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Great music on Bandcamp from your home town

killer b

That vase.
I search bandcamp for local stuff I might have missed from time to time, and it's always a worthwhile exercise - so much stuff coming out that most of it flies right under the radar... please do the same and post the good things you find in the thread.

To search for stuff released in your home town, type the name of the town into the search bar on Bandcamp - if anyone has tagged their release with it, then there'll be a link on the right hand side of the screen which says 'You may also want to check out music tagged with “preston.” (except it'll say croydon or york or whatever) - click on that link and you're away! NB most of it will probably be quite bad, but have a dig, there'll be some sweet gems there.

Edit: actually that doesn't seem to work that well - instead click on this link, and replace the final bit of the url with your town

Today I've got a couple of things for you - first, and album of alienated leftfield R&B from a guy called Rainy Miller:

and an EP (only one track so far, it's being released early next year) of post-punky shoegaze from a band called White Flowers:

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Stroud seemed mostly middling folkie stuff, nothing stand out from what I checked. Plus an electronica/poetry tribute to the pub I used to work in but tune sadly pants.
I ducked him as I think I might know his face. Bandcamp used to be blocked here so pleasantly surprised when the embeds here showed then main site opened.
I had a dig around the Beijing experimental scene on BC a couple of years ago, there was quite a lot of stuff on there then so I guess it must've been unblocked a while...
I had a dig around the Beijing experimental scene on BC a couple of years ago, there was quite a lot of stuff on there then so I guess it must've been unblocked a while...
Shows how long it was since I was last down with any scene. Never thought to check here. Will do that tomorrow.
Nothing comes up for where I live.... Except for a track written in 2010 by the Electronic Artiste Matthew Herbert.

Guess where I live. What the heck was he doing passing through my Manor when he was suddenly inspired I wonder...

Heh. I was in bands with the guys from Code and still mates with a couple of them. Lee Willz is a bit of a twat, and all the others are the same guy. I've probably come across him in the past though.

Interesting find killer B 👍
You'll probably have better luck with Tunbridge Wells which is seven miles down the road. Slaves are from there, as are Ladybird (who's singer was in Slaves when they were a three piece).
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