Pigman's pigman's ha ha charade you are..
I'm currently off with anxiety and depression due to personal issues.
I went off work about a month ago and got a sick note up until last friday. I checked in with my boss last week and although not feeling better made an agreement with her to go back on PT hours basically because sitting at home thinking about shit was just making me worse to be honest, let alone the temptation of using that free time to get shit faced too often was not helping me at all
I went to the doc's on Monday to get a script and the doctor asked why I have gone back to work while I was still sick and I explained that I needed to because without structure to my day I just feel worse and I hoped it would get me back on track.
However being aware that my employers will try to rush me back to FT hours as soon as they can I requested the Dr issue me with a phased return sick note to cover me which he was happy to do for 8 weeks with a note to say "hours as agreed with employer"
So I took this into work on Monday and had a brief chat with my boss and gave her the sick note. I could see in her face that she looked worried when I told her that the Dr was of the impression that I should not be in work while I am still sick.
Anyway today she has typed up the standard return to work letter with the usual formal bollocks on it about periods of sickness, the company not being able to support x amount of sickness blah blah blah (this is the only one I have had in the last 12 months) and asked me to sign it which I did because she caught me unaware and I am currently doped up to fuck on Mirtazapine but I realise I should not have signed the letter? I was so out of it I could have been my signing my death warrant for all I knew and cared. However why would she do this while I am on phased hours? Am I now considered officially back to work?
I am really pissed off about this because this was not a return to work meeting, it was just a personal update from me to her and to give her the sicknote. She never did go into anything with me about periods of sickness or anything it was all very informal and personal and but now she has craftily got me sign a return to work meeting document.
They are currently short of staff and will be for a while by the looks and this won't change so she pulled this stunt to try and keep me in work instead of worrying abouy my well being.
I agreed to come into work hoping it will help me feel better and to go from there. Not to help them because they can't be arsed to employ enough staff
Now that I am there, albeit on PT hours, all she seems to be interested in is getting me back on full time hours ASAP and acting as though nothing is wrong.
On top of this there is no consideration for the fact that I returned to work voluntarily while sick in the hope that it triggers me getting better and instead they are chucking work at me all over the place and I'm kinda regretting going back now until the meds have kicked in and I've had some decent councilling and feel like I'm moving forward.
I don't want to give in and go back full time sick but I also don't like being cheated like that or want to be working in that kind of environment where they are not considering that I am far from my best at the moment.
I guess at the minute it's best to stay on part time hours for as long as the sicknote lasts and not let them bully me into going full time if I don't feel ready. If I do however go back to full time sick during the phased return would it count legally as a second or first period of sickness?
I went off work about a month ago and got a sick note up until last friday. I checked in with my boss last week and although not feeling better made an agreement with her to go back on PT hours basically because sitting at home thinking about shit was just making me worse to be honest, let alone the temptation of using that free time to get shit faced too often was not helping me at all
I went to the doc's on Monday to get a script and the doctor asked why I have gone back to work while I was still sick and I explained that I needed to because without structure to my day I just feel worse and I hoped it would get me back on track.
However being aware that my employers will try to rush me back to FT hours as soon as they can I requested the Dr issue me with a phased return sick note to cover me which he was happy to do for 8 weeks with a note to say "hours as agreed with employer"
So I took this into work on Monday and had a brief chat with my boss and gave her the sick note. I could see in her face that she looked worried when I told her that the Dr was of the impression that I should not be in work while I am still sick.
Anyway today she has typed up the standard return to work letter with the usual formal bollocks on it about periods of sickness, the company not being able to support x amount of sickness blah blah blah (this is the only one I have had in the last 12 months) and asked me to sign it which I did because she caught me unaware and I am currently doped up to fuck on Mirtazapine but I realise I should not have signed the letter? I was so out of it I could have been my signing my death warrant for all I knew and cared. However why would she do this while I am on phased hours? Am I now considered officially back to work?
I am really pissed off about this because this was not a return to work meeting, it was just a personal update from me to her and to give her the sicknote. She never did go into anything with me about periods of sickness or anything it was all very informal and personal and but now she has craftily got me sign a return to work meeting document.
They are currently short of staff and will be for a while by the looks and this won't change so she pulled this stunt to try and keep me in work instead of worrying abouy my well being.
I agreed to come into work hoping it will help me feel better and to go from there. Not to help them because they can't be arsed to employ enough staff
Now that I am there, albeit on PT hours, all she seems to be interested in is getting me back on full time hours ASAP and acting as though nothing is wrong.
On top of this there is no consideration for the fact that I returned to work voluntarily while sick in the hope that it triggers me getting better and instead they are chucking work at me all over the place and I'm kinda regretting going back now until the meds have kicked in and I've had some decent councilling and feel like I'm moving forward.
I don't want to give in and go back full time sick but I also don't like being cheated like that or want to be working in that kind of environment where they are not considering that I am far from my best at the moment.
I guess at the minute it's best to stay on part time hours for as long as the sicknote lasts and not let them bully me into going full time if I don't feel ready. If I do however go back to full time sick during the phased return would it count legally as a second or first period of sickness?
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