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I'll be more than happy for us to be the thorn in anyone's side...as long as there's the sweet smell of success.
I would have been reasonably sympathetic if it wasn't so absurdly po-faced.

Yeah, I kind of understand where they're coming from - I've had a moan on here myself about some of the people turning up at Dulwich post-publicity so I can see how it's annoying. But basically I think they don't really understand how a crowd works, and particularly a football crowd. Also if you're claiming to be a left-wing political group and are going to lose it when some 'lads' turn up then you're heading straight into the left bubble.
Yeah, I kind of understand where they're coming from - I've had a moan on here myself about some of the people turning up at Dulwich post-publicity so I can see how it's annoying. But basically I think they don't really understand how a crowd works, and particularly a football crowd. Also if you're claiming to be a left-wing political group and are going to lose it when some 'lads' turn up then you're heading straight into the left bubble.
Actually NOT the record crowd for an Essex Senior League match, but still impressive for that level.
Yeah, I kind of understand where they're coming from - I've had a moan on here myself about some of the people turning up at Dulwich post-publicity so I can see how it's annoying. But basically I think they don't really understand how a crowd works, and particularly a football crowd. Also if you're claiming to be a left-wing political group and are going to lose it when some 'lads' turn up then you're heading straight into the left bubble.
I get the impression that the people turning up at Champion Hill 'post-publicity' (whatever that may mean) are VERY different to the type they're referring to at Clapton.

But then the nasty Paddingtons & tuts that one of our regulars gave to a small group who sang "you're shit...aaaah!" several times at the Staines Town keeper shows how up their own arse some of our fans can be too...

But then I'm not approving of everyone myself, so those in glass houses etc....time to deal with those wanky key wavers... ;)
But then the nasty Paddingtons & tuts that one of our regulars gave to a small group who sang "you're shit...aaaah!" several times at the Staines Town keeper shows how up their own arse some of our fans can be too...

they were my mates from uni who have been coming down regularly for the last 2 years, and pretty much do it every match, surprised if it annoyed people they hadnt got annoyed before the staines match..
The "you're shit...ah" is only a bit embarrassing because it's so hackneyed and tired. The keys thing isn't my sort of thing at all but it can be quite amusing how some people get wound up by it. I'd sooner punch myself in the face than do it myself mind you.

Bottom line is that life is full of little things that irritate us but behaving like a football club is one's own personal fiefdom and that everyone should replicate one's own specific behaviours and beliefs is an exercise in profound futility.
it's people who come for a day out who then come back and come back again and come back again, that end up building support. Which is what has happened there anyway. Also if they (NEW PEOPLE) realise/understand its a place with certain "values" It's likely those people will bring partners, friends (male and female), LGBT mates etc a long that may not usually be interested or disillusioned with football for the reasons they have stated in the article. I think this is what we've seen at Dulwich. Dismissing people makes you just sound a bit exclusive which is exactly the opposite of what they are. I think the way they have gone about it only plays in to hands of the critics of Clapton. Which IMO is a shame.
well we might not have many lads turning up - but think they come with the gig

I did however hear some old drunk guys standing near the rabble singing "no surrender to the IRA" instead of Tooting then discussing drunkenly, about whether we (sic) had defeated or not them and breaking into botched Millwall songs

Football at all levels is always going to attract weird and wonderful people

I think you can be political without being political with a capital P or party political

I think our general "nudge" approach to issues is good politics and good football

While I am left wing, I don't think it would be appropriate to sing overtly political songs, but do believe our work on foodbanks, living wage, anti racism/sexism/homophobia, housing and refugees is important

and more than happy that we have fans from cross section of society (just like a union)
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Yeah, I kind of understand where they're coming from - I've had a moan on here myself about some of the people turning up at Dulwich post-publicity so I can see how it's annoying. But basically I think they don't really understand how a crowd works, and particularly a football crowd. Also if you're claiming to be a left-wing political group and are going to lose it when some 'lads' turn up then you're heading straight into the left bubble.

They've been robbing and then satirically reposting the instagram pictures said 'lads' took at Clapton, which I think is a prick thing to do to people who were basically turning up in good faith and pretty much falls into the category of 'banter' they seem to think they're resisting. I've not been mad keen on the atmosphere at Champion Hill since it got really touristy, but a football match is a public event and you can't stop people from coming. I can see why people might not want the BNP turning to on their terraces - that's worth actively resisting - but giving out at a bunch of people for not taking the 'we're real European ultras' schtick adequately seriously is a waste of time. All that 'talk to us before coming to a game' stuff is proper embarrassing, too.
I'm just going to clarify the irritable stuff I wrote last night as I'm aware that Clapton fans are themselves aware of this and some of you are meatspace mates with them.

1 - left politics at the football are a good thing IMHO.
2 - left politics can't work through a process of arbitrary exclusion.
3 - 'people not taking it seriously enough and taking selfies' is hardly a crime, and it would have been simpler to deal with the annoying twat who ran on the pitch by going up to him in person and saying 'don't do that'. So this seems to me like arbitrary exclusion.
4 - the implication seems to be that the newcomers are a bit beery and lairy, which somehow creates an intimidating environment for people who aren't white cis males. Fair enough, perhaps. Yet half of what I see about Clapton on twitter consists of white cis male ultras talking about how much they drink at matches, and their language/ attitude hasn't been completely purged of laddishness itself.
5 - that adds up to make the original post seem pretty territorial and on the borderline of having an argument that boils down to 'you're not cool enough to hang out with us'.
6 - it's shit when people criticise them for not being authentic enough, so perhaps they should think twice before doing it themselves.
7 - at the very worst, that post could be taken as an appropriation of other people's identity politics to defend the exclusiveness of the whole scene. I'm not saying this is true, but it could easily come across that way.

I say all this as an admirer of the CU's anti-fascism, general good deed-ing and desire to produce a space at football where anyone can go without being ing intimidated.
I would have been reasonably sympathetic if it wasn't so absurdly po-faced.
If people are interrupting the match by running on the pitch that's totally unacceptable and a bloody nuisance to everyone else. Otherwise the article is very vague with no specific examples given of how these people "don’t seem to recognise or respect the other people that share that space". It gives the impression that Clapton is a rather niche club where people to don't conform to the prevailing trend are not really welcome at all, which hopefully isn't the case. Our own club doesn't just have massively increased crowds, it also has massively diverse people making up those crowds, which is great. A club for everyone, where within reason people should feel free to express themselves and have a laugh without being frowned upon for not being "the right type".

Ooh I did not know they would read our criticism... All Clapton fans are public school educated part time punks who listen to their parents about who they can associate with when they go back home to Hertfordshire. They also have only travelled to Australia on their yah gap years or they would know that it's not only white males that have a swaggering sense of entitlement. They are also afraid to engage with anyone that does not share their exact view on any situation. And sadly they all love physical violence.
Ooh I did not know they would read our criticism... All Clapton fans are public school educated part time punks who listen to their parents about who they can associate with when they go back home to Hertfordshire. They also have only travelled to Australia on their yah gap years or they would know that it's not only white males that have a swaggering sense of entitlement. They are also afraid to engage with anyone that does not share their exact view on any situation. And sadly they all love physical violence.
you're a dick :D:D:D:D:D
That thing about the refugees welcome banner is fucking shithouse. What I don't get is that the people concerned are, when you engage them on just about any subject, really nice and fucking smart into the bargain.

But yeah, let them have it their way. We want all the lads. Bring them on. Come one, come all, with your shite beards and your Jack Whitehall DVDs and your Alt-J records. Because the reason we criticised their post was that WE JUST LOVE THE LADS.

(Incidentally, the kind of people they're mocking don't seem to me 'lads' in the traditional sense, or even in the nineties new lad sense. I mean, I reckon I'm more of a lad than them and I'm soft as shit and completely lah-di-dah left-wing by nearly everyone in Britain's standards.)
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