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Give up Bingo and Booze if your Benefit is being cut!

Again, it wasn't my intention to preach about working class life. Can't help my history. And I'm certainly not up for punishing working class people.

Oh, why the fuck would I make up a story about pizzas?!! Seriously, I think some posters on here must be a bit out of touch

Precisely. I have no wish to share my own life on this board but I am not imagining what I see day after day.
I know the thread's moved on but this comment annoyed me. People are attacking the condiscending message from the HA. Those families living such materially poor or disfunctional lives that they're children are malnurrished, for what ever reason, won't be helped with a leaflet. At the same time, the message is demeaning to anyone who manages there affairs the best they can in the circumstances. The person you mentioned, how many leaflets helped her in the end? Yet this just again plays up to the idea that peple in social housing are fekless losers who need to be lectured by some do gooding twat. You expect that sort of often hipocriticle talk from a GP possibly, not your frigging landlord. TO be annoyed with this doesn't mean one is fine with food deserts, the demands of work and poorsity of education.

And porridge is still rank. Especially served with salt as my Scottish nan attempted to propher on a few occasions. (sorry nan.)

I haven't once agreed with the HA' s leaflet. What I have done is respond to comments and sentiments that I felt are patronising towards w/c people. And the person I mentioned? She's not yet in a place where she can deal with her drinking/issues, so the child lives with her mother. I've never lectured her, cos I know it doesn't work, and because she has to be ready/willing to deal with her alcoholism. She knows that when she's ready, there's a lot of help and support for her. From all of us involved in her life. BTW, were you referring to me as being a do gooding twat?
Picky, you are apparently an Anarchist but I have seem absolutely no evidence on this board of any anarchist belief. For that matter I have seen no evidence of any belief.
That being the case I wonder how you can find my anarchism simultaneously present and absent. Your post says much more about you, and your reading of the boards - and none of it good - than it says about me.
Again, it wasn't my intention to preach about working class life. Can't help my history. And I'm certainly not up for punishing working class people.

Oh, why the fuck would I make up a story about pizzas?!! Seriously, I think some posters on here must be a bit out of touch

For the record, I'm pretty sure most of the people on this thread grew up poor and several are on the breadline now.

The girl who wouldn't heat up a pizza was so poor at parenting that her daughter got taken away from her - I don't think she's a good example of the average benefit claimant, nor would she have been helped by a leaflet or advice in person. Sounds like you tried your best with the advice part, but her problems went way beyond ignorance.
For the record, I'm pretty sure most of the people on this thread grew up poor and several are on the breadline now.

The girl who wouldn't heat up a pizza was so poor at parenting that her daughter got taken away from her - I don't think she's a good example of the average benefit claimant, nor would she have been helped by a leaflet or advice in person. Sounds like you tried your best with the advice part, but her problems went way beyond ignorance.

So her experience wasn't a consequence of poverty? Do you want to medicalise it?
No, let's just deny it happens and swear at anyone who says it does.

You think kids drinking pop at bus stops means what? THey're parents need a lecture. You're aware most peple living in social housing aren't totally clueless and financially wreckless. I don't know what your point is unless it's as seems, as banal and presumptious as saying some people really can't manage their lives very well and I eat my oats, not like those Red Bull drinking fuckups.
Very clever. And you continue to say nothing.
I don't need to post a grand defence of my views in response to your pisspoor provocation. i'd like to say it's been claimed you're intelligent though none of your posts support that assertion: but I have never seen anyone dare, in the face of the evidence you supply in every post, to suggest you're intelligent. Anyone who proposed such a thing would, I suppose, be laughed off the boards.
I haven't once agreed with the HA' s leaflet. What I have done is respond to comments and sentiments that I felt are patronising towards w/c people. And the person I mentioned? She's not yet in a place where she can deal with her drinking/issues, so the child lives with her mother. I've never lectured her, cos I know it doesn't work, and because she has to be ready/willing to deal with her alcoholism. She knows that when she's ready, there's a lot of help and support for her. From all of us involved in her life. BTW, were you referring to me as being a do gooding twat?

Nope. I agreed with some of the other stuff you said. It's just you seemed to be saying because people had a problem with the HA in this, they were denying problems existed. Yes for some families of course I accept that. I also know that most peple when faced with difficult circumstances, resort to a bit of escapism now and then, with out any over all problem meaning their children go hungry or rent unpaid. Maybe they have to improvise to make up a short fall now and then. Perhaps have more than a strictly healthy number of hangovers but they get on with it. The blanket addressing of HA tennets in this way, speaks to my mind, of a certain patronising do gooding middle class attitude. That's what I meant. not with reference to the things you've done.
You think kids drinking pop at bus stops means what? THey're parents need a lecture. You're aware most peple living in social housing aren't totally clueless and financially wreckless. I don't know what your point is unless it's as seems, as banal and presumptious as saying some people really can't manage their lives very well and I eat my oats, not like those Red Bull drinking fuckups.

If people aren't managing their lives, is it really that bad to suggest ways that they could?
I don't need to post a grand defence of my views in response to your pisspoor provocation. i'd like to say it's been claimed you're intelligent though none of your posts support that assertion: but I have never seen anyone dare, in the face of the evidence you supply in every post, to suggest you're intelligent. Anyone who proposed such a thing would, I suppose, be laughed off the boards.

I see. So you believe in people's "intelligence" being an indication of their worth? You aren't an Anarchist, you are a meritocrat whose main contribution has been to pick up on my spelling mistakes.
I see. So you believe in people's "intelligence" being an indication of their worth? You aren't an Anarchist, you are a meritocrat whose main contribution has been to pick up on my spelling mistakes.
It is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than talk and prove yourself one.

E2a: your spelling's fine, you just don't know which words to use.
oh and who is to be the judge of what is and isn't the best way to 'manage' one's life ?

Are you suggesting that we should not make a judgement call on whether it is best to spend money on electricity for watching TV rather than heating food for one's child?
Oh please stop being silly you know very well what i mean !

Well the answer to your original question is that any of us can be the judge. If someone makes the judgement call and it is plainly correct then it is not something to be sneered at.

That is how communities are built.
Well the answer to your original question is that any of us can be the judge. If someone makes the judgement call and it is plainly correct then it is not something to be sneered at.

That is how communities are built.

Who decides if it is 'plainly correct' then ?
Again, out of touch. How many gaffs have you been to where there's chaotic drug/alcohol abuse. The pain of not having a drink or your drug of choice is the first priority because it is so pressing and desperate. It comes before gas, etc. I have friends and family in this position, its heart-breaking.

My younger sister died in tragic circumstances just a few years ago, although it seems not long past still, as did her partner before her, who she found choking on his own vomit. Both deaths through alcohol abuse. My identical twin brother died unexpectedly not long after. Before my sister died she would ask me to go to the shops for her food and other essentials. I also spent some time working in family and singles hostels, seeing people everyday with drug and alcohol misuse issues. Before you jump on your moralising pedestal I suggest you have a think before you post.
Strangely enough I see kids waiting for the bus to go to the nice private school, they are drinking large takeaway costa coffees
I have seen very little evidence you are an Anarchist. However, you are a pedant.
Yesterday you said it appeared I was an anarchist, and you said you saw no evidence I was an anarchist: within the same sentence. Now you say you've seen little evidence of the same. You're all over the fucking shop.
Oh, about the kids drinking red bull in the morning. Kenny g came under a lot of attack and vitriol for his postings earlier, but he isn't wrong about kids eating/drinking absolute shite in the mornings. Kids often go to school without breakfast, or they get given some money to buy some on their way to school. Usually ending up with crisps/sweets/fizzy drinks. And like someone said, a bag of porridge oats costs next to nothing.

All of you posters who protest about these kinds of things being said, would you allow your OWN children to eat crap before going to school? If not, why is it acceptable for anyone else to allow it. Stop patronising working class people. The way I have always worked is, how would I want my child to be treated? If its not acceptable for my own, then why should I think it ok for others.

And speaking of being patronising, you realise you're doing the whole "projecting your own views onto others" thing, right?

You're making almost as many assumptions as kenny did. I know that your professional field is underprivileged kids, but kenny made assumptions about class, assumptions about nutrition etc that are substantiated (in the case of kenny's posts, which is what we're talking about here, not your personal experience of a particular stratum of the working class) by sweet FA.
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