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Glastonbury Festival Film


if you flibble when you wibble, don't wobble
opens today - lets just say i have trepidation.

GLASTONBURY covers 35 years of the festival's life and you can experience it all in two hours without having to don your wellies or queue for the loo

guardian article

I've got the video "Glastonbury - The Movie " that they released in 1995 which is actually qute good. Captured the feel of the festival quite well with loads of oddness going on rather than just footage of bands playing.
Is this new one only getting shown in a few cities round the UK or on general release?
Will try to see it if possible, hopefully they'll show it on Brighton beach in the summer.
DJ Squelch said:
I've got the video "Glastonbury - The Movie " that they released in 1995 which is actually qute good. Captured the feel of the festival quite well with loads of oddness going on rather than just footage of bands playing.

it's weird no-one mentions this film while talking at length on the new julian temple one. The '95 one did it for me, in fact i'm not sure i'd want see another film about glasto, i remember it had a really good tripped e-moment and an amazing performance from Spiritulized.

I did like temple's quote about his film being an advert for Stella, "every shot has someone walking around with a can in their hand." :)
DJ Squelch said:
I've got the video "Glastonbury - The Movie " that they released in 1995 which is actually qute good. Captured the feel of the festival quite well with loads of oddness going on rather than just footage of bands playing.
Is this new one only getting shown in a few cities round the UK or on general release?
Will try to see it if possible, hopefully they'll show it on Brighton beach in the summer.

I thought that film was good too. I went to a special screening of it when it was released. Can't remember why now. Were Back to the Planet in it? That may have been why. Were Community Charge in it too or is my mind a hazy mush?

Yeah, it's probably a hazy mush :cool:
afaik its on general release - all the picturehouses seem to be showing it. we're going in bath on monday eve.

so i'll report back then.
Quality headline above the review in the South London Press this week:

'Hippy daze full of tedious twats'

just come back from watching this - really enjoyed it and thought it captured the chaos quite well....some good live performances cut up with loads of clips from the last 35 years....recommended.
well . . . firstly it was fairly obviously a 'punters eye view' of glastonbury rather than a 'this is how it works' view, and as i've never really been a punter in that sense i'm maybe not best places to judge.

however, fair play to Julian Temple for a rather good effort, some glaring omissions but lots of things that i thought should have been there were. I thought the issue with the travellers was put across fairly and well thought out (possibly really for the first time to the general public) and the evolution of the festival was chronologically pretty much spot on.

but there were a few things i thought should have been mentioned -
like the Kids Field, not a single shot of the place i spent most of my childhood festivals, not a single clip of the amazing things that kids climb on or watch :( (but then i think this film was a 20-something view)
no mention either of football, when the most recent game was said to have the largest single audience (in one place) ever recorded for one match.
not a lot of emphasis on the green/craft/avalon fields and the weird and wonderful things going on, although there was a bit on massage and healing.
The workers steel/leftfield tower thing was never shown.
and other things like that . . .

conversely it was a bit top heavy on the tipi field, on chris martin and on the paid for entertainment like the natural theatre co (and suchlike) doing odd things. and there was some very UNglastonbury footage mixed in (i spose for context) inc stuff from bristol and scotland!

we ended up sat next to Michael and Patrick Eavis in the cinema and Michael did a bit of spiel at the start (a very confused q&a session from people who learn about glasto from NME) and once again i was convinced that whilst he's a great farmer he is not cut out for public speaking.

the film was funny in places, sad in places, brutally real in places (the failed fencejumper asking what happens when he gets out of the landie and security replying 'nothing whilst the cameras on') and euphoric quite a lot of the time. perhaps it didnt deal with the other side when it all goes wrong enough. perhaps it was slightly (very) through rose tinted glasses but it was a mammouth task and they pulled it off.

anybody else with much festival experience seen it??


oh and i was sad that there was no footage of Archaos driving the bikes up the pyramid :(
Watched this last night in Liverpool

Thought it was excellent, but watching it made me realise how much I'm gonna miss the real thing when summer comes

Some brilliant performance footage in it from the likes of Primal Scream, Pulp , Faithless, Nick Cave , Strummer, Bowie etc

Shows all sides of the festival pretty well I thought, aswell as trying to show what else was happening at certain times, Beanfield,Greenham Common, Thatcher etc

Best/worst bit-The Bloke and his two sons who clean the portaloo's out, just be glad you can't smell it

Does seem a bit weighted towards more recent festivals , but I suppose more footage is available from these
arfy said:
Does seem a bit weighted towards more recent festivals , but I suppose more footage is available from these

thats true - and all the footage of the very early ones involved multitudes of naked people (i'm very glad they'd invented clothes by the time i started going in 81 ;)).

i did find the various news reports of the time and the off site footage in glastonbury town etc added a certain something. it wasnt just bbc streamed footage from the festival.

the thing about glastonbury is that for a long while it wasnt somewhere that people took cameras of any sort.

still think its a shame pete docherty wasnt pulled into the crowd and trampled :oops:
wiskey said:
if you go here and click on 'in cinemas' and then 'glastonbury' you can watch a trailer.
i went to the cinema and there was me, three mates from glastonbury town and only about ten other people. i thought there'd be more interest in it tbh.

loved the film on the whole. i would have edited it differently but thats editing for you. why cut so many good songs but play the whole of common people??? :confused:
saw loads of people i recognised on it.
enjoyed the mutoid bit because i was camped right next to that but was so involved in other stuff that i didnt really catch it at the time.
its never been my favourite festival but that made me want to go again.
ive always maintained that its a lot easier to watch it at home but i rarely do.
i always seem to be there in the thick of it. :D
because common people was one of those magic glasto moments that are actually quite rare.

i got to see a snatch of the faithless gig i missed cos i was working elsewhere on site :) even more gutted i missed it now (maybe not NOW, but where i was then in my life it ment a lot)

i think the audience will be erratic, its on in some odd places. and lots of people who've ben there and done that might not want to be reminded about it on film.


oh and i agree about the editing, there were a few times that i thought it was just too fast and i wasnt able to digest what i'd just seen.
Just got back tonight from seeing it at the Odeon just off Leicester Square.

I think it was pretty spot on. Mostly covering the non stage side of the festival, but with a sprinkling of main stage bits that gave it a bit of punch rather than let it simply be a chin-stroking documentary. Not that it would have been overly dull had they just done that. Some of the "outtake" type clips were great. The totally spangled bloke in the crowd was one of my favourites.

And there was *that* stage dive. Berrrr-limey.

I dunno about being "Heavy on Chris Martin" though? Half of one song? There were far lesser known acts that got more time, and even they were second placed vs. covering the travellers, mutoid waste, the beanfield, random munted punters - even the bog emptying men got about as much time as Coldplay.
paolo999 said:
The totally spangled bloke in the crowd was one of my favourites.

i liked him too :D

- even the bog emptying men got about as much time as Coldplay.
that seems reasonable

bloody hard job though to be fair, editing thosands of hours of brilliant music and footage. Sinead o connor didnt get in there and her performance blew me away like no one else ever has.
paolo999 said:
I dunno about being "Heavy on Chris Martin" though? Half of one song? There were far lesser known acts that got more time, and even they were second placed vs. covering the travellers, mutoid waste, the beanfield, random munted punters - even the bog emptying men got about as much time as Coldplay.

he sang parachutes on his first glasto appearance, then later he was doing something not singing, then after that he was singing smething that he'd changed the words to to fit it for glasto (something about the weather doing no harm) .

and all cos emilys got a crush on him.

meanwhile the sewage suckers appeared once.
wiskey said:
he sang parachutes on his first glasto appearance, then later he was doing something not singing, then after that he was singing smething that he'd changed the words to to fit it for glasto (something about the weather doing no harm) .
Must admit I didn't notice those first two.

wiskey said:
and all cos emilys got a crush on him.

Eh? Julien Temple edited them in to suck up to Emily? You've lost me.
lol no, emilys got a thing for chris martin, she persuaded michael to book them and give them a mainstage slot in the first place.

julian temple seems reasonable to me.
Enjoyed this much more than I thought I would, made me nostalgic for the the early 80s fests which were very homely little affairs compared to nowadays :)

Also made me realise how much I miss the sun and the countryside :(

But a really film, well worth catching if it's still on :cool:
Was good although we all agreed it could have been a TV documentry rather than a cinema visit. It did 'take me back there' though and made me smile a lot.


Kinda made me sad that there is no Glasto this year though

Badgers said:
Was good although we all agreed it could have been a TV documentry rather than a cinema visit.

It was great seeing it on a huge screen though. The bit where the juggler caught fire :eek: :D

Made me think of Dub somewhere out of shot ROFL :D :D
We had Micheal Eavis do a a q and A when we watched it in bath but we couldn't hear whatn he was saying as there was no microphone :rolleyes: He said hello to me :) Great film-the only minor probloem of complaint was that it was maybe slightly too long and without going daily mail, seemed to revel in fucked looking people but without showng them sobbing, throwing up, burnt or any of the after effects...
I watched this last night in the ritzy and was quite pleased.

There was some great clips, I especially like the one of the girl early in the morning at the stone cirlce babbling about how wonderful everything was. :)

Although the film was long I would of liked to see a much longer effort with no compromise on what the creator would really like to show.

I would of like to of heard some of the mad stories that happen at glasto though.
DoUsAFavour said:
I watched this last night in the ritzy and was quite pleased.

There was some great clips, I especially like the one of the girl early in the morning at the stone cirlce babbling about how wonderful everything was. :)

Although the film was long I would of liked to see a much longer effort with no compromise on what the creator would really like to show.

I would of like to of heard some of the mad stories that happen at glasto though.

Any information, please, on how long the Ritzy will be continuing to show it??
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