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Hackney chitter-chatter &tc

It feels a bit trivial compared to yet another black man dying at the hands of the police, but has anyone else noticed that a large chunk of London Fields is being taken over for an adult playground this weekend? It's for a ticketed event to promote the manufacturers of a health snack. Commercial activity in London parks is going a bit mental at the moment. Victoria Park has a farmers market every Sunday now, as well as large festivals for much of the summer. The GLA published some paper on using this sort of activity to plug the funding gap, since local authorities have no statutory obligation to pay for parks and are having their budgets slashed.

It's yet another form of enclosure emerging from austerity, which might seem relatively benign, but is continuing to erode public space. More importantly it will also increase the gap between the wealthiest boroughs (which can afford not to do this), boroughs with enough wealthy inhabitants (which can monetise these assets) and those parts of the country where such activity won't prove so lucrative.
It feels a bit trivial compared to yet another black man dying at the hands of the police, but has anyone else noticed that a large chunk of London Fields is being taken over for an adult playground this weekend? It's for a ticketed event to promote the manufacturers of a health snack. Commercial activity in London parks is going a bit mental at the moment. Victoria Park has a farmers market every Sunday now, as well as large festivals for much of the summer. The GLA published some paper on using this sort of activity to plug the funding gap, since local authorities have no statutory obligation to pay for parks and are having their budgets slashed.

It's yet another form of enclosure emerging from austerity, which might seem relatively benign, but is continuing to erode public space. More importantly it will also increase the gap between the wealthiest boroughs (which can afford not to do this), boroughs with enough wealthy inhabitants (which can monetise these assets) and those parts of the country where such activity won't prove so lucrative.
yeh, I've noticed that. And it is a very big area indeed. Swings etc, ffs.
Stand off in Kingsland Rd. People have put bins and rubbish across the road outside the shop where that young man died last week. Road's closed (by the police) from quite a bit further down all the way up to Dalston Junction. Lots of people hanging about.

Row of police across the road about a hundred metres from the shop, lots of youths with scarves covering their faces heading towards it from Dalston. It's just started raining which might cool things down, otherwise, it's not looking v good.
Stand off in Kingsland Rd. People have put bins and rubbish across the road outside the shop where that young man died last week. Road's closed (by the police) from quite a bit further down all the way up to Dalston Junction. Lots of people hanging about.

Row of police across the road about a hundred metres from the shop, lots of youths with scarves covering their faces heading towards it from Dalston. It's just started raining which might cool things down, otherwise, it's not looking v good.
The police have been very lucky this didn't happen a couple of weeks back
The police have been very lucky this didn't happen a couple of weeks back
Yep, few weeks ago it felt like it really could've kicked off over Grenfell Tower and it still could, especially with incidents like this death.

When I went past the shop this morning, noticed it was closed which is very unusual. Sign up saying it was closed today as a 'mark of respect'. Wonder if they knew this was planned/likely to happen.
Yep, few weeks ago it felt like it really could've kicked off over Grenfell Tower and it still could, especially with incidents like this death.

When I went past the shop this morning, noticed it was closed which is very unusual. Sign up saying it was closed today as a 'mark of respect'. Wonder if they knew this was planned/likely to happen.
I think it will all kick off in a week or two
Aggro tonight. I left my poncey avant garde jazz gig to find Dalston awash with riot cops and the odd smattering of hooded youth.

Rashan Charles: Reaction from deaths in custody documentary maker

24 July 2017 Rashan Charles Vigil and background

24 July 2017 Rashan Charles Vigil and analysis

I remember Totem, can't remember the Born place, and have been to Sapid Coffee.

I liked Totem, 20 years though:eek:

Totem was OK, I thought at the time it was a bit overpriced and the French guy who ran it was a bit grumpy. In retrospect it was of course an amazing place to hang out, particularly compared to what followed it. I remember wheeling my daughter in there in her pushchair once and her jigging about to some ragga they were playing...

"Born" was really expensive baby clothes (like so expensive that I wouldn't even go in there to buy presents for people I really like who had just had a baby).
Rashan Charles death: Family forced to wait until June 2018 for inquest


Coroner's officer David Brereton told the hearing that "no medical cause of death has been offered at this time" as results of toxicology and other tests were pending.
Hackney Council have published their Draft Area Local plan for 2033:

Following consultation held last year on challenges, opportunities and key issues for a boroughwide Local Plan, Hackney is now consulting on the Draft Local Plan 2033. This Plan sets out the draft planning policies to guide and manage development in the borough for the next 15 years. It covers a wide range of topics including housing, jobs, community facilities, town centres, transport, open spaces, heritage and design, climate change, and the environment.

The Draft Local Plan 2033 can be viewed at Local plan 2033 (LP33) Hackney

I'm not great with interpreting these things but there doesn't seem to be anything obviously insane or enraging in there (bar the usual guff about "affordable housing"). This is worth quoting:

Hackney’s population has continued to grow rapidly; at the present rate of growth the population will reach 317,000, a growth of 55,000, by 2033. This will result in a need for more homes, jobs, services and community facilities such as schools and health care. Affordability is the top issue of concern for our residents. The average home now costs 17 times the average salary in the Borough. Affordable workspace is also in demand with average commercial rents increasing by 90% since 2009.
Hackney Council have published their Draft Area Local plan for 2033:

I'm not great with interpreting these things but there doesn't seem to be anything obviously insane or enraging in there (bar the usual guff about "affordable housing"). This is worth quoting:
not sure about this: dalston "town centre"
wonder what it means for the eastern curve
Notice there's an application in for a hotel and whatnot on the site of the Tesco on the corner of Kingsland High St/Sandringham Rd. :rolleyes:

Can't see it on the council website but had a brief look at one of those lamppost notices when I was waiting for the bus the other day.
Notice there's an application in for a hotel and whatnot on the site of the Tesco on the corner of Kingsland High St/Sandringham Rd. :rolleyes:

Can't see it on the council website but had a brief look at one of those lamppost notices when I was waiting for the bus the other day.
i'll pop by and look later
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