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Gwenton Sloley, Leading London Gang Consultant Jubilant As Case Against Him Thrown Out By Senior High Court Judge.

Lee Japser

Well-Known Member
Read all about the case against Gwenton Sloley persecuted by the Metropolitan police service as a result of his whistleblowing on the failure of Lewisham safeguarding authorities, including the police, to prevent the murder of seven-year-old Joel Urhie who died after his house was firebombed in an attempt to kill his older brother. The family had requested to be moved after a previous attempt on the older brother's life where he was shot at. Despite pleading with authorities to move, the family home was subjected to an arson attack in which Joel sadly lost his life. You will not believe what happened next. Full story on Lee Jasper Blog Spot


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This is an appalling story, but I don't know why you use your blog to promote people like leroy logan, who used his position in the metropolitan police to promote nicky cruz's homophobic truce organisation and the nefandous uckg
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Not dropping this in as an argument as such, but interesting that this RT camera operator has also worked with Lee Jasper, Lembit Opik, Press TV (Madrid correspondent of this Iranian TV station which is currently banned in UK) AND UCKG Helpcentre (in a professional video mixing capacity). https://uk.linkedin.com/in/ian-diez-young-44a98043

Pickman's model The evangelical rappers on a mission to save UK youth seems to confirm your comment on Nicky Cruz..

As a matter of interest Lee Japser your blog mentions MTC Novo.
Had we already flofgged off part of the probation service to an American company pre-Brexit? Is this work coming back in house as per government comments post London Bridge etc?
Cameraman and Logan hmmm....seems as though the issue of Joel Urhie and whistleblowing itself is of no interest. MTC yes they secured the London contract.

Cameraman and Logan hmmm....seems as though the issue of Joel Urhie and whistleblowing itself is of no interest. MTC yes they secured the London contract.

Your Blog describes a situation where - as I read it - an ex offender now working for the authorities asked for family protection following being stabbed outside his home and the authorities did nothing.

Then his home was firebombed and his 7 year old brother killed, the police treated the complainant as having brought the misfortune on himself and investigated him as to stolen goods and criminal connections.

This is all gross.

Now press sources say Gwenton Sloley is now suing for £3 million damages. Is that true?

The BBC have reported on Mr Sloley a year ago
Black advisers 'targeted by Met Police'

This is in the context of a number of youth workers targeted by the police in different ways.
The section on Gwenton Sloley does not mention the fire bombing and death of his brother. Is this because of Sub- Judice rules?

At the end of this article there is a me-too quote from Mahamed Hashi - currently a Councillor for Stockwell Ward (Labour). I can sympaphise with that. Mahamed's experience of routine harassment. - including being handcuffed because he was large, black and driving a car in Brixton., The hand-cuffing officers divined that his eyes were glazed and he might have been smoking. He doesn't say whether he was arrested. Maybe not - I myself was handcuffed and taken to Brixton Police station once. When I subsequently complained I was told I hadn't been arrested.!

Lee - I would like to comment further, but looks like this one has further to run in court.
On a generally related matter the Mayor of London has apparently overhauled the Met Gang Violence Matrix

I was surprised by this paragraph right at the end of their press release:

The Mayor’s review recommended an overhaul of how the Matrix operates so that people are added in an evidence based manner and agreements are in place as to who is able to access the Matrix data, so that the ‘gang’ label is not wrongly attributed or follows them – reducing the risk of an individual facing discrimination when applying for housing allowance from their local authority.

In other words if you somehow got labelled as a gang criminal this could affect your rights to housing and benefits. I never knew that. Was that passed in parliament at all? And what appeal? Presumably none - if you didn't know you had got on the list.
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