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Gerry Adams exposed , his lies demolished at brothers rape trial

That is pathetic.

So let me get this straight. When you talked about Jerry Mc Cabe, you were talking about a completely different Jerry Mc Cabe, who was murdered by the IRA and was also offered the chance to surrender.

And in both cases they were ordered by the IRA (3 times), or is that some IRA tradition they have to ask someone to surrender 3 times, before they murder them.

You're a pathetic transparent translucent liar.

His car was rammed by some thugs, he and his partner were shot at close range before they even drew their wepons (UZI and 38s)

Are you FUCKING DELUSIONAL? Serious question. Neither Garda even had a chance to draw their weapons never mind fire them. Ballistics at the murder trial show this.


Right "your friend". Just as "your friend" shot the Garda after they fired on them?

Are you Walter fucking Mitty?

You are a lying homophobic bigot.

Calm down sweet heart......so your quoting the Guardian....brillant from a right wing west brit thats class...go to the actual court transcipts and of course a differrent narittive is in operation.......
i find it amazing that a guy like you who has never even been here can judge me...as for your anti gay shit.....i called into question revol 89 assertion that she was bombed of of her house as bullshit........ya your a class act....bet when you come home to your mum....your telling her londons brillant....fuvking tool......
Calm down sweet heart......so your quoting the Guardian....brillant from a right wing west brit thats class

I'm not right wing you delusional cunt.

Are you calling the Guardian a liar?

The Guardian (and every other paper that has covered the murder and the trial) states that McCabe and O'Sullivan were shot 14 times before they could even draw their weapons. You claim that the IRA shot them after giving 3 warnings and only after McCabe and O'Sullivan opened fire first.

I know who's more credible. And its' not the homophobic armchair republican.

...go to the actual court transcipts and of course a differrent narittive is in operation.......

Really link to it. I Dare you. I fucking Double Dare you.


You are a lying weasel faced bigoted homophobic apologist for murders.

i find it amazing that a guy like you who has never even been here can judge me

I can judge you on your words on the this site. From my home in Ireland.

...as for your anti gay shit.....

It's your "anti gay shit" you called me a "arse bandit"

i called into question revol 89 assertion that she was bombed of of her house as bullshit

What the fuck does that have to do with your making up lies about the murder of Jerry Mc Cabe (and the "other" Jerry McCabe you claim you were talking about in the 1st place) and your homophobic slurs.

........ya your a class act....bet when you come home to your mum....your telling her londons brillant....fuvking tool......

Wow, just wow so much incoherent nonsense I don't even where to start.
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The blokes a massive cunt but ended the troubles
Roughly thats saved 500 odd lives and about a 1000 maimings since 1998

From the cain website re killings
In the case of the under I 8s, the IRA are responsible for the largest number of deaths, followed by the British Army, but the variation in the scale of difference in the two age groups is not quite as marked. In the under 25 age group, the IRA were responsible for by far the largest number of killings and the difference between them and the next largest - the British Army -was quite marked (610 to 182) - whilst the difference in the under 18 age group is not as great (73 to 58).
This is all sounding like Greedo from Star Wars has been transplanted into Candyman but with a twist of Sean Bean from Patriot Games.
Oh looking back over j patterson's posting history on another thread he claimed he's "not a republican" but now he's calling IRA men "comrades".

Fuck you dick.....peter is my comrade.....and while your parents and the rest of you free state cunts stood idily by when our parents were being burnt out of our homes..it was peter and people like him...that prevented the b-specials and the unionist fuckers sending us into the ground.....wont take any preaching from a pampered cunt like you.......up the fucki

Fuck you dick.....peter is my comrade.....and while your parents and the rest of you free state cunts stood idily by when our parents were being burnt out of our homes..it was peter and people like him...that prevented the b-specials and the unionist fuckers sending us into the ground.....wont take any preaching from a pampered cunt like you.......up the fucki

Oh look our favorite incoherent homophobic armchair not a republican republican is back.

Now care to explain how it's revol69's fault that you called me a "arsebandit"?

Or your proof that Jerry McCabe drew his weapon?

Dazzle us.
Oh looking back over j patterson's posting history on another thread he claimed he's "not a republican" but now he's calling IRA men "comrades".

Fuck you dick.....peter is my comrade.....and while your parents and the rest of you free state cunts stood idily by when our parents were being burnt out of our homes..it was peter and people like him...that prevented the b-specials and the unionist fuckers sending us into the ground.....wont take any preaching from a pampered cunt like you.......up the fucki
Well, he was someone on here under another name that had some cred - if he's talking shit about arse bandits his left-wing mates who don't know that he's now using this name might be interested.
Calm down sweet heart......so your quoting the Guardian....brillant from a right wing west brit thats class...go to the actual court transcipts and of course a differrent narittive is in operation.......
i find it amazing that a guy like you who has never even been here can judge me...as for your anti gay shit.....i called into question revol 89 assertion that she was bombed of of her house as bullshit........ya your a class act....bet when you come home to your mum....your telling her londons brillant....fuvking tool......
Oh look our favorite incoherent homophobic armchair not a republican republican is back.

Now care to explain how it's revol69's fault that you called me a "arsebandit"?

Or your proof that Jerry McCabe drew his weapon?

Dazzle us.

I will take my reference from the actual people who where there and involved in the events....not from the garda and rte spin than came after......actually i was having coffee with peter this morning....and even he thinks you sound like Conor Cruise O,brain......your like the boowler hated orange men...more English than the English themselves
I will take my reference from the actual people who where there and involved in the events....

Which event? The shooting of Garda Jerry McCabe. Or as you claimed earlier in this thread a completely different McCabe, who was also shot by the IRA in Belfast (but both were told to surrender )

not from the garda and rte spin than came after......

No no no no. You claimed that the "court transcripts" proved that Mc Cabe and the other Officer drew their weapons (forcing the IRA to shoot them).

Now we're onto "trust me I know I guy and I know the truth".

Notice that no IRA man, or SF representative has ever gone on the record to support your claims about what happened?

actually i was having coffee with peter this morning....

O course you did. And was P O'Neil there too? And then afterwards did you and Cúchulainn chase all the UDA men off the Sandy Row armed only with your caman's and some sliotars?

and even he thinks you sound like Conor Cruise O,brain

Who's O,brian? Yes you and Peter had coffee this morning while you talked about someone from the internet.

......your like the boowler hated orange men...more English than the English themselves

And you're a delusional arm chair not a republican republican. And a homophobic little shit.
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quite the bunfight

Whoever shot first its pretty common knowledge in ireland that in the late 1980s branchman McCabe gunned down a close friend and comrade of the men who later shot hm . An IRA man by the name of Hugh Hehir who was particularly close to that cells leader. A killing McCabe was personally quite proud of in fact... as over those ten years he rarely missed an opportunity to rub that boast in the faces of the people who eventually gave him a similar fate. While subjecting them and their families to the usual campaign of special branch harassment threats house raids etc

Just wondering does Gaybo there have an opinion on that as he has an opinion on everything else. Obfuscation Gaybo style or Big Boys rules ? McCabe was a stone cold killer whod drop a man and not have one ounce of remorse after it . And happily boast about it to cause distress in his targets who he also told hed happily shoot too if given the chance . He never got the chance when push came to shove but im baffled why yer mans so outraged he never got the chance to make good on his threats and boasts over ten years .
The blokes a massive cunt but ended the troubles
Roughly thats saved 500 odd lives and about a 1000 maimings since 1998

he didnt n the slghtest..all he did was defeat republcanism from inside by stealth and defer the next outbreak. its been bubbling away regularly and itll all start all over again...nothing surer . And be even harder to solve next time round
Except the whole idea that a few brave gunmen can force the british and the majority of prods out of the north reunite ireland into a land of shamrocks and sunshine is actually insane:eek:

Theres a mechanism in place for a border poll
Except the whole idea that a few brave gunmen can force the british and the majority of prods out of the north reunite ireland into a land of shamrocks and sunshine is actually insane:eek:

Theres a mechanism in place for a border poll

thats never been the idea

and there shouldnt be a border in the first place much less a poll on it...theres always been a mechanism for a border poll

only the irish people acting as a unit without foreign interference are an expression of natonal will and natonal soveregnty . Thin for one second what it would mean if we divided england between north and south...or white and Muslim bits....made sure they would never co operate by institutionalized sectarianism in the gerry mandered carve up ...and then told you dont worry theres a mechanism for a poll to reunite someday

words lie off ..fuck.. and wheres my gun mght be a tad more popular than..that sounds perfectly sane democratic and will surely lead to peace and unity

try that in scotland ...partitioning it between unionist and nationalist districts while state funding orangism as a legitimate cultural expression ...and see what happens. Border poll me hole
quite the bunfight

Whoever shot first its pretty common knowledge in ireland that in the late 1980s branchman McCabe gunned down a close friend and comrade of the men who later shot hm

Mc Cabe didn't shoot 1st. This isnt Han V Greebo. Neither Mc Cabe or his partner had a chance to draw their weapons.

. An IRA man by the name of Hugh Hehir who was particularly close to that cells leader. A killing McCabe was personally quite proud of in fact... as over those ten years he rarely missed an opportunity to rub that boast in the faces of the people who eventually gave him a similar fate. While subjecting them and their families to the usual campaign of special branch harassment threats house raids etc

Don't suppose you have a source for any of the above? Or how the IRA knew it was Mc Cabe in the car before they opened fire?

No didn't think so.

Just wondering does Gaybo there have an opinion on that as he has an opinion on everything else. Obfuscation Gaybo style or Big Boys rules ?

Just a question are you being a asshole or a homophobic asshole? i think the latter and you're just being slightly clever than your mate about it.

McCabe was a stone cold killer whod drop a man and not have one ounce of remorse after it .

Please give details of the situation surrounding the Mc Cabe shooting.

And happily boast about it to cause distress in his targets

I'm sorry I'm supposed to care about the emotional trauma Mc Cabe allegedly instilled in cold blooded IRA terrorists?

Just since you know about sooooo much about this. Entertain us.
youve been told...your branchman hero gloated openly for years about killing a man to hs comrades

now take your fake moral panic ...climb aboard your peace train and fuck off back to whatever dsingenuous free state hipster sh thole you crawled out of

entertain you me bollix
youve been told...your branchman hero gloated openly for years about killing a man to hs comrades

Ah so we're into the "I was told by a mate down the pub" school of shiteology.

now take your fake moral panic ...climb aboard your peace train and fuck off back to whatever dsingenuous free state hipster sh thole you crawled out of

Oh piss off you neanderthal republican shitehawk.

entertain you me bollix

Another homophobic cunt.
youve been told...your branchman hero gloated openly for years about killing a man to hs comrades
Unless you're claiming that McCabe was deliberately targeted, what sort of man he was makes absolutely no difference. The media tries the same trick whenever someone is unjustifiably killed by the police, as if later finding out that the deceased was a 'bad egg' retroactively justifies having shot them. It's apologist bullshit.
Unless you're claiming that McCabe was deliberately targeted, what sort of man he was makes absolutely no difference. The media tries the same trick whenever someone is unjustifiably killed by the police, as if later finding out that the deceased was a 'bad egg' retroactively justifies having shot them. It's apologist bullshit.

See republicans can be outraged by atrocities (like bloody sunday etc) but anyone who is offended by say republicans murdering a mother of ten in cold blood, is displaying "faux outrage" and is a west brit apologist.

Its beyond their ability to grasp that you can be offended by say for example, the cold blooded murder of 3 IRA bombers in gibraltar by the SAS, but at the same time acknowledge that the bombers were there on mission to murder people so you can't really get on your moralistic high horse about how they died.
Might as well go here, I guess - SWP-style IRA investigation of rape allegations:

A woman who says she was subjected against her will to an in-house investigation by the republican movement in West Belfast after being raped by an IRA volunteer will speak out this week on a BBC documentary.

The woman, who will waive her right to anonymity during the programme, claims that she was raped and sexually assaulted by the senior IRA member when she was only 16, and that the abuse continued for a prolonged period.

When her allegations became known, the young woman was taken to a house in the city, where a special IRA team interrogated her at length.

She was also forced to confront her alleged abuser on a separate occasion, in order, the IRA said, for them to decide which of the pair was telling the truth.

She was forbidden throughout to go to the police or to rape crisis counsellors for help, and describes her fear and confusion as she was put through the ordeal, both by her alleged attacker and by IRA and Sinn Fein members who were assigned to deal with it. She had only recently left school, the interrogations lasted for hours at a time and the investigation itself went on for months.

The man was later moved out of the city. He denies the allegations and was subsequently acquitted when, in a dramatic development, no evidence was offered at his trial [...]

Might as well go here, I guess - SWP-style IRA investigation of rape allegations:

A woman who says she was subjected against her will to an in-house investigation by the republican movement in West Belfast after being raped by an IRA volunteer will speak out this week on a BBC documentary.

The woman, who will waive her right to anonymity during the programme, claims that she was raped and sexually assaulted by the senior IRA member when she was only 16, and that the abuse continued for a prolonged period.

When her allegations became known, the young woman was taken to a house in the city, where a special IRA team interrogated her at length.

She was also forced to confront her alleged abuser on a separate occasion, in order, the IRA said, for them to decide which of the pair was telling the truth.

She was forbidden throughout to go to the police or to rape crisis counsellors for help, and describes her fear and confusion as she was put through the ordeal, both by her alleged attacker and by IRA and Sinn Fein members who were assigned to deal with it. She had only recently left school, the interrogations lasted for hours at a time and the investigation itself went on for months.

The man was later moved out of the city. He denies the allegations and was subsequently acquitted when, in a dramatic development, no evidence was offered at his trial [...]


its sad that such a rabid and nasty piece of work like Eilis Ohanlon has attached herself lie a leech to that particular victim . The shinners can just point to that now and attack both the credibility and motives of the victim .
so..on the above ...yet again a rape victim is being dismissed as a liar by Gerry Adams. Maíria Cahill clams she met Adams personally as a 16 year old rape victim and his response was creepy in the extreme. She claims he suggested to her she might have enjoyed the experience of being repeatedly raped.

In the programme, Ms Cahill detailed the first of several meetings she had with Gerry Adams about her abuse allegations.

"The most disturbing thing of that conversation for me was then he said: 'Well, you know Maíria, abusers can be extremely manipulative.And you know, he kind of put his hand on his chin and he sat forward a wee bit, and he said: 'Sometimes they're that manipulative', that the people who have been abused actually enjoy it.

"I was absolutely horrified. And I, at that point, got very, very angry and said to him: 'Well I didn't enjoy it'.

"And at that the meeting was over for me, there was no point.


That fucking creep Adams is admitting he formally met with her over the rape allegations but bizarrely denying the subject of rape ever came up in the conversation and that he was completely unaware of the rape allegation . Anyone whos been keeping up wth the previous Adams denials regarding his niece will get a depressing sense of deja vu from this rancid self serving account of his actions .

Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams has this afternoon insisted he did not discuss Maíria Cahill’s allegations of rape by an IRA member with her and was “personally horrified” at remarks she attributed to him in a recent television programme.


“We met formally, if you like, by me saying I want to talk to you, are you in diffs (sic), Are you ok?”

However, he said the rape allegation was never discussed, “if I have it right”. Mr Adams said Ms Cahill was in some personal difficulties, “presumably because of this rape allegation”.

Mr Adams said he met Ms Cahill specifically at the request of Ms O’Hanlon after “either she had been taken into hospital, or she was ill overnight, or she had some row or something”.

He said he did not think Ms O’Hanlon was aware of “the source of all this” and he certainly was not. He also said Ms Cahill did not raise the allegation that she had to go before a republican-style court.


very soft soap that from the Irish times...just lie before

and yet again hes covering himself..just like before ...by insisting he told 2 people who are now dead that the girl should go to the cops. Adams claims he told 2 people to tell the victim she should go to the cops...Siobhan Ohanlon and Joe Cahill . Both now conveniently dead . Just like the priest in Clonard he claims he warned about about his child rapist brother .

“Siobhán and I met with Joe Cahill, who was Maíria’s uncle. We told Joe of the allegation and asked him to speak to Maíria about reporting this to the RUC. He did so. Maíria did not want to do this at that time. I have contacted my solicitor with regard to the allegations made against me in the Spotlight programme.”

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even more sickening is that yet again not only is he wrapping his own families abuse history around him like a flag of innocence hes actually claiming that his own self serving revelations about it have prompted abuse victims to personally come to hm as a mentor and that he regularly works with them to resolve their troubles.

Earlier in the interview, Mr Adams said he had had to deal with abuse in his own family. “I speak from experience when I say allegations of rape have to be treated very, very sensitively, victims have to be treated with respect”. Victims of abuse had come to him because of his own experience, he said, and he would continue to work with them.

absolute self serving fucking horseshit Adams..youve just made that up as another part of your fantasy world

Any rape victim with even an ounce of awareness of what Gerry Adams relationship towards the sexual abuse issue was would give him of all people a very wide berth indeed . So far the only 2 we know about have painted a picture of a lying manipulative monster who persistently covered for and protected a rapist.... reported his victims to the social out of spite and made both their experiences much worse .
adams full interview radio here..rambling and evasive from the very outset and throughout..cant and wont answer even very basic questions...almost painting himself as a victim. Just like before in the court except a crap interviewer indulges him unlike the lawyer there . Also uses the issue of the victims record of post rape self harm as a vile means to undermine her credibilty


part of Maíria Cahills response to this bullshit

“I am appalled. Gerry knows the truth. He knows I know the truth. I have been forced into the position where I have had to waive my anonymity because of his previous denials on that issue and I think that is reprehensible.”

On Mr Adams’ rather flimsy and detail free account of his conversations with Ms Cahill, she said it was important that she had live witnesses who can corroborate it.

“Gerry has chosen two dead people and I think that is absolutely reprehensible given his close relationship with those two people. That he has told lies about them and he has lied about me and he clearly has trouble with some aspects of his memory and it is not just on this issue but on other issues in the past just like he denies his membership of the IRA which I also know not to be true.

“The time has come where he needs to come out and say yes this was an issue; yes it was wrong; no Maíria Cahill is not a liar and that is the starting point for them.

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin also raises the issue of Adams attack on her credibility


“Today both Maíria and I listened to Gerry Adams on RTE1 and I just watched the reaction of Maíria to it. Disbelief in terms of his comment that he didn’t know her very well.

He did a despicable thing in my view in that he attempted to undermine her when he referred to self-harm in 2002.
Mr Martin said that the one thing people should never do in a situation like this was to try and undermine the person involved.

“You don’t in a very underhand way try to undermine the credibility or the character of the person involved and I think that was absolutely despicable that that happened today on the News at One.
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