I'm struggling to understand the implications of this (speed reading isn't my strong point):
Public meeting with Southwark Council on the development of Bath Factory Estate - Wednesday 19th April
"As you may be aware, Southwark Council is at consultation phase over all of the development sites across the borough for the New Southwark Plan. Specifically relevant to Herne Hill residents is the significant piece of land and properties that run between the railway bridge at the bottom of Half Moon Lane and all the way to Rosedale Road, facing onto Brockwell Park as Norwood Road and backing onto the railway line. This area is the Bath Factory Estate and has been highlighted as a development opportunity for further residential as well as commercial properties.
You can read more here. The formal deadline for feedback is 28 April."
And the link just takes you to a map:
Herne Hill and North Dulwich - Southwark London Borough Council Consultation Hub - Citizen Space
But you need to click the hyperlink within that ^^ to get to the actual text which seems to be proposing:
Redevelopment of the site must: • Contribute towards the small business cluster in Herne Hill providing at least the amount of employment floorspace currently on the site; • Provide a new link to Half Moon Lane to improve the permeability and legibility of the site; • Provide high quality active frontages at appropriate ground floor locations, including in the arches of the railway viaduct. Redevelopment of the site may: • Provide new homes on upper storeys facing Brockwell Park.