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Help me Urban, what do I do with this ingredient?


Dancing as fast as I can
I’ve been reorganising my dry food and came across a packet of seed mix. I can’t remember what I bought it for, I’ve not used it, and I’ve certainly got no idea what to use it for.

Anyway, I thought posting a thread on urban would be the best way to get an inspiring recipe, and perhaps a thread entitled “what do I do with this ingredient” would be handy for others too.

This is what the packet looks like:
This is what it consists of:

Pumpkin Seeds (35%), Sunflower Seeds (35%), Golden Linseed (15%), Hemp Seed (15%).

Any ideas very welcome, and please post up your own random ingredients too!
Thanks all for the suggestions - a lot of good ones.

Sadly no bread maker at chez Elpenor and I’m meant to be avoiding carbs so the rice option isn’t ideal. Far too cold for salads in October!

I like the idea of fruit salads / yoghurt topping though, that’s the winner so far. Topping cereal would be ideal but again that’s the dastardly carbs.
The obvious is make bread with them (which you do not need a bread machine for, I can't knead so use a food processor blade setting on slow to knead the dough and just bake it in the oven)

BUT since you are avoiding carbs, the only thing I can think to do with them is make fat balls for the birds for winter, as long as the seeds are unsalted. I'm not really massively into seeds like that unless they are in bread so nothing else springs to mind!
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