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Question How much do you hate your printer?

How much do you hate your printer?

  • 1. Minor irritation

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • 2. Occasionally a bit pissed off

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • 3. Really quite angry

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • 4. Homicidal rage

    Votes: 21 42.9%

  • Total voters


Let's face it, they're not on our side are they? We're just cash cows to them.

I'm trying to print ONE returns label in greyscale, I have a full black cartridge and it won't print because the cyan cartridge is out (it probably isn't really).

Printer manufacturers are a bunch of thieving con artists really. We all know they underprice the printer so they can force us to buy expensive cartridges forever after.
Let's face it, they're not on our side are they? We're just cash cows to them.

I'm trying to print ONE returns label in greyscale, I have a full black cartridge and it won't print because the cyan cartridge is out (it probably isn't really).

Printer manufacturers are a bunch of thieving con artists really. We all know they underprice the printer so they can force us to buy expensive cartridges forever after.
I own a laser printer, and use third-party toner. I quite like my printer.
Let's face it, they're not on our side are they? We're just cash cows to them.

I'm trying to print ONE returns label in greyscale, I have a full black cartridge and it won't print because the cyan cartridge is out (it probably isn't really).

Printer manufacturers are a bunch of thieving con artists really. We all know they underprice the printer so they can force us to buy expensive cartridges forever after.
I don’t have much personal need for a printer so just borrow the work one when needs must.
I got rid of my last colour printer about 10 years ago. Worked out I’d spent about 2 grand all in all - had to buy a new one when the old one became obsolete. Seldom print anything off now, everything is digital. I replaced it with a cheap Samsung black and white laser printer (the cartridges cost more than the printer). And apart from eating a few sheets at once if I put the wrong paper in, it‘s been no bother at all. If I need colour, I’ll go to the print shop.
I had basically given up on printers but unfortunately the growth of (1) working from home and (2) print-on-demand sewing patterns forced my hand.

Although to be fair it was a leaving present from my last job so at least I didn't have to buy the printer.
i bought a new bastard printer last year and let it sign me up to the HP robot auto-ink thing, where they watch your use and send you ink when you run low and you auto-pay 99p a month or whatever but then i decided to cancel that, in order to just buy refills like a normal person, and the fucking cartridge that was in the machine stopped working, HP made it so that the remaining ink in their subscription cartridge had to be thrown away into the bin by me the disloyal customer.
Absolute arseholery of the highest order.
I own a laser printer, and use third-party toner. I quite like my printer.
I've hated all my printers for years. Most of them didn't even make it to a second printer cartridge. I then spent a bit of time getting my occasional bit of printing done down the library, but their prices went up. I remember you bragging about your laser printer before and bought one last year out of desperation. So far it's worked first time, every time. I'm still pretty cynical that it'll continue on like this, but so far it does seem better than any inkjet I've ever used.

Who wants colour printing anyway.

and I've probably jinxed it now.
I hate printers generally and have avoided them for years. They were not part of the office job I did for twelve years. In my last job I had to ask to be shown how to use one after a few months because I'd been trying to get along without.

At my new job my pc defaults to the printer in room e07, wherever the fuck that is, rather than the one I can see from my room. It normally takes a page or two in the morning before I realise I haven't reset it so wherever room e07 is there is a growing pile of my pro ring.
I have one over here but stopped using when most things went digital. During lockdown brought it out to try and print something with a barcode to send some clothes back to Next and despite fucking around for half a day couldn't get it to print a bar code off that could be read. Its been back in the cupboard since and I just ask a friend Rui who works at the campsite to print anything off that I might need.
I have a £25 Canon MFD I bought in Aldi.
I recently actually snapped part of the flimsy paper feed thingy off but I don't think it made it any worse than it already was.
I've probably used the scanner more than the printer - though I have actually replaced the token black cartridge it came with ... a combination of some places actually needing forms filled by hand nd posted, plus Amazon return labels ...
I hope it will be sufficient for getting my visa application together ...
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I have a black and white laser printer. It ran out of toner and the replacement toner cost about as much as the original printer. However I got one for free (clever me) but haven't bothered to fit it yet. I hardly print.
I fucking detest printers. ON the rare occasion I need to use one, I'll go to the library, since I don't have an office any more. But if there's any alternative to printing, I take it. They're always jamming, running out of ink, refusing to print for some obscure and immensely dull reason. You do one simple thing, print but oh no, you don't like the paper, you've run out of ink again, or it's fucking Tuesday. You giant desk hogging plastic bastard.
i bought a new bastard printer last year and let it sign me up to the HP robot auto-ink thing, where they watch your use and send you ink when you run low and you auto-pay 99p a month or whatever but then i decided to cancel that, in order to just buy refills like a normal person, and the fucking cartridge that was in the machine stopped working, HP made it so that the remaining ink in their subscription cartridge had to be thrown away into the bin by me the disloyal customer.
Absolute arseholery of the highest order.

Mine is fine. It works exactly as it should. It's a four cartridge system and will print if any one runs out. Although, obviously, not in colour if one of the three colours is empty.
I had a very cheap HP which used expensive cartridges which seemed to last about three pages before running out and constantly wanted to carry out ink-guzzling alignment . Every time I tried to use it something would go wrong then randomly start working. Because it was rarely used, I lived with it even though when I did want to use it, it would generally be important and last minute and it would fail and send me apoplectic, it was't the failure but the hope that killed me. Anything that stuck out, paper tray etc was broken off as a result of my right foot, Basil Fawlty style. I bought a more expensive Brother Printer works every single time silently, should have done it years ago. Life it too short for HP crap
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Rarely use one at work as bar the occasional letter I send we are virtually paperless. A covid dividend :)

My dad, bless him, prints emails in colour, and not in “printable version” either. Arrogant sod that he is, he refuses to let me explain he could save ink doing it that way. Still it’s his funeral and he can afford it
I don't understand my printer.
I've forgotten how to use it....also I don't use a laptop anymore since stopping studying in 2018.
It an HP that uses instant ink. I don't understand that either. I think to use it I have to pay some kind of monthly subscription.

It must of seemed like a good idea when I bought it.
Mine is fine. It works exactly as it should. It's a four cartridge system and will print if any one runs out. Although, obviously, not in colour if one of the three colours is empty.

what variety is that? It is off-pissing when you can't print a black + white thing because one of the colour cartridges is empty.

although in serious answer to the original question, i think i'm on my third (just possibly fourth) epson printer (this one's a scanner as well) in what must be 25+ years of having a computer, and don't really have a lot of bother with it.

it's well off the end of its guarantee, and i use cheap compatible cartridges (from these people) which i've not had any problems with. the colour quality might not be quite up to photograph standard, but is fine for what i do.

about the only annoyance is that i work from home (on work's laptop) most of the time - some days it will connect via wi-fi to this printer, some days it says it's offline, although re-starting one or both usually sorts it out.
Let's face it, they're not on our side are they? We're just cash cows to them.

I'm trying to print ONE returns label in greyscale, I have a full black cartridge and it won't print because the cyan cartridge is out (it probably isn't really).

Printer manufacturers are a bunch of thieving con artists really. We all know they underprice the printer so they can force us to buy expensive cartridges forever after.
Yeah printers are annoying :mad:

Always buy the "unofficial" cartridges though as they are a lot cheaper.
what variety is that? It is off-pissing when you can't print a black + white thing because one of the colour cartridges is empty.

although in serious answer to the original question, i think i'm on my third (just possibly fourth) epson printer (this one's a scanner as well) in what must be 25+ years of having a computer, and don't really have a lot of bother with it.

it's well off the end of its guarantee, and i use cheap compatible cartridges (from these people) which i've not had any problems with. the colour quality might not be quite up to photograph standard, but is fine for what i do.

about the only annoyance is that i work from home (on work's laptop) most of the time - some days it will connect via wi-fi to this printer, some days it says it's offline, although re-starting one or both usually sorts it out.
It's an Epson XP 3155

The fourth I've had. I've only ever replaced them to upgrade, never because of faults.
I have an Epson XP-720 which we have had for a good few years, I use it mostly for scanning but Mrs Q does a fair bit of printing. I buy generic cartridges for it at the fraction of the price of a 'genuine' Epson one.
Every time I change one it nags me about using 'non-genuine' cartridges and I have to select Accept to carry on. It prints fine with them though, I haven't used an epson cartridge for absolute yonks.
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