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Gerry Adams exposed , his lies demolished at brothers rape trial

just to give people a bit of further background here.. was living in that part of Belfast when all this stuff started coming out years ago .

The man alleged to have committed the rapes against Ms Cahll is Martin Morris ..a punter whose existence i was keenly aware of for some years as were other details surrounding this case . Hes living in London now as he darent show his face in Belfast...east Ham district just in case you see him talking to any kids . To make clear to the mods he has no legal recourse to libel due to his past conviction for a serious offence namely membership . Also the only stuff ill speak about here has also been carried in my local media on a number of occasions.



only one paper to my knowledge is carrying the report that 2 other young girls.. also both members of the extended Cahill family circle who remain anonymous were also accusing hm of raping them during the same period . Something that was the talk of Belfast at the time this started emerging years back and indeed reported on by the same paper back then without naming anyone... despite everyone knowing who it was . Adams denials of knowledge need to be considered n the context of the whole of republican west belfast knowing about this and Morris being spirited away to a series of different locations by the shinners for hs own safety .

Where this gets very murky though surrounds MMs known role within the provos structures and the peace process in Ballymurphy at a very crucial political period . To be clear he had no rep for beng any kind of urban guerrilla. He was considered locally to be a top dog n whats known as civil administration...a euphemism for a very different kind of business altogether . Local kids nickname for hm was blood on the boots. As a result of this MM was chosen to head up the joint Sinn Fein and British government project known as CRJ...in Ballymurphy . Adams and the provos political and spiritual heartland.

He was duly appointed to a British government funded CRJ job in the years immediately before the shinners publicly embraced the PSN . Ostensibly this project was supposed to be about delivering effective community justice without recourse to vigilantism . in reality it was about delivering the local Republican community into accepting and even joining the British crown forces. By stealth bit by bit. it was the crown forces political gateway into the murph with the shinners...and MM... as gatekeepers. in short due to location and timing MM was in a very important political role in an extremely politically sensitive district during a crucial period of the shinners evolution by stealth into a fully constitutional entity that accepted the British states legitimacy in Ireland . And being paid by HMG

its inconceivable due to his role and location his name wasnt regularly discussed at the highest level including downing street and that he hadnt been approved by Adams personally...if not picked by hm. in one circle or another..or in a number..MM was regarded before appointment as a safe pair of hands who would deliver what was expected without questioning . So thats were the lamentable handling of this yet again by the British forces come into it . Both they and the shinner top brass had a common interest in brushing this under the carpet at the time as it undermined their joint project.

Adams for example initally denied to Ms Cahill he even knew MM. She reminded Adams hed been guest of honour at MMs wedding . Further context in which Adams actions and denials need to be considered in.

And finally as regards context..mentioned earlier that the journalist Eilis OHanlon who accompanied MC to the press conferences and the like is a particularly nasty piece of work. Which she is..a dyed in the wool right wing reactonary pro Thatcherite and professional right wing pro British controversialst . Shes also related to MC . it was her sister Siobhan OHanlon... well known SF member and also a relation of MC and Joe Cahill..who Adams claims he told to tell MC to go to the cops. To give an idea of how badly estranged the 2 were ...even when dying of cancer Siobhan still refused to speak or meet with Eilis OHanlon such is her reputation and record for a particular brand of venom . They were estranged to the very end .This reputation and motivation could well play into Adams hands sadly...yet another plot against hm by the man . Despite him being the man himself .
Joe Cahill himself accused - by unnamed ‘intelligence sources’ - of being kiddy-fiddling tout now:

...Joe Cahill, who helped found the Provisional IRA, was pictured abusing a 14-year-old girl in a car in the 1970s.

But instead of being prosecuted, the images were used by military spooks to turn the Republican hero – and close ally of Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams – into one of the British Army’s most valuable informants.

Low-key and subtle front page splash:

Joe Cahill himself accused - by unnamed ‘intelligence sources’ - of being kiddy-fiddling tout now:

Low-key and subtle front page splash:
View attachment 62674


id treat the abuse clams with some serious suspicion.. and utter derision at the laughable claim by the anonymous source it could never happen in modern times because of safeguards... but cahill was regarded by a number of senor people to have been a wrongun even prior to 74. Cheif suspect in a few quarters in scuppering the original Libyan shipments a year previous ..eventually put down to careless tal as opposed to deliberate treason but doubts remained for some. Adams had his back though . Adams could always rely on him in turn to perform as and when expected.

for example when Adams was using militarist rhetoric and posing to block the proposals to contest elections to highlight the blanketmens plight Cahll pops up as the traditional authentic militarist and backs him . Few years later when Adams u turns up he pops again spouting off about how elections were the key to victory . Announces the ceasefire..proclaims we won the war...all that utter shit . kept turning up like a bad penny at every crucial juncture giving the less knowledgeable sheep the false impression that Adams series of directions had the implicit blessng and authenticity of the old school traditionalists . When in reality the old school mostly regarded him as a scumbag a loudmouth and a security risk.

On the subject of being compromised though yet again we have the scenario of Adams...and by extension of his cultish leadership the entire provos... being held by the balls by the British forces due to him protecting child molesters close to him. Ms Cahill has pointed out it later transpired the locations in which Adams and his associates met her to discuss the rapes were bugged to the balls . Tapes of his and others conversations with her definitely exist and the British intelligence services definitely have them .



they can wheel them out or otherwise leak them at a moments notice and totally destroy him .
not the late joe cahill :(

Depending on when in the 1970s this supposed incident took place, it could certainly present a different perspective from which to view Brendan Hughes' scant references to Cahill in the Maloney book (notably: putting the brakes on Hughes' Armalite procurement in the States; being the apparent cause for vetoing Hughes' proposed professionalisation programme; ‘counting his money’ in Dublin whilst Twomey was in out in the wilderness).

Caveats apply, etc.

as regards that particular smear against joe cahill...a man ive zero time or respect for....its bullshit . Straight from the gutter . Have heard plenty of very bitter criticism of him but never that type of stuff . Also it doesnt stand up to even basic scrutiny . JC was instantly recognizable to everyone in Belfast back then . To be doing something like that in the street in a small town lke belfast where everyone knows each other....even to be carrying a youngster in your car....utter nonsense .Gutter opportunism
Depending on when in the 1970s this supposed incident took place, it could certainly present a different perspective from which to view Brendan Hughes' scant references to Cahill in the Maloney book (notably: putting the brakes on Hughes' Armalite procurement in the States; being the apparent cause for vetoing Hughes' proposed professionalisation programme; ‘counting his money’ in Dublin whilst Twomey was in out in the wilderness).

Caveats apply, etc.

strongly believe cahll was a wrongun..just not a pedo. some issues you mention predate 74

he was Adams proxy..they fed off each other
as regards that particular smear against joe cahill...a man ive zero time or respect for....its bullshit . Straight from the gutter . Have heard plenty of very bitter criticism of him but never that type of stuff . Also it doesnt stand up to even basic scrutiny . JC was instantly recognizable to everyone in Belfast back then . To be doing something like that in the street in a small town lke belfast where everyone knows each other....even to be carrying a youngster in your car....utter nonsense .Gutter opportunism

Yes it's almost like Cahill belonged to a quasi military terrorist organisation that felt it was above the law, and could strike fear and disappear members of his own community with impunity.
CR's argument that sexual abuse couldn't happen in a small town like belfast are at odds with the facts


And Y'know Liam Adams abuse of his daughter which is what inspired this thread.

Fuck the fuck off. The level of hypocrisy from SF is staggering considering the vitirial they flung at the church in Ireland over their cover up of their abuse.

Look at CRs outrage it's not that a woman was abused by a senior IRA member or the cover up (sorry investigation by terrorist thugs with no background in mental health) it's that Ellis O Hanlon (who in CR's defense is a fucking right wing hack) has jumped on the bandwagon. Yes thats the most objectionable part of this whole sorry business.
CR's argument that sexual abuse couldn't happen in a small town like belfast are at odds with the facts


And Y'know Liam Adams abuse of his daughter which is what inspired this thread.

Fuck the fuck off. The level of hypocrisy from SF is staggering considering the vitirial they flung at the church in Ireland over their cover up of their abuse.

Look at CRs outrage it's not that a woman was abused by a senior IRA member or the cover up (sorry investigation by terrorist thugs with no background in mental health) it's that Ellis O Hanlon (who in CR's defense is a fucking right wing hack) has jumped on the bandwagon. Yes thats the most objectionable part of this whole sorry business.

Hang on, did SF fling vitriol at the church over the abuse scandals? I don't remember that at all, but I'm willing to be schooled.

Over the past twenty years, I've probably spent longer outside the 26 counties than I have inside it, but given that SF's base in the north is still more loyal to the church than its equivalents south of the border, I find it improbable that they would erm. . . "bash the bishops" so to speak. . .
Commenting this morning on the report on clerical sexual abuse of children in the Dublin Diocese Sinn Féin Vice President Mary Lou McDonald said anyone found to have covered up the abuse of children should be arrested and face the full rigours of the law.


Sinn Fein's vice president Mary Lou McDonald says she was aware of the IRA interference in sex cases as outlined by Gerry Adams yesterday.


Mary Lou from 2009 wants Mary Lou from 2014 arrested.
CR's argument that sexual abuse couldn't happen in a small town like belfast are at odds with the facts


And Y'know Liam Adams abuse of his daughter which is what inspired this thread.

Fuck the fuck off. The level of hypocrisy from SF is staggering considering the vitirial they flung at the church in Ireland over their cover up of their abuse.

Look at CRs outrage it's not that a woman was abused by a senior IRA member or the cover up (sorry investigation by terrorist thugs with no background in mental health) it's that Ellis O Hanlon (who in CR's defense is a fucking right wing hack) has jumped on the bandwagon. Yes thats the most objectionable part of this whole sorry business.

youre talking complete fucking shite you wanker ...seriously ...a complete and utter fucking idiot. Belfast was and is rife with sex abuse . The point is though Joe Cahill was an instantly recognizable figure regularly on television radio and newspapers..a household name .People in west Belfast knew him on sight instantly. He was also frequently stopped searched and arrested . He also had major local political and military rivals n the form of the sticks who in 74 were still bigger than the provos in belfast . Theyd have destroyed him with rumours like that . As would his numerous rivals in the Belfast provos .
Ts simply impossible that he was swanning around Belfast with a 14 year old girl in tow and nobody batting an eyelid . impossible. Mairie Cahill herself has publicly rubbished those claims . Theres never been the slightest bit of gossip linking cahill to that type of activity . Ever .

ive outlined for a British audence who Ellis O Hanlon is and what her connection is to the case . im not remotely outraged...im dismayed because it gives the shinners the opportunity to deflect the issue and undermine the credibility of this victim. thats been made chrystal clear by me a number of times. How you can also miss me giving out ferociously about Adams behavior is astounding . The fact is you havent missed it at all...youre a liar . Youre simply using this thread and its subject matter as a means to vent your petty vendettas against posters and Republicanism in general . its yourself using rape victims distress as a personal bandwagon throughout this thread that youve incessantly trolled with balls like the above. At least Ellis O Hanlon has a legitimate personal interest in the issue .

if ever a post illustrated the precise nature of your idiocy its that one.

interesting though you raise the issues of kincora ...a British ntellgence operaton that was let run for years with all sorts of abusers protected...and the case of Liam Adams..a man who hs victim reported to the RUC who simply used that as an attempted intel exercise and never touched him . Not a word of criticism from yourself though. Perhaps you could educate the board on exatly where victims from certain backgrounds were supposed to go for help .

silly question..youre an idiot and cant even educate yourself much less anyone else
youre talking complete fucking shite you wanker ...seriously ...a complete and utter fucking idiot. Belfast was and is rife with sex abuse . The point is though Joe Cahill was an instantly recognizable figure regularly on television radio and newspapers..a household name .People in west Belfast knew him on sight instantly. He was also frequently stopped searched and arrested . He also had major local political and military rivals n the form of the sticks who in 74 were still bigger than the provos in belfast . Theyd have destroyed him with rumours like that . As would his numerous rivals in the Belfast provos .

You mean a popular, recognisable 70s icon committed sexual assault on children utilising their power and infamy to cover up their crimes.

Totally implausible.

Oh wait.




Ts simply impossible that he was swanning around Belfast with a 14 year old girl in tow and nobody batting an eyelid . impossible. Mairie Cahill herself has publicly rubbished those claims . Theres never been the slightest bit of gossip linking cahill to that type of activity . Ever .

Marie Cahill has rubbished which claims about the man she has accused of rape?

ive outlined for a British audence who Ellis O Hanlon is and what her connection is to the case . im not remotely outraged...im dismayed because it gives the shinners the opportunity to deflect the issue and undermine the credibility of this victim. thats been made chrystal clear by me a number of times. How you can also miss me giving out ferociously about Adams behavior is astounding . The fact is you havent missed it at all...youre a liar . Youre simply using this thread and its subject matter as a means to vent your petty vendettas against posters and Republicanism in general . its yourself using rape victims distress as a personal bandwagon throughout this thread that youve incessantly trolled with balls like the above. At least Ellis O Hanlon has a legitimate personal interest in the issue .

Cry me a fucking river.
You mean a popular, recognisable 70s icon committed sexual assault on children utilising their power and infamy to cover up their crimes.

Totally implausible.

Oh wait.




Marie Cahill has rubbished which claims about the man she has accused of rape?

Cry me a fucking river.

twat...you think theres no essential difference between disc jockeys and kids tv presenters n London and one of irelands most notorious terrorist chefs n 1974 Belfast driving about the war torn troop saturated streets n hs car with a kid in it. Streets were people lived and would ponder..whys that wee girl in Joe Cahills car ? Do her parents now ?


And Mairie Cahill patently has not and never has accused Joe Cahill of ever raping her . Just fuck off now you twat ..theres absolutely no comeback from that clanger . No comeback at all . Youre completely clueless ..no remote idea what the issues even about..and just incessantly trolling this thread to death .
twat...you think theres no essential difference between disc jockeys and kids tv presenters n London and one of irelands most notorious terrorist chefs n 1974 Belfast driving about the war torn troop saturated streets n hs car with a kid in it. Streets were people lived and would ponder..whys that wee girl in Joe Cahills car ? Do her parents now ?


If you don't know the difference between now and know I wouldn't go around calling people's idiots.

The difference is there but their is a common thread Cahill was as you pointed out a terrorist chief (Not chef as you called him, though I would like to see "cooking with the 'RA" on the BBC). Who would dare speak out against him if they thought he was a rapist?

And Mairie Cahill patently has not and never has accused Joe Cahill of ever raping her . Just fuck off now you twat ..theres absolutely no comeback from that clanger . No comeback at all . Youre completely clueless ..no remote idea what the issues even about..and just incessantly trolling this thread to death .

Never said she did darling. The accusations Marie Cahill made are completely different to the accusations against Joe Cahill.
[QUOTE="8den, post: 13486716, member: 30982" Who would dare speak out against him if they thought he was a rapist?

Never said she did darling. The accusations Marie Cahill made are completely different to the accusations against Joe Cahill.[/QUOTE]

youve clearly stated n response to MCs rubbishing of the tabloid claims against Joe Cahill

Marie Cahill has rubbished which claims about the man she has accused of rape?

youre a bullshtter caught out and should fuck off the thread now

this is actually a thread about the provos offering to shoot one of its members accused of rape and banishing him from the country for ten years....meaning there were serious sanctions for these offences . And the report youre claiming is true also makes the claim the girls father would have killed Cahill had he knew . As well as claiming fear of exposure was used to turn Cahill..meaning he was afraid of people finding out . Yet you claim he had nothing to fear . Make your fucking mind up .

actually dont..youve exposed yourself as a shameless and clueless bullshitter well enough as it is ..wholly intent on derailing and trolling the thread to death .

I don't think your final sentence really follows from the second of your two links. That link quotes MLM as saying:

"I was aware of the background as Gerry has set it out," she revealed.

"It was really breakdown of democratic structures, there was no access to police and non-political policing. The people looked for other solutions in their communities. Gerry has pointed out on one hand the very positive outcome of that in terms of restorative justice.

"The truth is there were also negative sides to that such joy riding, drug dealing and abuse. People looked to the IRA to resolve those matters for them."

McDonald believes that the anti-social behaviour was the result of a society in crisis.

"Communities had nowhere else to turn. These were incredibly difficult circumstances so in the absence of a bona-fida police service, inevitably I suppose, there were other responses.

"I'm not pretending for a moment this was a good situation, it clearly wasn't."

"I'm not advertising this as a good thing that happened.""

I think she's got a point here. Northern Ireland was, and is, a deeply dysfunctional society, and one element of that was the fact that the police service delegitimised itself in the eyes of a substantial section of the population. And in the vacuum that resulted, all manner of dodgy goings-on ensued.
Enda Kenny having a field day with this . Demanding of Adams to know how many sex abusers from the north are on the loose . Also spinning t as the provos helping abusers to evade justice .

2 more victims of an abuser are also talking to the media but remaining anonymous for now . 2 teenage brothers were abused by a provo circa 2001 in north louth at their home which was a provo safe house. They claim they were given 3 options . The abuser could be shot dead and disappeared . Or if they wanted he could be delivered to them to do him themselves . Or he could be banished from the country and permanently exiled. Not wanting blood on their hands they took the banishment option . The journalist theyve spoken to says they have correspondence from senior shinners to back their story up . A lot more of this stuff is likely to raise its head as more victims come forward on the back of all this.

Basically the beard has dropped the rest of them in the dung . He plainly couldnt resist mentally tormenting Mairie Cahill when she angered hm by bringing public opprobrium on the Ballymurphy CRJ...his pet project under his appointee Morris. Trying to coax a child into admitting she enjoyed being raped is pure Adams darkness and sickness . Had she bent to that pressure Morriss could well have been exonerated . That is if 2 more victims hadnt come forward and claimed hed raped them while this supposed investigation was going on...which would point to some weird sense of confidence and invulnerability if true. Adams sick mind games against a vulnerable young girl who crossed him by being inconvenient and spoiling the CRJ party are coming back to haunt all of them . With bells on .

A very angry Mairie Cahill herself found the courage to confront the provos largely due to the Liam Adams case....a debacle again presided over by the beard who took cynicism and darkness to a new low there . He never even told the provos about that one . Mairie Cahill though unlike Aine has chosen to take a very political route and is beng hosted and promoted by the leaders of the southern parties...Peter Robinson wants to meet her too .

The shinners opponents are lapping it up and intend to make as much political hay out of it as possible. The shinners credibility has gone through the floor . Pearse Doherty was defending the boss last week insisting the provos didnt carry out these types of internal investigations . A bare faced lie but deemed necessary to defend the beard who was basically calling Mairie Cahill a damaged fantasist and threatening legal action against the BBC. Then the beard realises the games up and u turns...admits these trials happened and leaves Doherty hanging in the breeze as a man whos just publicly called a rape victim a liar on the national media. Every politician and journo has a free penalty kick against him from hereon in . Tough shit Pearse....youll just have to take that one for the team...team Adams . Louth TD Arthur Morgan abandoned his seat after being caught out lying for the boss over the Liam Adams scandal . Mebbe theres more brass in Dohertys neck though .

Regardless..no matter how much sleaze theyre embroiled n Adams will stay put . His party are sheep and dont possess the fortitude to call him out on bringing them into disrepute. The Sepp Blatter of west Belfast will hang around till he finally croaks. Utterly shamelessly and no matter how much dirt he drags them through . They deserve each other .
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