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How long are home alarms supposed to be allowed to go off for?

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I seem to remember reading somewhere once there in this country no home alarm system might sound off for more than twenty minutes. But one of the houses across the street has been blaring off for more than that now :mad:
20 minutes but there's no law that says whatever set it off the first time can't immediately trigger it again after that 20 minutes are up.

We had intermittent power wobbles at night for a couple of days and every time it would set of the neighbour's alarm. Ended up ringing for two and a half hours straight, after midnight on a school night.
An old alarm system maybe? Yeah pretty sure there is a 20 min rule.
I am now starting to wonder if it might be a gas leak’s or other type of alarm. Unlike most burglar or car alarms, this consists of three short beeps, almost like a phone alarm. Also not nearly as loud as either. But it’s been going for a good 40 minutes now.
I seem to remember reading somewhere once there in this country no home alarm system might sound off for more than twenty minutes. But one of the houses across the street has been blaring off for more than that now :mad:

all night and day

burn the house down and get a good night sleep its the only way
only way to be sure...

hoping it a new model as little recourse bar complaining to the council if it keeps going :/
Can’t even tell which house it’s coming from, at least not without embarking on a recognisance walk. And the weather is too rotten for that.
I am now starting to wonder if it might be a gas leak’s or other type of alarm. Unlike most burglar or car alarms, this consists of three short beeps, almost like a phone alarm. Also not nearly as loud as either. But it’s been going for a good 40 minutes now.
Could be a smoke alarm with battery running out. Mine beeps like that when battery is low. But i doubt it would be loud enough for neighbours to hear.
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It’s probably the wind that’s setting it off if you’re in the UK.

A neighbour’s alarm went off for the entire weekend and when the cops eventually turned up (I can’t remember why, maybe they were attending a completely different thing) they pretty much advised me to get a ladder and a lump hammer. I mentioned the CCTV at the end of the street and how I didn’t want to get done for damage to property and they told me the it was non-operational, which explained how come the knife crime in the area was rising exponentially.

This neighbour got burgled about three weeks later, while their alarm was going off again. My sympathy was pretty threadbare by then.
Local authority environmental health are the enforcement agency for prolonged house alarms.

Good luck with that after years of Tory cuts.

Goes on the same pile as fly tipping etc. Here you get told to expect a 6 week wait for a response to all that stuff, which is basically a more expensive version of doing fuck all.
Goes on the same pile as fly tipping etc. Here you get told to expect a 6 week wait for a response to all that stuff, which is basically a more expensive version of doing fuck all.

It’s almost as if you slash the grants to local authorities to the bone and beyond as a result of twisted ideology service levels will go down. But don’t worry, people will blame the people desperately trying to provide sone level of service.
It’s almost as if you slash the grants to local authorities to the bone and beyond as a result of twisted ideology service levels will go down. But don’t worry, people will blame the people desperately trying to provide sone level of service.

Not blaming the workers at all. Must be pretty soul-destroying work for people who probably got into what they do out of a desire to actually make things better. I know what it's like to have people get angry with you because you don't have the resources or time to do something as well as it should be done.
Play the long game. Knock on your neighbours after the work's finished. Express an interest in the renovations, ask if they can recommend builders, electricians, etc. Ask lots of questions. Hopefully, they'll invite you in to show off their house and the work they've had done. Either ask to nip to the loo or wait till they're in the kitchen making you a cuppa and then hide one of those endless bleeps somewhere. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
House and car alarms are one of those things where there is nothing you can do about it and you just have to bear it as stoically as possible.
House and car alarms are one of those things where there is nothing you can do about it and you just have to bear it as stoically as possible.

I think they should be illegal above a certain decibel level, and sirens banned from being put on the outside of properties in residential areas.

I bet statistically they do little if anything to deter burglaries and people's money would be better spent on stuff like reinforced locks, surveillance gear, and booby traps.
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