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Honor Oak Crematorium - best way from Brixton


someinenhhanding menbag and me ah bollox
Anyone know this area well please?

I know there's a train station and I could get the train, but it looks like a long walk from the train station. There doesn't seem to be any buses that go right near it. Nearest bus I can see is the P12 which stops off at Brenchley Gardens (other side of the grounds) which is no good to me.

There's also a 343 I could get from Elephant to St Norbett Road, but again, that looks like a bit of a walk. The 484 (from Camberwell) also goes to St Norbett Road.

There's also the P4 which stops in Brockley Road and looks like a bit of a walk.

Does anyone know which involves the shortest walk?
I used to live in the area. I'd get off at the bus stop by St. Silas church, which I think is closest, and a shortish walk from the entrance. No buses go up that road, it's a dead-end to vehicles.
Or you could get off the train at Crofton Park, it's a short walk there across a footbridge. I used to go that that to and from home all the time.
its not a long walk from the honor oak station - come out, do a right, and do a right into the park and you can get to the crematorium in 3 mins. the p4 stops by HOP station too.

from brixton id get the p4 and get off at HOP station, walk into Honor Oak THe Park bit and come in via the back of the crematorium...

theres a concrete path around the edge of the park on the whole too
Thanks all, but none of you replied in time, so we got the 133 to Elephant and the 343 from there, then met two different people who live nearby who could have drove us if we'd known they were going :rolleyes:

Still, one of them drove us to the pub for a drink after, which was a relief, as that too was a nightmare and then gave us a lift back. A funeral's a strange way to spend a birthday, but at least we did something :D

As for Honor Oak, not an area I'll be rushing back to. I like a bit of public transport.
Or you could get off the train at Crofton Park, it's a short walk there across a footbridge. I used to go that that to and from home all the time.

ah, now that footbridge I saw on Google maps but couldn't tell if it was accessible, otherwise that was one of my options
As for Honor Oak, not an area I'll be rushing back to. I like a bit of public transport.
LOL! We always say how were we live now has hardly any public transport compared, and the buses stop in the early evening, where as when we lived in that area we had buses galore and could come back at any time.
ah, now that footbridge I saw on Google maps but couldn't tell if it was accessible, otherwise that was one of my options
If by accessible you mean does it have steps, then no it doesn't. It's flat from one side to the other. The previous footbridge was replaced with the new , wider, bridge, with one side for pedestrians, and the other for cyclists during the time that I lived there. We used to call it "Aunty Jean's bridge", because we used to cross it to visit my Aunty Jean., when she live nearby.
I was saw some filming going on by the entrance to that crematorium, when I was walking home past there one evening. They were filming a scene with a phonebox (a prop). No idea what it was for.
LOL! We always say how were we live now has hardly any public transport compared, and the buses stop in the early evening, where as when we lived in that area we had buses galore and could come back at any time.

If by accessible you mean does it have steps, then no it doesn't. It's flat from one side to the other. The previous footbridge was replaced with the new , wider, bridge, with one side for pedestrians, and the other for cyclists during the time that I lived there. We used to call it "Aunty Jean's bridge", because we used to cross it to visit my Aunty Jean., when she live nearby.

It's the fecking hinterlands! I felt like I was in the countryside! Then where we went for a drink (in Bermondsey I think), there was only ONE bus that went on that route (the No. 1).

No, as for that bridge, I couldn't see if it was for pedestrians or whether it was closed off or what. I knew it wasn't accessible for vehicles as Google hadn't mapped it, but by that stage, I'd decided on the 343
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