 100 meters away is my saviour. The town doesn’t have a single printing shop that will do a few docs for you
Get a laser printer. From the sound of it, it will save you a fortune.
I currently have four printers (five if you include the shit epson one we haven’t got rid of yet).

HP wireless one which I’ve had zero issues with amazingly.

A Munbyn sticker/label printer. It’s such a fucking ballache to print on different sizes/shapes which is the whole point of the bastard thing. I can’t print yodel labels, I just can’t work out how.

A pooli sticker thermal printer which is nice for kids or a bit of a novelty but haven’t used it really.

Now I have an instax photo printer to print Polaroid style photos from my phone.

Do I need so many? Probably not but I’m enjoying them.
I currently have four printers (five if you include the shit epson one we haven’t got rid of yet).

HP wireless one which I’ve had zero issues with amazingly.

A Munbyn sticker/label printer. It’s such a fucking ballache to print on different sizes/shapes which is the whole point of the bastard thing. I can’t print yodel labels, I just can’t work out how.

A pooli sticker thermal printer which is nice for kids or a bit of a novelty but haven’t used it really.

Now I have an instax photo printer to print Polaroid style photos from my phone.

Do I need so many? Probably not but I’m enjoying them.

I'm glad someone takes pleasure from them. 🤣
I dont print much anymore.
But I have a laser printer for the past 4 years and it is great. Of course now I can only print in black and white but it does what I need doing.
I used to struggle with the printer at work, and always tried to duck out of fixing its many problems. This convinced me that printers were problematic, so I have never owned one. When I need to print something that I can't justify at work, I go to the library and pay 10p per page. This has saved me an awful lot of money, but more importantly has preserved my sanity.
I currently have four printers (five if you include the shit epson one we haven’t got rid of yet).

HP wireless one which I’ve had zero issues with amazingly.

A Munbyn sticker/label printer. It’s such a fucking ballache to print on different sizes/shapes which is the whole point of the bastard thing. I can’t print yodel labels, I just can’t work out how.

A pooli sticker thermal printer which is nice for kids or a bit of a novelty but haven’t used it really.

Now I have an instax photo printer to print Polaroid style photos from my phone.

Do I need so many? Probably not but I’m enjoying them.
That many printers!? Are you on an E?
Not a single adult who hasn’t done that shake the paper thing to get the thing to recognise it. Seriously fuck these printer shits.

And don’t even get me started on trying to print labels. Makes me want to return to booze just think about it.
I struggle to sleep on Thurday nights as is (Thurs TV is usually good, and I have to get up at four on Fridays), so naturally my printer has to start running its noisy maintenance routine at half past two. There's literally no reason this is still a thing. It's "always on/connected" or else it doesn't work. The stupid fucking fucking knows where it is in the world, what the local time is and yet has to piss about with cartridge-cleaning routines in the middle of the fucking night.

My iPhone charges at the appropriate speed that it quickly learnt from my weekly schedule, so what the fuck is this bullshit!?? :mad:
I struggle to sleep on Thurday nights as is (Thurs TV is usually good, and I have to get up at four on Fridays), so naturally my printer has to start running its noisy maintenance routine at half past two. There's literally no reason this is still a thing. It's "always on/connected" or else it doesn't work. The stupid fucking fucking knows where it is in the world, what the local time is and yet has to piss about with cartridge-cleaning routines in the middle of the fucking night.

My iPhone charges at the appropriate speed that it quickly learnt from my weekly schedule, so what the fuck is this bullshit!?? :mad:

Im sure Big Printer is in bed with Big Pharma to sell more blood pressure tablets
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