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Geothermal Energy


Its sunny somewhere.
I was reading up on geothermal energy on Wikipedia and I couldn't really find any reason we don't use more of the heat left in the planet. Its cooling down but on a planetary scale not a human one. The most interesting bit to consider, there is radioactive decay causing heat so there is a fantastically gigantic nuclear power station at the core of the planet. Its not getting cold no matter what we as a species do.

The crust is 400 miles deep, some of the deepest wells have been only 10-12Km deep. But even at these depths, pressure has hit 25000psi and 300+ degrees C, melting the drilling bit.

Given some geothermal power plants exist, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wairakei_Power_Station is one and has been running since 1958 producing a fairly steady 150Mw of power. I really cant see why everyone isn't drilling massive boreholes to get at this power?

All the effort and engineering gone into Nuclear and still not sure what to do with the waste. The same level of engineering tapping to the core? Be decent by now surely.
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See, even Southhampton is using this basic technology to heat and generate power.

Surely 1 billion invested would make us nearly energy independent from a household perspective.
The crust is 400 miles deep, some of the deepest wells have been only 10-12Km deep. But even at these depths, pressure has hit 25000psi and 300+ degrees C, melting the drilling bit.
The tricky bit is maintaining the energy flow at a decent rate. It might be really hot down there, but if you start extracting energy, you find that what you're really doing is operating a rock cooling machine. Without a distributed network of heat exchangers over a wide area, you end up with diminishing returns as you "suck out" the heat nearest the borehole faster than it can be conducted to it from below.
The tricky bit is maintaining the energy flow at a decent rate. It might be really hot down there, but if you start extracting energy, you find that what you're really doing is operating a rock cooling machine. Without a distributed network of heat exchangers over a wide area, you end up with diminishing returns as you "suck out" the heat nearest the borehole faster than it can be conducted to it from below.

That presumes the point you take the heat is a similar size to the source of the heat. If the surrounding rocks are kept hot by a massive area, extracting the heat couldn't cool it fast enough. But drill loads of holes if its a problem and go from one to the next. A borehole isn't a complicated engineering feat. Oil drilling is so sophisticated they can drill at right angles to the surface.

I refer you back to the power plant that was installed in New Zealand in >1958<. That's been running for over 50 years and steadily produced 150 Mw or more of power for the duration.
Iceland produces over a quarter of its energy from geothermal but they've got a small population and a thin crust.

I've always believed its low utilisation was due to low portability. You can't put it in a barrel and sell it on the world market but then the same is true of wind power and hydro power and they manage to attract some investment.
That presumes the point you take the heat is a similar size to the source of the heat. If the surrounding rocks are kept hot by a massive area, extracting the heat couldn't cool it fast enough. But drill loads of holes if its a problem and go from one to the next. A borehole isn't a complicated engineering feat. Oil drilling is so sophisticated they can drill at right angles to the surface.

I refer you back to the power plant that was installed in New Zealand in >1958<. That's been running for over 50 years and steadily produced 150 Mw or more of power for the duration.
Which is in a volcanic zone, but is being phased out and replaced as we speak. Tapped out, I suppose.

Most of the UK is a very different geology. Only certain geologies are suitable for geothermal plants. They also don't seem to be that big compared to the large scale power stations we have become used to. This plant, for example is 181 MW (after upgrading). You'd need 22 of those to be equivalent to Drax coal-fired power station in the UK. Once you start getting into those sorts of numbers you're up against the economics of a plant. There's also the environmental impact of so many geothermal plants.
That presumes the point you take the heat is a similar size to the source of the heat. If the surrounding rocks are kept hot by a massive area, extracting the heat couldn't cool it fast enough. But drill loads of holes if its a problem and go from one to the next. A borehole isn't a complicated engineering feat. Oil drilling is so sophisticated they can drill at right angles to the surface.

I refer you back to the power plant that was installed in New Zealand in >1958<. That's been running for over 50 years and steadily produced 150 Mw or more of power for the duration.
But that's on top of a volcano.

We really should be utilising it more but it's so easy to get oil out of the ground and transport it and use it.
Iceland produces over a quarter of its energy from geothermal but they've got a small population and a thin crust.

I've always believed its low utilisation was due to low portability. You can't put it in a barrel and sell it on the world market but then the same is true of wind power and hydro power and they manage to attract some investment.
Hydropower plants have a long payback period compared to other types of plant - there's a plant in South America that was put off line but an earthquake, needs hundreds of millions of dollars worth of reconditioning and repairs and the Norwegian company behind it is doing it, because it's worthwhile economically.

Wind power (onshore) at least is also proving to have a reasonable payback period for repowering, but the height of the tower (and it's load carrying capability) limits somewhat how many times repowering can be done. Offshore wind is a different game as it's still largely unproven technology in comparison.
Which is in a volcanic zone, but is being phased out and replaced as we speak. Tapped out, I suppose.

Most of the UK is a very different geology. Only certain geologies are suitable for geothermal plants. They also don't seem to be that big compared to the large scale power stations we have become used to. This plant, for example is 181 MW (after upgrading). You'd need 22 of those to be equivalent to Drax coal-fired power station in the UK. Once you start getting into those sorts of numbers you're up against the economics of a plant. There's also the environmental impact of so many geothermal plants.

Replaced, the same power source, just into a better newer plant. The old one is 50 years old after all.

Environmental impact of geothermal compared against a coal fired power station? 50 years of nearly zero emissions. i can take a power plant like that near my house, pretty sure I don't want carbon or nuclear.

These geothermal plants could be build under the ground. That one uses steam generated by rain water soaking through the ground and hitting hot rocks. There are a variety of ways to generate power from geothermal, that's just one way.

But that's on top of a volcano.

We really should be utilising it more but it's so easy to get oil out of the ground and transport it and use it.

These geothermal plants produce electricity? No digging or refining needed. And that's just about all it produces and I think we have its distribution sorted quite well.

What really puzzles me, and Southampton is a prize example, some half hearted work gets done. Someone says 'hey lets not kill it off, lets use it' and I wonder how much they have saved as a result. This project produces electrical power, hot and chilled water and has done for 27 years.

Replaced, the same power source, just into a better newer plant. The old one is 50 years old after all.

Environmental impact of geothermal compared against a coal fired power station? 50 years of nearly zero emissions. i can take a power plant like that near my house, pretty sure I don't want carbon or nuclear.

These geothermal plants could be build under the ground. That one uses steam generated by rain water soaking through the ground and hitting hot rocks. There are a variety of ways to generate power from geothermal, that's just one way.

These geothermal plants produce electricity? No digging or refining needed. And that's just about all it produces and I think we have its distribution sorted quite well.

What really puzzles me, and Southampton is a prize example, some half hearted work gets done. Someone says 'hey lets not kill it off, lets use it' and I wonder how much they have saved as a result. This project produces, electrical power, hot and chilled water.

The new plant is at a different location, and is 159MW instead of 181 MW - a net decrease not the net increase reported on the wiki page.

If the economics don't stack up, it won't get built no matter how great a power source it is. Solar PV has taken off in a big way because the panels became dirt cheap and therefore more economical.
The new plant is at a different location, and is 159MW instead of 181 MW - a net decrease not the net increase reported on the wiki page.

If the economics don't stack up, it won't get built no matter how great a power source it is. Solar PV has taken off in a big way because the panels became dirt cheap and therefore more economical.

Economics only makes sense when there is a limited supply. Once it becomes free, the costs is maintenance and distribution.

Solar isn't environmental or economical in anyway. Panels have a diminishing return, last about 25 years and require lots of highly pure water, lots of nasty chemicals to make, in highly clean environments, all of which require lots of energy to produce. These chemicals also require mining and lots of energy to get out of the ground. If you equate them all in, the cross over point will never be reached. Esp true if they aren't cleaned regularly, literally weekly, to ensure top performance.

Same power source, same location.
This power plant would have used over 30 million tonnes of coal in its life time. http://www.brighthubengineering.com...-a-power-plant-calculating-the-coal-quantity/ A 2.4 billion US dollar saving.

It appears that once geothermal plants are installed and running, they just keep running indefinitely if you maintain them.

Over all the alternatives, I really can't see the problem with its use and we should be drilling holes all over the country.
Economics only makes sense when there is a limited supply. Once it becomes free, the costs is maintenance and distribution.

Solar isn't environmental or economical in anyway. Panels have a diminishing return, last about 25 years and require lots of highly pure water, lots of nasty chemicals to make, in highly clean environments, all of which require lots of energy to produce. These chemicals also require mining and lots of energy to get out of the ground. If you equate them all in, the cross over point will never be reached. Esp true if they aren't cleaned regularly, literally weekly, to ensure top performance.

Same power source, same location.
This power plant would have used over 30 million tonnes of coal in its life time. http://www.brighthubengineering.com...-a-power-plant-calculating-the-coal-quantity/ A 2.4 billion US dollar saving.

It appears that once geothermal plants are installed and running, they just keep running indefinitely if you maintain them.

Over all the alternatives, I really can't see the problem with its use and we should be drilling holes all over the country.
I think you need to understand techno-economics of power plants better.

Think about what you've just claimed - once geothermal plants are installed and running, they just keep running indefinitely. If that was the case, why has the power plant you linked to been shut down and a new plant built at another location?
I think you need to understand techno-economics of power plants better.

Think about what you've just claimed - once geothermal plants are installed and running, they just keep running indefinitely. If that was the case, why has the power plant you linked to been shut down and a new plant built at another location?

I didn't say that. If you care to be less selective reading what's written, things need maintenance, but well maintained equipment lasts for a very long time. This is the only ongoing cost once installed. The heat isn't dying down anytime soon.
I didn't say that. If you care to be less selective reading what's written, things need maintenance, but well maintained equipment lasts for a very long time. This is the only ongoing cost once installed. The heat isn't dying down anytime soon.
It has already lasted a very long time. No matter how well something is maintained, it won't last indefinitely.
Sunray have a look at this paper from 2010. Look at the heat map for the UK.


The Geothermal Energy Program demonstrated that temperatures > 150 ºC are only found at great depths and that conventional geothermal generation of electricity (within the depth range of 2-3 km) is not possible in the UK. The only tangible legacy of the program was the Southampton geothermal energy scheme.

From Section 3.

The type of plant you describe in New Zealand simply isn't possible in the UK.
Heat pumps are another promising technology, which doesn't even particularly rely on geothermal energy. You can expect as high as 4 joules of useful heat energy per joule of input energy for ground-based heat pumps, compared with a standard thermoelectric element (where the ratio is 1:1). (source)

The problem is that the investment costs are quite high (around £11-15k for a typical house), and the heat produced is at a lower temperature, so it's only useful for keeping the temparature of the house warm rather than things like heating water. Payback period is of the order of 5-10 years, based on current energy prices - but that could easily come down depending on how fast energy costs rise...
Sunray have a look at this paper from 2010. Look at the heat map for the UK.


From Section 3.

The type of plant you describe in New Zealand simply isn't possible in the UK.

Did I say the UK should build such a plant. It's just an example of how geothermal energy can be exploited in a green am sustainable way. . There are a variety of ways to exploit geothermal energy.
It took 2 years to drill 10Km down where it does get very hot indeed. If the will existed to use this free energy resource it could power this country in a clean and sustainable way.

It has already lasted a very long time. No matter how well something is maintained, it won't last indefinitely.

Yes it will. I refer you to triggers broom.
See, even Southhampton is using this basic technology to heat and generate power.

Surely 1 billion invested would make us nearly energy independent from a household perspective.
By the way, Southampton is pretty much the only place in the UK where this type of power can be exploited.
free spirit

Solar isn't environmental or economical in anyway. Panels have a diminishing return, last about 25 years and require lots of highly pure water, lots of nasty chemicals to make, in highly clean environments, all of which require lots of energy to produce. These chemicals also require mining and lots of energy to get out of the ground. If you equate them all in, the cross over point will never be reached. Esp true if they aren't cleaned regularly, literally weekly, to ensure top performance.

Emissions from Photovoltaic Life Cycles

Vasilis M. Fthenakis *†‡, Hyung Chul Kim † and Erik Alsema §
PV Environmental Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, Center for Life Cycle Analysis, Columbia University, New York, New York, and Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands

Photovoltaic (PV) technologies have shown remarkable progress recently in terms of annual production capacity and life cycle environmental performances, which necessitate timely updates of environmental indicators. Based on PV production data of 2004–2006, this study presents the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions, criteria pollutant emissions, and heavy metal emissions from four types of major commercial PV systems: multicrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon, ribbon silicon, and thin-film cadmium telluride. Life-cycle emissions were determined by employing average electricity mixtures in Europe and the United States during the materials and module production for each PV system. Among the current vintage of PV technologies, thin-film cadmium telluride (CdTe) PV emits the least amount of harmful air emissions as it requires the least amount of energy during the module production. However, the differences in the emissions between different PV technologies are very small in comparison to the emissions from conventional energy technologies that PV could displace. As a part of prospective analysis, the effect of PV breeder was investigated. Overall, all PV technologies generate far less life-cycle air emissions per GWh than conventional fossil-fuel-based electricity generation technologies. At least 89% of air emissions associated with electricity generation could be prevented if electricity from photovoltaics displaces electricity from the grid.

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Why does it always have to be either one energy source or another that's going to supply us with all our energy, and that this means the others are all rubbish?

Economics only makes sense when there is a limited supply. Once it becomes free, the costs is maintenance and distribution.

Solar isn't environmental or economical in anyway. Panels have a diminishing return, last about 25 years and require lots of highly pure water, lots of nasty chemicals to make, in highly clean environments, all of which require lots of energy to produce. These chemicals also require mining and lots of energy to get out of the ground. If you equate them all in, the cross over point will never be reached. Esp true if they aren't cleaned regularly, literally weekly, to ensure top performance.
nowt like a load of fact free propaganda, but what do I know, we've only got a couple of MW worth of panels out there, most of which have never been cleaned other than by rain, all bar maybe 0.5% of which continue to perform at or above expectations, that 0.5 are within 5% and the difference was down to error in the shading predictions.

The panels are all guaranteed to still be producing at least 80% of their rated output after 25 years, so they will reduce their efficiency gradually, but will mostly have a useful lifespan of a hell of a lot longer than 25 years - the degradation rate is relatively linear, so most should still be producing at least 60%, probably more like 70% of their rated output after 50 years. No reason at all why well made panels shouldn't have a useful life of a century or more before it really becomes necessary to replace them, albeit that the inverter will have needed replacing 3-4 times in that period. There are certainly panels out there now from the 70s that are still producing around 85% of their rated output.

As for the energy input never being met.... rubbish. I've read pretty much al the studies out there, and all but about 1 or 2 of them put the energy return point at around 2-4 years, I've also run the numbers myself and assisted with a masters dissertation on the same subject, and come out at around the same figures.

The main paper that came out with wildly different figures was one from the mid 90s that had some very odd assumptions, which are plain wrong - eg solar farms requiring full tarmac roads between every set of panels for maintenance and cleaning, which formed the vast bulk of the energy costs within the paper. Solar farms do not have any need for these roads, they don't exist, and the embeded energy within the panels themselves has fallen significantly since the 90s as well, so essentially the paper just got it wrong.

At some point it would be good if this stuff could stop being recirculated.

Same power source, same location.
This power plant would have used over 30 million tonnes of coal in its life time. http://www.brighthubengineering.com...-a-power-plant-calculating-the-coal-quantity/ A 2.4 billion US dollar saving.

It appears that once geothermal plants are installed and running, they just keep running indefinitely if you maintain them.

Over all the alternatives, I really can't see the problem with its use and we should be drilling holes all over the country.
Geothermal has less than 1% of the energy density of solar PV even at the best UK sites, and it is a diffuse energy source. There are serious limitations to its use in terms of the maximum rate of extraction being determined by the heat transfer rate of the rocks, which determines the rate at which the heat extracted can be replenished

It has its place, a level of geothermal would be a valuable addition to the UK's energy mix, but it's never going to power the entire country by itself, neither are any other energy sources by themselves, tbh I don't know why anyone would assume that this would or should ever be the case. Geothermal would actually make a good back up source for Wind, PV and other variable renewables as it can be used to extract extra heat for short periods to be replenished during a period of lower extraction.
Ten Reasons Intermittent Renewables (Wind and Solar PV) are a Problem
1. It is doubtful that intermittent renewables actually reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

2. Wind and Solar PV do not fix our oil problem.

3. The high cost of wind and solar PV doubles our energy problems, rather than solving them.

4. Even if wind is “renewable,” it isn’t necessarily long lived.

5. Wind and solar PV don’t ramp up quickly.

6. Wind and solar PV create serious pollution problems.

7. There is a danger that wind and solar PV will make the electric grid less long-lived, rather than more long-lived. This tends to happen because current laws overcompensate owners of intermittent renewables relative to the value they provide to the grid.

8. Adding more wind and solar PV tends to make government finances less sound, rather than more sound.

9. My analysis indicates that the bottleneck we are reaching is not simply oil. Instead, a major problem is inadequate investment capital and too much debt. Ramping up wind and solar PV tends to make those problems worse, not better.

10. Wind and Solar PV come nowhere near fulfilling the promises made for them.
What a load of clueless shite.

There's barely any of that at all that stands up to scrutiny, for example

In a sense, we need our whole fossil fuel powered system of schools, roads, airports, hospitals, and electricity transmission lines to make any of type of energy product work, whether oil, natural gas, wind, or solar electric–but it is difficult to make boundaries wide enough to cover everything.
It's not fucking difficult, it's really pretty simple unless you're a bored insurance industry actuary turned clueless amateur commentator on energy issues. (eta or Charles Hall, or Falcon)

The basics of the situation being to only count additional energy use that wouldn't have occurred without the production of the product being analysed. Whether solar panels were being produced or not, children would still be going to school, hospitals would still be treating the sick, airports would still be operating, and the electrical grid would still be in place. Therefore all of this should be excluded from the energy return on energy investment calculation for any specific energy form, unless possibly it was directly related eg courses required to train up the engineers specifically in the work directly related to that energy source.

Another way intermittent renewables raise world CO2 emissions indirectly is by making the country using intermittent renewables less competitive in the world market-place, because the higher electricity cost raises the price of manufactured goods. This tends to send manufacturing to countries that use lower-priced energy sources for electricity, such as China.
So would emissions globally be higher or lower if there were no renewables and everyone was reliant on cheap (at the point of use) coal based electricity, but had the vastly higher health care costs, and lower life expectancy associated with this energy policy? (40% rise in childhood asthma in 5 years, 1.2 million premature deaths, and 25 million healthy years of life lost in 2010 in China due to air pollution - source)

The answer I hope is pretty fucking obvious to anyone with half a brain.

And let's be clear on this here, Europe is phasing out the cheapest, dirtiest forms of unabated coal fired power generation because of the associated air pollution, acid rain, and health impacts from it, not specifically because of renewables or climate policy - they're still allowing abated coal with SO2 scrubbers etc to continue operating, which actually has a higher CO2 intensity than unabated coal due to the energy costs of operating the scrubbers etc. So the author is talking complete shite, and clearly knows fuck all about the wider subject.

Wind and Solar PV do not fix our oil problem.
Our big problem is with oil. Oil and electricity are used for different things. For example, electricity won’t run today’s cars, and it won’t run tractors, or construction equipment, or aircraft.
1 - Several oil producing nations use huge quantities of oil to produce electricity, eg Suadi Arabia burns approximately half a million barrels of oil a day in electricity production, and is investing in a massive solar plan to reduce it's self consumption of oil in electricity generation (along with nuclear power plants, and gas plants). So this statement is patently wrong in those countries.

2 - Of course electricity can't be used with internal combustion engines, but then diesel can't be used in petrol engines and this hasn't stopped it being a useful fuel that fuels a significant proportion of our vehicle fleet. Electricity can be used to power battery based eelctric vehicles, hybrids, and potentially hydrogen fuel cell based vehicles which can replace oil powered vehicles and reduce our oil dependence signfiicantly. Also worth noting that in China sales of electric bikes have now overtaken sales of all forms of cars, so again, electricity is directly replacing oil based vehicles.

3 - She's talking from a peak oil perspective and ignoring climate change and air pollution as problems that need tackling.

4. Even if wind is “renewable,” it isn’t necessarily long lived.

Manufacturers of wind turbines claim lives of 20 to 25 years. This compares to life spans of 40 years or more for coal, gas, and nuclear. One recent study suggests that because of degraded performance, it may not be economic to operate wind turbines for more than 12 to 15 years.
Anyone uncritically citing that study is automatically suspect as either having an agenda, or being clueless. Even that linked article gives the lie to the studies findings with this quote
Scottish Renewables for one said that its oldest commercial windfarms in Scotland were around 16 years old and that none of them have been decommissioned or repowered.
Also, several gas plants built in the early 90s have closed already, which puts their lifespan at a lot less than the 40 years claimed there.

5. Wind and solar PV don’t ramp up quickly.

After many years of trying to ramp up wind and solar PV, in 2012, wind amounted to a bit under 1% of world energy supply. Solar amounted to even less than that–about 0.2% of world energy supply. It would take huge effort to ramp up production to even 5% of the world’s energy supply.
If there's one thing PV and wind is capable of doing, it's ramping up quickly. Global installed capacity of solar PV increased by 35% last year to 136GWp installed, with the installation rate increasing from 31GWp in 2012 to 38GWp in 2013. Since 2000 the global installed capacity of solar PV has roughly doubled every 2 years, which is an exponential growth rate far higher than any previous energy source.

Also, comparing solar and wind to primary energy supply is misleading, as it's replacing electricity, and electricity generated from coal requires 2.5 times more coal to produce, or maybe 2 times as much from gas (assuming it's replacing mainly gas from older less efficient plants) so the actual impact of renewables on primary energy figures would have to be multiplied by those sort of factors to get a more accurate picture (the same would apply to nuclear energy).

Here's Germany's oh so slow ramp up of solar PV capacity with only a doubling of capacity every 1.56 years, the laggards.

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Both wind turbines and solar PV use rare earth minerals, mostly from China, in their manufacture.
There are no rare earth metals used at all in the manufacture of c-Si solar PV panels, which make up 91% of the solar PV market.

Thin film CDTE, CIGS and CIS modules do use rare earth metals in production, but they also use a lot less energy in the production process, so it's a bit swings and roundabouts.
ta equationgirl , it really pisses me off the amount of exposure clueless idiots like this one here seem to get just because they've got an unrelated economics / actuary type background that supposedly gives them the ability to analyse the numbers - see also Bjorn Llomberg or whatever his name is. They write articles like this that essentially are designed to show how clever they are to be able to analyse the figures and determine that those of us who've actually studied and worked in the field for decades have got it completely wrong.

Not that she has any answers at all, only badly thought out critiques... a talker not a doer.

8. Adding more wind and solar PV tends to make government finances less sound, rather than more sound.

Around the world, extraction of inexpensive oil and gas has historically strengthened the finances of governments. This happens because governments have been able to tax the oil and gas companies heavily, and use the tax revenue to fund government programs.
That's only even slightly true if the fossil fuel is sourced in the country in question, if not then all it's doing is bleeding the country dry and concentrating wealth in the hands of the remaining fossil fuel rich nations.

But even then, it would ignore the fact that renewables result in the employment of vast amounts more people than fossil fuel based electricity generation, particularly during the installation phase.

I reckon it'd take approximately 40,000 people to install the equivalent generation capacity of solar PV on commercial rooftops and fields, or probably double that for domestic solar PV installations (in a year) to a 1GW baseload gas, coal or nuclear plant, vs maybe 800 people at peak to build a conventional fossil fuel plant. The fossil fuel plant might take 3-4 years to build, so maybe 2-3000 people years to build.

So as a ballpark, during the construction phase, in the region of 10-20 times more people will be employed directly in this country in the construction of solar PV capacity than would be employed in the construction of the equivalent fossil fuel capacity, and that's just the installation work, there's also the supply chain.

I therefore fail to see how a power source that employs 10 times more people in the host country during construction phase can really be viewed as being bad for government finances. Even at the height of the Feed In Tariff induced domestic solar PV boom, I calculated that the industry must have paid out significantly more in tax that year than had been paid out in feed in tariff payments.
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