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Thanks for this. Interesting to see Brixton in late 70s. Couple of years before I came. Then it was seen as example of immigration/ race relations as they were termed then. Brixton hadn't been gentrified then.

Given recent deportations of Windrush generation it was particularly annoying to see the Conservative candidate say that the Tories wouldn't be sending people back.

From several comments in the newsreel sounds like Thatcher ( not sure if she was leader of party then) had made recent speech about the country being "swamped".

Been trying to find more about this:

From Thatcher was catalyst who pushed UK towards their split with Europe

The National Front were gaining votes in that period.

The program at end is rather in hindsight over optimistic. The Youth Worker in the local pub ( the Effra?) speech on how Thatcher had harmed herself with swamp speech.

I showed the this to my partner who is from another EU country. She knew about Thatcher. I checked and Thatcher had replaced Heath when she made the swamp speech. She won the election year after this news piece was made.

The parallels with today are surprising. UKIP followed up on Thatcher. Instead of Afro Carribbean being the target it is people from other EU countries.

This country has never got over losing an empire imo.
Thanks for all your input chaps - as someone who moved to Brixton less than 20yrs ago I found it a thoroughly interesting watch but of course my views were nothing to do with contemporaneousness.

Thanks for this. Interesting to see Brixton in late 70s. Couple of years before I came. Then it was seen as example of immigration/ race relations as they were termed then. Brixton hadn't been gentrified then.

Given recent deportations of Windrush generation it was particularly annoying to see the Conservative candidate say that the Tories wouldn't be sending people back.

From several comments in the newsreel sounds like Thatcher ( not sure if she was leader of party then) had made recent speech about the country being "swamped".

From Thatcher was catalyst who pushed UK towards their split with Europe

I'm not sure the tories of the late 70's are comparable to the knee-jerking xenophobes that populate some of its ranks today - but that's before my time. I'd be interested to hear the view of some brixtonians in that regard if they feel the tory (and other right-wing groups) diatribe has veered against non-brits in general, or specifically against non-whites. As I see it, the tories are merely just trying to find and spotlight as many scapegoats as possible whilst they do their best to fuck up the futures of everyone (divide and conquer, ad nauseum, ad infinitum), but that's just my horrendously biased opinion.

The program at end is rather in hindsight over optimistic. The Youth Worker in the local pub ( the Effra?) speech on how Thatcher had harmed herself with swamp speech.

Yup this was what I was mostly doubtful of - the overall message of the film I thought was lovely and totally right-on for a liberal like myself but, given the still-present tensions, the riots and all the rest of it I did wonder if the environment as a whole was anywhere near as idyllic as the program made it seem at times.

very helpful link got me looking at what else is on the free BFI website

It's fair to say I've been working my way through the A-Z of the archive for most of the weekend. An absolute treasure trove in every way, shape and form. There's an absolute shedload of stuff from all around south london that I'm still working my way through.

I showed the this to my partner who is from another EU country. She knew about Thatcher. I checked and Thatcher had replaced Heath when she made the swamp speech. She won the election year after this news piece was made.

The parallels with today are surprising. UKIP followed up on Thatcher. Instead of Afro Carribbean being the target it is people from other EU countries.

Yeah, aside from the historical footage what made me want to post it was how so many of the arguments seemed ripped from the headlines from the past few years. Same shit, different day I guess - the target and the language changes but the overall arguments and sentiments remain much the same. To my mind the perennial trigger always seems to be economic inequality in times of strife, but that's a discussion for another thread ;)

This country has never got over losing an empire imo.

I'm not sure any country ever gets over losing an empire, not entirely. My partner is italian and the former glories of the roman empire (and even the ill-fated fascist era, itself a deliberate reincarnation of rome) still looms large in their collective national consciousness as far as I can tell. America are in the midst of losing theirs and the results aren't going to be pretty.

yes, it even says George Canning on a poster behind the band.

Thanks for that, I was living just round the corner at the time, but didn't have a telly and have never seen it before. It's worth looking at just to see how poor and decrepit the area was back then, conveyed quite well by the boarded up shops, roofs with holes and a beaten up old van used as an election vehicle.

I seem to remember beaten-up old vehicles being de rigeur]/i] for election vehicles back in the day, but I didn't grow up here so I could be wrong. The general shabbiness of the area from some bits of the film didn't really stick out for me, it just reminded me of how I remembered it looking much like it did in the late 90's.
I'm not sure the tories of the late 70's are comparable to the knee-jerking xenophobes that populate some of its ranks today - but that's before my time. I'd be interested to hear the view of some brixtonians in that regard if they feel the tory (and other right-wing groups) diatribe has veered against non-brits in general, or specifically against non-whites. As I see it, the tories are merely just trying to find and spotlight as many scapegoats as possible whilst they do their best to fuck up the futures of everyone (divide and conquer, ad nauseum, ad infinitum), but that's just my horrendously biased opinion.

Yup this was what I was mostly doubtful of - the overall message of the film I thought was lovely and totally right-on for a liberal like myself but, given the still-present tensions, the riots and all the rest of it I did wonder if the environment as a whole was anywhere near as idyllic as the program made it seem at times..

As a second generation Afro Carribbean friend said to me East Europeans are being talked about the same way his parents were when they came here as part of Windrush generation.

Back in seventies it was Asians / Afro Carribbean coming here "taking our jobs".

I didn't think the program presented an idyllic picture. Take the interview with the Northern Irish couple on the street. Where he started going on about "voluntary" repatriation. The woman complaining about her Jamaican landlord. Saying she was not racist but she could understand why some people might "resent".

Thatcher is comparable to what u call xenophobic Tories now. Her language using term like being swamped is if anything more upfront. There is link between her anti immigrant rhetoric and say Mays "hostile environment". What happens now is more insidious. Anti immigrant policies are dressed up as bureaucratic enforcing of the law.

Thatcher was a populist leader. She said what she thought. You either supported her or hated her.
Yeah, aside from the historical footage what made me want to post it was how so many of the arguments seemed ripped from the headlines from the past few years. Same shit, different day I guess - the target and the language changes but the overall arguments and sentiments remain much the same. To my mind the perennial trigger always seems to be economic inequality in times of strife, but that's a discussion for another thread ;)

I'm not sure any country ever gets over losing an empire, not entirely. My partner is italian and the former glories of the roman empire (and even the ill-fated fascist era, itself a deliberate reincarnation of rome) still looms large in their collective national consciousness as far as I can tell. America are in the midst of losing theirs and the results aren't going to be pretty.


I think history should trigger off discussions. Otherwise its a rather pointless exercise of just looking at quaint pictures of the past.

Your two examples from Italy and US show how important looking at post Imperial history is. It confirms my assertion that this country still hasn't got over losing an Empire. I assume we can agree British Empire was exploiting other peoples and there land.

In my post about Thatcher's Swamp speech she put forward her views on who is British. And it wasnt people from ex colonies.

The newsreel was made at the time the second generation were starting to come of age. ( Those born here of migrant parents). This imo was really frightening the kind of middle England / sections of white working class. They were British but not accepted as such. The second newsreel I posted up describes this better. Personally I think this country had come a long way then UKIP happened. I now think this country is going backwards.
I think history should trigger off discussions. Otherwise its a rather pointless exercise of just looking at quaint pictures of the past.
Yes, I think we always need to be on our guard against the intolerant, racist right. I'm not sure they ever disappear entirely and we must be aware of what they are up to. I found the mainstream acceptance of ukip over the past few years profoundly depressing, as bad or worse than Thatcher.

We have got to know our history to learn from it.
Tate's statue was a bit grander back in 1979
View attachment 151958
Thanks for that - I keep telling people there were 4 bronze lions round the base - and nobody can remember them.

The lions seem to have been early victims of the craze for stealing public sculpture. I'm sure I read in the South London Press (maybe around 1985) that two of the lions had turned up. One in railway sidings at Willsden Junction.

I don't think anybody in the council or the police considered it a matter of urgency (do they ever) so we never got them reinstated.
Brixton 15 years ago


Pope's Rd market before Sports Direct killed it off.


A busy Granville Arcade.





More here - Brixton 15 Years Ago: Busy street markets, Granville Arcade, pubs and free fireworks, Nov 2003

I saw the Lani Singers at Offline. They were great, but I must say they left me feeling more than a little melancholy.

Their story of West Papua, and exile in the UK with only a handful of compatriots for support, was really moving.

Free West Papua

Dulwich Ukulele Club were always really entertaining. Does anyone know if they’re still playing, at all? Has anyone got a copy of their ‘London Stone’ album they can copy for me? I can’t find a copy to buy anywhere. I'll swap for a copy of the Past Caring album.
I saw the Lani Singers at Offline. They were great, but I must say they left me feeling more than a little melancholy.
The band I had booked to headline after the Lani Singers told me "we can't follow that" and promptly left that night!
and also this

fairly firmly think this must be heading up brixton hill, somewhere between mid 1946 and mid 1951 - no immediate idea what the crowd and the copper is in aid of, doesn't look like a demonstration. the london to brighton car run started again after the war in 1947 so is a possible
I've done a reconstruction of what the 'Our Sons' ghostsign on Electric Lane might have looked like in both of its earlier iterations.




This is follow on from some work that I've been doing in collaboration with Sam Roberts of Ghostsigns which was used for a walk as part of the Lambeth festival earlier this year. He's going to be publishing a free app of the walk sometime in the new year (to go with his Stoke Newington and London Bridge walks). You can see some more of the reconstructions on my website.
I've done a reconstruction of what the 'Our Sons' ghostsign on Electric Lane might have looked like in both of its earlier iterations.

View attachment 154951

View attachment 154952

View attachment 154953

This is follow on from some work that I've been doing in collaboration with Sam Roberts of Ghostsigns which was used for a walk as part of the Lambeth festival earlier this year. He's going to be publishing a free app of the walk sometime in the new year (to go with his Stoke Newington and London Bridge walks). You can see some more of the reconstructions on my website.
Love it!
image.jpeg Someone posted this pic of a gent called Bill Boaks on fb tonight....he was an eccentric political activist, with complicated views, mostly in the realm of public safety, he was aligned with the monster raving looney party. and was a thorn in the side of Lambeth council, here he is pictured with his armoured bike which he rode around the manor to raise awareness of road safety.......

Bill Boaks - Wikipedia
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