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Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Jesus H Christ indeed :(

And as for why this isn't on the news, my best guess is because BP doesn't want it to be on the news. I mean, it's not like BP have any say...oh wait, they've been dictating this from the start.

And then there's the "mustang conspiracy" where BP have "ordered the US goverment" to kill off wild horses across the gulf, as the land they occupy is of use to BP. Utter fucking scum.
that's part 1. Sorry for the ATS link, but it's well worth watching.
part 2
lots more, at a guess. :( Didn't they say that this could go on like this for years? (or didn't I read it somewhere)
How much oil is there actually left in this well?

1 to 10 billion barrels, estimated.

The ruptured well may hold as much as 1 billion barrels, the Times reported, citing Rick Mueller, an analyst at Energy Security Analysis in Massachusetts.

Oil industry expert Matthew Simmons also puts the number above one billion barrels (see this Bloomberg interview, for example, where he says that – unless stopped – 120,000 barrels a day will leak for 25-30 years; that adds up to 1,095,000,000 to 1,314,000,000 barrels).

And Rob Kall claims that a source inside BP tells him:

Size of reservoir – estimated by BP and its partner, Andarko to be between 2.5B and 10B bbl. (that’s 100,000,000,000 gallons and 400,000,000,000 gallons).

Yes – all of those numbers are BILLIONS.

Given that BP’s nearby Tiber and Kaskida wells each contain at least 3 billion barrels of oil (see this, this, this and this), estimates of more than a billion barrels for the leaking Macondo reservoir are not unreasonable.

Seen this a few times now but never got round to posting...

A team of scientists from the Energy Department discovered a new twist: Their sophisticated imaging equipment detected not one but two drill pipes, side by side, inside the wreckage of the well’s blowout preventer on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

BP officials said it was impossible. The Deepwater Horizon rig, which drilled the well, used a single pipe, connected in segments, to bore 13,000 feet below the ocean floor. But when workers cut into the wreckage to install a containment cap this month, sure enough, they found two pipes.

The discovery suggested that the force of the erupting petroleum from BP’s well on April 20 was so violent that it sent pipe segments hurtling into the blowout preventer, like derailing freight cars.

It also offered a tantalizing theory for the failure of the well’s last line of defense, the powerful pinchers called shear rams inside the blowout preventer that should have cut the pipe and stopped the rising oil and gas from reaching the Deepwater Horizon 5,000 feet above. Drilling experts say those rams, believed to be partially deployed, could have been thwarted by the presence of a second pipe.

The doubled-up drill pipe joins a list of clues that is helping scientists understand the complexities of the Deepwater Horizon accident, and from that, craft changes in how deep-water drilling is conducted.

“We still don’t really know what’s in” the well wreckage, said Energy Secretary Steven Chu, whose team discovered the second pipe using gamma-ray imaging. He added: “If there were two drill pipes down there when the shear rams closed, or two drill pipes below, is it possible that in the initial accident … there was an explosive release of force?…Did it buckle and snap?…The more we know about this, the better we can know what to do next.”
Not sure what the effects will be. There has been so little coverage on the methane. There is never really any discernible mention whether the siphon pipes are collecting methane. I suspect that any that is is simply being burned off at the ocean surface (probably too volatile and problematic too transport it away).

I am no expert in this, but a couple of scientists I spoke to recently said that some of the methane will be absorbed by the ocean (and as the above story makes clear - helping to add to the toxic effects of the oil and the chemical dispersants). Some methane will reach the surface and enter the atmosphere. As to how much, God only knows. But it has a short life span within the atmosphere and soon breaks down into CO2 - which is obviously less potent a greenhouse gas then Methane (CH4 ?)

I've heard methane described as being something like 20 times more powerful than CO2, but don't quote me on any of this! I am not a scientist and it isn't my forte.

23 times the global warming efficiency of CO2. in carbon trading 1 mt of methane = 23 mt of CO2 credits, i once visited a mothballed coal mine in northern japan, they used to release coal bed methane into the atmosphere through the vents, they worked out by simply setting it on fire and converting the methane to CO2 they got about 20 mt of carbon credits per mt of methane burned.
You'll have to excuse me, I've not read this yet. I'm babblefishing it as I go,(which means I'm going to have to read it like Yoda) bloody word limits! (appologies for the large C+P but the article isn't in English.

Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of the mythical French submarine explorer of whose birth they finish turning 100 years, has lived many spills. It was changed to Santa Barbara, a year before the petroleum spill that suffered this Californian city in 1969.
It documented to the Exxon Valdez, 20 years ago, and the Prestige, does eight. Now third expedition to the Gulf of Mexico is on the verge of making his, since the petroliferous platform Deepwater Horizon sank, where will speak with BP on possible solutions.
How long is going to last the impact of the spill?
There are tens of thousand of people distressed because during long time they are going to have to live with this. If you later go to the place of the Exxon Valdez 20 years, still you can verify the impact that has in people and environment. If diggings at heart of the sea, still there is petroleum to half meter. In the Gulf we have a Exxon Valdez spilled to the ocean every four days. We are in day 68, so it calculates.

Cree that the current can end up taking the crude one towards the coast This of the U.S.A.?
It will leave the Gulf, to the Caribbean, and will be gathered by the Current of the Gulf. And it will follow until England, France, Spain and Portugal. And by all means that will affect all those people, and to our system of vital support.
How much will take petroleum in arriving at Spain?
It would be necessary to know the speed of the Current of the Gulf, but I would say that in less of a year.
Cree that the lightening well that is going away to construct to stop the spill will work?
I do not believe that they can stop it. There is something of which nobody speaks, the pressure. If you plug it on the one hand, is going to burst by another one. For that reason, they do not do more than to invent histories, “we are trying it, we are trying it”, when in fact they want to let leave it everything. They could it have stopped if not outside by the great risk that there is of which it bursts on the other hand.

So it will continue appearing until petroleum finishes?
Basically. Or until the pressure descends. The pressure of petroleum is greater than the pressure of the water. It must leave by some side. And as the structure has fractures, if it is covered on the one hand leaves by another one.
The only solution is to capture the greater amount of possible petroleum?
Or everything. From my point of view, they are not doing it very well. To put the dispersing ones is a great error. It has to leave raises the crude one, to surround it and to pump it. Clear that when there are hurricanes the boats must go and petroleum will continue raising. But, so far, I do not see another possible option.
Has heard speak of the system developed by the Ecomerit company that would use bubbles of the natural gas to capture petroleum and to make raise it the surface, where could be captured?
Yes, I have heard speak of this system. It is a solution far better that the dispersing one, because it accelerates the ascent of petroleum to the surface, and for when it does, still it is possible to be used like fuel. What we see now in the surface does not serve like fuel. 40%, which causes that your car moves, has already evaporated. What it is is tar.

It speaks of the ocean like our system of breathing, vital support. What means?
We are 6,700 million people at the present time, that, on purpose, is what extraction of BP benefit every trimester. We added 100 million inhabitants to the planet every year. Or alive in Santa Barbara or at the top of a mountain, still you depend on the ocean. When you ski in that mountain, you ski in the ocean. When you drink a water glass, you are drinking the ocean. We are all connected and we depend all on the ocean for our quality of life.
He is inevitable to feel impotent before a as serious spill as the one of the Gulf. What can be done?
What it is happening in the Gulf is like a kick in the ass, a unique opportunity to change. Each one can be ambassador so that our community understands that we must protect our system of protection of life. We needed change. It is already worth of parlotear. Let us ask the people who make decisions, to the Government, to the industry, that accepts the fact that we needed an international commission to make sure that we have the capacity to come up, and to have a plan To, B and C in case of accidents, like in the space program. We can do it, and we will do it.

We cannot leave solve to the problem others?
Mírale to a boy to the eyes. You are going to Him to fail? We have capacity to do something by the world. In 1983 I knew a head of a tribe of the Amazon that showed some to me of the trees that had planted, that measured about four meters. It said to me, “ Ves those trees? I will not see the sufficiently high thing them. My children either. Perhaps my grandsons. But my bigrandsons yes ". Then the return occurred and it said to me, “ Ves that? That will be a good canoe ". That one was its constitution nonwritten of the future. That man as much hit me for the rest of life as my father did ".
from there, in Spanish
Now i have read it, blimey. doesn't sound too good for the future, if he's right. The volume of the Exxon Valdez spill, every 4 days. And this is possibly coming our way given time. Better enjoy the beach this year, while we can!! And the aftermath from the exxon valdez spill is still well and truly there 20 years on. And they basically can't fix it, and won't be able to until the pressure drops. Nice one BP.
NEW ORLEANS - Leading environmental groups and a U.S. senator Wednesay called on the government to pay closer attention to more than 27,000 abandoned oil and gas wells in the Gulf of Mexico and keep them from leaking even more crude into water tainted by the massive BP spill.

The calls for action follow an investigation that found federal regulators do not typically inspect plugging of these offshore wells or monitor for leaks afterward. Yet tens of thousands of oil and gas wells are improperly plugged on land, and abandoned wells have sometimes leaked offshore too, state and federal regulators acknowledge.

Some speculation here that BP may have triggered a "world-killing" event:

BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years.

The oil giant drilled down miles into a geologically unstable region and may have set the stage for the eventual premature release of a methane mega-bubble.

The only problem with that is that the link it gives back to the Permian extinction event doesn't once mention giant methane bubbles under the sea as being even a contributory factor.
Isn't there a degree of magnitude difference? The National Geographic article is talking about die-off by the year 2050, whereas the Helium article is talking about mass extinction over the next few weeks or months.
you're missing the main difference - ie one is in national geographic, and is based on sound well supported science, the other is an article on some obscure website referencing exploding methane bubble extinction events that are about as credible a scientific theory as bigfish's Iron sun, or my own personal hypothesis of the universe being made up of an infinite number of people's bottoms, all working to churn out the shit that forms the next universe along the chain.

in the same way that a stopped clock is right twice a day, it's possible that they could be right on both counts, but the odds are stacked heavily against that being the case IMHO.
Isn't there a degree of magnitude difference? The National Geographic article is talking about die-off by the year 2050, whereas the Helium article is talking about mass extinction over the next few weeks or months.

I have difficulty giving it credence because it reads much like Alex Jones' predictions on Prison Planet.
you're missing the main difference - ie one is in national geographic, and is based on sound well supported science, the other is an article on some obscure website referencing exploding methane bubble extinction events that are about as credible a scientific theory as bigfish's Iron sun, or my own personal hypothesis of the universe being made up of an infinite number of people's bottoms, all working to churn out the shit that forms the next universe along the chain.

in the same way that a stopped clock is right twice a day, it's possible that they could be right on both counts, but the odds are stacked heavily against that being the case IMHO.

Oh shit, now I'm really worried. I was hoping your retorts would be that it was wrong on factual grounds, but if you're just writing it off on the basis that it's a scary thought, maybe I should kiss my arse goodbye, just to be on the safe side.
BP: New Cap Has Stopped Flow Of Gulf Oil

BP says a new cap has stopped oil from leaking into the Gulf of Mexico for the first time since April.

The energy giant has been slowly dialing down the flow as part of a test on a new cap, and engineers are now monitoring the pressure to see if the broken well holds.

"The test is looking at the condition of the well under the sea and if it turns out that the well is in good shape, this could well be the beginning of the end of the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe," NPR's Richard Harris said.


lets hope...........
BP says a new cap has stopped oil from leaking into the Gulf of Mexico for the first time since April.

The energy giant has been slowly dialing down the flow as part of a test on a new cap, and engineers are now monitoring the pressure to see if the broken well holds.

"The test is looking at the condition of the well under the sea and if it turns out that the well is in good shape, this could well be the beginning of the end of the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe," NPR's Richard Harris said.


lets hope...........

Yes, it seems good news, lets hope it holds because with hurricanes and such they are going to need to move the ships that were taking the oil recently.
Unless the exact scientific and technical schematics and nature of what BP claim to have plugged - and the exact nature and extent of the disaster site is actually independently corrobarated (and there seems little chance of that given the difficulty many reporters have had in getting close to the region) I would be very skeptical about any news about any success emanating from BP News & their PR team.

From start to (finish?) they haven't exactly been a pinnacle of objectivity, truth or reliability.

Smoke and mirrors has been BP's stock in trade during this unprecedented environmental disaster (so far, possibly as much as 30-40 times worse by volume than the Exxon Valdez spill). One also has to ask and wonder - amidst all the 'bunting and firecrackers' euphoria of all this positive news about an alleged (possible) success in one area of the scrapyard of broken oil pipelines on the Gulf sea floor - what other problems, damage and leaks remain down there, hidden and for the most part unseen and unreported on.

The Deepwater Horizon Oil catastrophe - and it's continuing environmental, socioeconomic and biological effects and damage - is many decades away from ever being completely over.

With the fishing industry decimated for coastal communities throughout the bulk of the Gulf of Mexico for what looks likely to be many, many decades, US states being blanketed in carcinogenic atmospheric pollution resulting from the disaster and the oceans in general made that bit less healthy for life, there seems precious little cause for celebration in my opinion.
Well lets just hope they're being honest for once and that that's the last of the oil that escapes into the sea. And as a deterent to any other organisation or government that wants to cut corners and take risks in this way then the people responsible should be skinned alive.
MSNBC reports that Corexit is killing cleanup workers. And BP didn't want them to have protective clotghing, so it "looked" like there was no risk. :mad:

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