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General Dulwich Hamlet chat

If you mean whether they train in the day or evening, then it will be the day I understand. Rules out players like Nathan Green... Means we can train on those school grass pitches nearby, but they don't have floodlights. Swings and roundabouts.
Rather an obtuse answer... I know from personal experience we live in a 24/7/365 world but given the players are training day time would suggest full time over part time as traditional non league jobs tend to be in the 9 to 5, the building trade, teacher, recruitment consultant or city trader though of course every club hoping to progress in the FA Cup must have a postman who is forced to work a nightshift before any major David vs Goliath cup tie...
Rather an obtuse answer... I know from personal experience we live in a 24/7/365 world but given the players are training day time would suggest full time over part time as traditional non league jobs tend to be in the 9 to 5, the building trade, teacher, recruitment consultant or city trader though of course every club hoping to progress in the FA Cup must have a postman who is forced to work a nightshift before any major David vs Goliath cup tie...
I think every player who was profiled in the matchday programme last season had some form of other employment even though we were "full time", mostly football coach or personal trainer. Charlie Grainger described himself as a part time painter and decorator.

Presumably it will be a similar arrangement but we won't be able to pay everyone as much as last season. I think a lot more people in all sectors of the economy are freelance or self employed compared to even a decade ago. The full time tradesmen and office workers seem to be relatively few and far between at our level. Even school teachers seem to have options to tailor their work schedule to suit themselves going by Preston Edwards' interview with the South London Press on his departure. Perhaps the manager may need to be more flexible about excusing players from some sessions if they're a good fit but need to work more hours elsewhere?
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Hope it includes the bar discount again!
It'll be nice if it does, but given that the bar is likely to be operating at a much reduced capacity on matchdays I'm not sure it would make great business sense. A number of clubs (Bromley being one) intend to increase admission prices to compensate for reduced numbers being allowed through the turnstiles.
It'll be nice if it does, but given that the bar is likely to be operating at a much reduced capacity on matchdays I'm not sure it would make great business sense. A number of clubs (Bromley being one) intend to increase admission prices to compensate for reduced numbers being allowed through the turnstiles.

Yes, I think it would be quite reasonable for Dulwich to increase admission prices for this season. We can always reduce them again next year if bigger crowds are allowed and finances allow.
I hope the club won't find it necessary to increase admission prices. It won't affect me as a 5 year season ticket holder, but it will hit those hardest who are on low wages and may be facing a pay freeze. The club's ethos has been to make football affordable and accessible to all, with relatively cheap admission prices and raising money through other avenues from those happy to spend more. It would be a shame if the prevailing situation interferes with that. Of course a lot of people are gong to miss out on a lot of games anyway due to the likelihood of a reduced capacity for the foreseeable future, so it's a bit of a dilemma for the directors to have to make tough decisions when their hands are tied and the club faces a steep fall in matchday revenues..
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Hope it includes the bar discount again!

To be honest I'd feel more comfortable about going back to matches if the bar wasn't open at all. A bar increases the likelihood of people moving around during the game and having to use the toilets, and I suspect alcohol will make people less likely to pay attention to social distancing guidelines. I appreciate that keeping the bar closed would take a financial toll, though.
To be honest I'd feel more comfortable about going back to matches if the bar wasn't open at all. A bar increases the likelihood of people moving around during the game and having to use the toilets, and I suspect alcohol will make people less likely to pay attention to social distancing guidelines. I appreciate that keeping the bar closed would take a financial toll, though.
I like a beer as much as the next person, but THIS!
As most of us can't attend any stadiums at the moment, the MillernTon Podcast initiated the Grand Prix de la Vereinslieder Song Contest (#GPdlVSC) for some fun. They asked other teams podcasts, fanzines and blogs to select and nominate one club related song for a nationwide contest. It's the first of three semifinals this week, which contains all third division teams as well as the teams below. Eight of 25 songs will reach the final, where they'll compete against the best eight songs from the 2. Bundesliga semifinal and the best eight clubs from the 1. Bundesliga semifinal. You can listen to the 25 songs (and google translate the nomination texts) here:

Semifinal with Altona 93!

They released the intermediate results today and there's a fair chance Altona might qualify for the final. If you like to help us through, please feel free to vote your three (!) favourite songs (in the order 1st, 2nd, 3rd) here.

All the best for the start of your season! I'm missing you a lot and hope to be over again, soon!
To be honest I'd feel more comfortable about going back to matches if the bar wasn't open at all. A bar increases the likelihood of people moving around during the game and having to use the toilets, and I suspect alcohol will make people less likely to pay attention to social distancing guidelines. I appreciate that keeping the bar closed would take a financial toll, though.

Don't stand near the toilets or bar?
Yeah, just read the match report and there were fans there. Slightly surprised the club didn't publicise it a bit more, I'm sure a handful might have travelled down to support the team but then I suppose that's against the spirit if not the letter of the covid rules.

Match took place in driving rain so not the best conditions for viewing anyway.. .
Gavin in the SLP today

I find this quite worrying:

“We’ve been working as if it is all systems go – knowing in the background that it might not be,” said Dulwich manager Gavin Rose. “We’re told there is going to be some kind of help from the government but we don’t know yet what that actually is."

Clubs are expected to just carry on as normal whilst remaining in the dark. I just don't believe we should be starting the season if no one can attend the matches.
So the clubs are expected to trigger their contracts, seemingly without knowing what income they will receive in lieu of fans being permitted. Absolute madness. Hopefully the clubs have been updated since the interview. Not holding my breath for confirmation mind

I'd sympathise with any Tier Two club who pull out of the cup if the situation remains unchanged. Thy way they can try to find what support is coming before triggering their contracts.

Either let fans in or scrap the season at this level and try again in 2021/22.
So the clubs are expected to trigger their contracts, seemingly without knowing what income they will receive in lieu of fans being permitted. Absolute madness. Hopefully the clubs have been updated since the interview. Not holding my breath for confirmation mind

I'd sympathise with any Tier Two club who pull out of the cup if the situation remains unchanged. Thy way they can try to find what support is coming before triggering their contracts.

Either let fans in or scrap the season at this level and try again in 2021/22.
Coordinated boycott - and associated “Government ruins Greatest Conpetition in the World” headlines - would get my vote.
Sorry but your headline is off. League confirmed as starting tomorrow. £10m over three months with more possibly (probably) to follow if the Beeb are correct.

I can't see anything there to confirm anything much. It all sounds remarkably vague to me. Where does the £10m over three months come from? Does this mean supporters are locked out until the new year at the earliest? Once again, what's the point when no one can watch? Alright, so the players can pick up some money for training and playing for the next three months and I don't begrudge them that. However I'm still very concerned about the potential long term damage to the club. Will the grant be sufficient to cover our wage bill in full? Will the club become saddled with debt as a result of starting the season?
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