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General Election 2015 - chat, predictions, results and post election discussion

IWCA view:

Who will fill the vacuum?

(I think the piece needs to define euro-nationalist a bit clearer, i don't think it fits for UKIP at all)

Fair enough, although a glance at who UKIP are aligned with in the European Parliament is telling.

A more central point for the zombie left and anyone else expressing even a passing interest in pro working class politics is the section throwing down the gauntlet regarding the free movement of labour and the EU, why and who defends it and in whose interests it's applied.
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Why is it only the tiny IWCA who seem to have a coherent, realistic and genuinely radical appraisal of the situation and the current lefts'(EU wide) failures?

though Podemos, which I think is for open borders got 12% in the local elections in Spain.
The PM has issued a pre speech release


Ahead of the Queen’s Speech today (27 May 2015) Prime Minister David Cameron said:

Behind this Queen’s Speech is a clear vision for what our country can be. A country of security and opportunity for everyone, at every stage of life.

That is our ambition. To build a country where whoever you are and wherever you live you can have the chance of a good education, a decent job, a home of your own and the peace of mind that comes from being able to raise a family and enjoy a secure retirement.

A country that backs those who work hard and do the right thing.

This is the Queen’s Speech for working people from a ‘one nation’ government that will bring our country together.

We have a mandate from the British people, a clear manifesto and the instruction to deliver. And we will not waste a single moment in getting on with the task.

As part of our long-term plan to back working people and make work pay, the government is determined to reward work by letting people keep even more of the money they earn. The government has already committed to raising the income tax personal allowance to £12,500 by 2020. Today the government is going further in its actions to offer more security to working people by confirming that legislation will be brought forward to ensure that future increases to the Income Tax personal allowance reflect changes to the National Minimum Wage.

This will mean that people working 30 hours a week on the minimum wage will not pay any Income Tax.

Increases in the personal allowance during the course of this Parliament are expected to benefit around 30 million working people.

The government will also bring forward legislation for a 5 year tax lock which means there will be no Income Tax, VAT or National Insurance rises in this Parliament.

Work work work work work thats all you ever talk about young man
Oh christ yes, it's easy to find someone who'll stand as a paper candidate in a no-hope ward. Finding someone who actually wants to be a councillor, that is nigh impossible, it's why so many of them are such weirdoes, they are literally the only people who would step forward. This is true of just about all parties, not just Labour. The careerists who are using it as a stepping stone are one in a hundred in most places.
I've said I'll only stand as councillor if I am pretty certain of not winning. Winning would ruin my life!
Next up: People not earning enough to pay tax chastised as 'scroungers' and undeserving in the popular press, to divide them from those above the threshold. Certain benefits of society to be only available to those 'paying in'. And so it goes...

This is what Mitt Romney floated in the presidential elections.
IWCA view:

Who will fill the vacuum?

(I think the piece needs to define euro-nationalist a bit clearer, i don't think it fits for UKIP at all)

Ukip is not a party of the far-right. Correct. But the strategy they are pursuing is, near as dammit, identical (with refinements) to the strategy previously pursued by the BNP. The BNP may be gone from the scene but the pitch from Ukip is having resonance with the same people and for the very same reasons, just to a greater degree. Putting it another way, the efficacy of the strategy itself rather the party that adopts it, is the real challenge.
Why is it only the tiny IWCA who seem to have a coherent, realistic and genuinely radical appraisal of the situation and the current lefts'(EU wide) failures?

Read the Jean Jaures Foundation report on the French Left quoted in the article and see how closely it corresponds to the attitudes of the Brit Left and you are more than half way to answering your own question.
What's this got to do with the general election?

its a general thread, and as for the public, many(a significant amount) seem to have been let off the leash going by the comments about claimants on social media, social darwinists, eugenicists, in some cases. ok?
Minister worked as spin doctor for tobacco giant that paid workers £15 a month

Priti Patel worked for PR firm Shandwick on improving BAT’s image over Burma factory, and also lobbied MEPs against EU tobacco regulations


Presumably being a former spin doctor for a combination of repressive regimes and dodgy corporations actually seen as a strong qualification for her new job?
There are probably better threads for this but I can't find them.


So Kim Rose the eccentric UKIP candidate and local jeweler in Southampton Itchen has accused his Tory rival of trying to use UKIP to undermine Labour.

There is an interesting sub-plot there in Rose's targeting of working class voters - in 1997 he was the Socialist Labour Party candidate for the same seat.

What is partcularly interesting though is the Tories use of a picture of Fagin as the placeholder for Rose's pic on the leaflet they designed for him
Birth of new social movement that is all the old faces that i love why all the same faces all the time i don't know these people this is great why is this so bad
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