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Glaswegians block immigration raid on their neighbours

Just coming up to speed about all of this. Aside from suspending a member of their National Executive - as the latest intricate move in the four-dimensional factional game-play that the party leadership enjoy so much - has Labour had anything to say officially about this issue? Perhaps the Shadow Home Secretary (whatever his name is) could enlighten us?
Just coming up to speed about all of this. Aside from suspending a member of their National Executive - as the latest intricate move in the four-dimensional factional game-play that the party leadership enjoy so much - has Labour had anything to say officially about this issue? Perhaps the Shadow Home Secretary (whatever his name is) could enlighten us?
Can't imagine the LP leadership being really good at anything more complex than snap
Christ, man, people actually trying to draw equivalence between this and the rioting by Rangers fans in Glasgow last night. No words. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

See also pro-Palestine protests (e.g. why is this being singled out while it's okay for people to protest about something going on in another country?).
Something worth pointing out about Kenmure Street: it wasn’t a protest, it was direct action. It was necessary to physically prevent Immigration from taking the two men away in a dawn raid.

As a point of reference, I wouldn’t myself attend a protest during a pandemic. I did attend Kenmure Street because numbers were required to stop the van leaving. The more the better.

And when I got home, despite having no symptoms, I ordered lateral flow tests. And we were all masked the whole time.
Another write-up from Glasgow:
The skills, experience and confidence embedded deep by organisations like Living Rent and the No Evictions Network meant that despite the vicious response from Police Scotland, the protesters were able to outwit them at every turn:

Those on the ground remained flexible but co-ordinated, at one point there was at least five ‘fronts’ in the one street each responding to a strategic-points as police moved into move a car blocking a possible route the van could take out.

This strategic advantage can be reinforced by the fact that until around 5pm, Police Scotland had been preparing to either kettle us or send the cavalry in, with mounted horses poised in the next street. Despite several vicious advances, they were unable to move us and had to retreat every time...

The Scottish Government’s bizarre attempt to relinquish any liability on the part of Police Scotland for either facilitating the removal of the men or the escalation of events was just not borne out by the facts on the ground. Contrary to what the First Minister said, Police Scotland were not in an ‘invidious position,’ some sort of innocuous force aiming to prevent public disorder or harm. They didn’t just assist in the man-handling of our neighbours, they pro-actively sought (but failed) to facilitate the Home Office in the removal, detention and likely deportation of two men who had members of our community for 10 years.

I personally witnessed Police Scotland officers violently throw peaceful protestors to the ground. They trampled on people sitting on the road trying to stop the removal of their neighbours. A few officers had claimed that they were just doing their job. But it is neither moral nor in many cases legal (as court challenges have shown) to remove people from their home for the ‘crime’ of not having filled-in the proper forms to ensure continued status to remain.
Another article about anti-raids organising from Freedom:

I think I had seen this photo before, but always nice to see it again:

Links to this older article, analysing a 2018 government report:
Another article about anti-raids organising from Freedom:

I think I had seen this photo before, but always nice to see it again:
View attachment 269313

Links to this older article, analysing a 2018 government report:
It strikes me that the use of caltrops would be quite a handy and effective disruptor of these raids, in conjunction with everything else (large crowds, etc), at least for anyone willing to take the small risk of being busted for doing that. Or maybe just some strategically placed screws, which are better than nails, because they do more damage on the way in.

I did enjoy the section in that article about the effect on morale of these Immigration boot boys and girls. Good to hear that they're being made to feel like the pariahs they are, even by other government departments :D.
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