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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I was looking stuff about Rhodesian propaganda during the liberation war (long story, don't ask), but found this instead: what appears to be an ex-Rhodesian arguing that what Israel resembles most of all is the dear old Occupied Six Counties:

Israeli Politics as Settler Politics | Mitchell | Journal of Conflict Studies

The opening:

Israelis and Zionists consider themselves to be returned natives, descendants of the ancient Israelites that have returned to their native land after millennia of wandering in foreign lands. The Arabs and their supporters consider the Zionist Jews who settled in Palestine to be settlers and Zionism to be a form of settler colonialism comparable to apartheid in South Africa or the racism that prevailed in settler colonies throughout South Africa.

Actually, the lived experience in the West Bank is that many settlers are there for precisely one-and-a-half reasons:

1) They're Americans
1.25) They like to go around with heavy weaponry on show
1.5) It's just like the Wild West - looking forward to cleansing the Frontier of the unruly natives and all
Good phrase. What's the next line? Who wrote it?


...hipipol did :D
Its from Deuteronomy - do pay attention - part of the same Jewish text the claims women bring rapes upon themselves and that anyone with damaged dick or bollocks cannot enter into heaven
Total tosh
Killings fields for shit mongers
Its from Deuteronomy - do pay attention

But the exact phrase was a Googlewhack. Just the one result. Now Google has reindexed Urbanz and we get:

2 results (0.23 seconds)

Gaza under attack yet again. | Page 208 | urban75 forums
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8 Jul 2014 - 4 posts - ‎3 authors
... they have taken to topping each other. Israeli soldier kills Jewish civilian in 'identity mishap' - BBC News Mine eyes shall hold no pity for them.
Rapid Response Media Alert: Targeting Iran – The BBC ...
www.urban75.net › ... › Compendium Of Kerrrr-azy Conspiracies
21 Jan 2005 - 30 posts - ‎14 authors
... and hey presto, lots prosecuted for "Funding" crimes. I cant help but find it spineless, snivelling and "Mine eyes shall hold no pity for them".
Israel’s Descent Into Jingoistic ‘Orgies of Feeling’

I first understood that something had changed when I received a message to one of my WhatsApp groups saying “Gordon’s girlfriend.” This was followed by the snuff video of police officers shooting Asraa Zidan Tawfik Abed, a 30-year-old Palestinian mother from Nazareth. In the video, Asraa is surrounded by Israeli soldiers who are all aiming automatic rifles at her while she sobs and cries out. She clearly poses no threat whatsoever to those around her, and yet suddenly a police officer nonchalantly walks toward her, aims, and shoots, three times. Asraa falls to the ground, while someone in the crowd shouts, “Daughter of a whore!”

disturbing footage several times before answering, “This is what woman hunting looks like.”

Two weeks later, an Israeli state prosecutor admitted that Asraa had had no intention of stabbing anyone, but he also added that the policeman who had gunned her down would not be charged. The message to the security forces was unequivocal: Shoot, no questions asked.

The snuff video of Fadi Alon from Jerusalem was even more horrific, and not only because Fadi was murdered by a police officer as he was trying to flee an angry mob, while Asraa was only wounded, but because the mob surrounding Fadi was caught on film taunting the police officers. They are heard demanding an extrajudicial execution while accusing the security forces of being spineless. Watching the police succumb to the mob, I understood for the first time what it must have meant to be in the Roman Colosseum in the midst of the madding crowd.

And, yet, the current situation in Israel is very different. Unlike ancient Rome, in Israel events are framed by a melodramatic political script that thrives on what Elisabeth Anker, following Nietzsche, calls orgies of feeling.

Indeed, the current popularity of snuff media in Israel is the product of a local melodrama industry that solicits intense pathos, which is aimed at encouraging heroic retribution against those considered responsible for so-called national injuries. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the ultimate melodrama king, and he has, throughout his long political career, spun many tales that produce extreme feelings of fear and self-righteousness
It's becoming harder and harder to tell the two dubiously legitimate states in the middle east run for the aim of representing all adherents of a religion in the world whether they want it or not, apart
Hillary Clinton is no friend of Israel - Opinion

Hillary Clinton's election as U.S. president would ensure Israel’s continued decline and degeneration. And so she is not a friend, but an enemy. She must not be allowed to deceive and present herself as a friend of Israel, as she tried so ingratiatingly to do in an article published in The Forward (“How I would reaffirm unbreakable bond with Israel — and Benjamin Netanyahu”) last week. The tear ducts were targeted as she wrote of how she assisted Magen David Adom in being accepted to the International Red Cross. But she and those like her – false friends of Israel – have been one of the curses on this country for years. Because of them, Israel can continue to act as wildly as it likes, thumbing its nose at the world and paying no price. Because of them, it can destroy itself unhindered.

Whether Clinton believes what she wrote or simply wanted once again to sell her soul for a fistful of dollars from Haim Saban and other Jewish donors, the result is extremely embarrassing. A love letter to Israel, the likes of which no U.S. statesman would ever write to another country. Americans believe “Israel is more than a country – it’s a dream,” she states. Most of the world calls it a nightmare, yet Clinton says a dream. What dream exactly? The dream of tyrannical control over another people? Racism? Nationalism? The killing of women and children in Gaza?

What happened to the Hillary Rodham Clinton who in her youth fought for civil rights and against the Vietnam War, and as a lawyer specialized in children’s rights? Did she not hear what her dream state is doing to Palestinian children? What happened to the glorious career woman who was considered liberal and justice-seeking on her way up? Did she forget it all? Does money buy everything? Or, when it comes to Israel, do all principles suddenly change?

Did the former secretary of state not hear about the Israeli occupation? After all, she didn’t mention it once in her article. This is not the time or place to anger Saban. To Clinton, Israel is a “thriving democracy” and to hell with the violent and totalitarian regime in its backyard. And so Clinton is also an enemy of peace and justice. She doesn’t believe there has been the slightest damage to Palestinian rights. Israelis being stabbed in Jerusalem “appalls” Clinton. Palestinians being unjustifiably shot to death, meanwhile, fails to register with her. They will love her for that on Fifth Avenue. Religious figures who encourage killing are, of course, only Muslim; only Israeli security must be vouchsafed. The synagogues of Manhattan will love that, too. Clinton pledges to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during her first month in office. Also, that she will send a delegation of the U.S. Army’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to Israel. What for, exactly?

For Clinton, this isn’t “just about policy,” it is “a personal commitment to the friendship … and our vision for peace and security.” One could, of course, explain away this sorry, honey-dripped statement with the need to raise more money from Jews. But one cannot ignore the content. Clinton is a leading candidate to become the next president of the United States, and her commitment to the continued Israeli occupation and its funding has been proven in the past. The Palestinians are also reading her words. What are they supposed to think in the face of this one-sided extremism? What can they expect in light of such outright disregard for their fate? Hope for change, which has already taken a beating during President Barack Obama’s time in office, will not be able to rise if Clinton is president.

Most American Jews will support her, some because they think she is good for Israel. Well, dear brethren, she is not. A person who supports the continued occupation is like a person who continues to buy drugs for an addicted relative. This is neither concern nor friendship; it is destruction. Perhaps some ignorant Republican would be preferable in the White House after all. But, on second thoughts, he would surely be funded by Sheldon Adelson.
It is indeed a good thing but there's some rather odd and disturbing doublethink going on as in France you can be prosecuted for supporting/advocating BDS.

France now more repressive of boycott calls than Israel

French govt = hypocrisy.

The French govt will prosecute BDSers for non-violently taking a stance against zionist apartheid, yet turn a blind eye to violent attacks against journalists, socialist bookshops, protesters etc by the ziofacist French jewish defense league.

Torygraph link
Not Gaza again but, completely outrageous even by Israeli standards. They're really getting into their stride with this 'we can do what the fuck we like' thing. If they did at some point they really don't give a shit anymore what anyone else thinks.

Israel executes Palestinian in hospital room

The execution of a man at a hospital in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron early Thursday has generated shock even among Palestinians familiar with Israel’s brutality.

At 2:43am, two dozen Israeli gunmen disguised as Palestinians invaded al-Ahli hospital. They included two dressed as women, one as a pregnant woman in a wheelchair, and others wearing fake beards, according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights.

Three of the agents obstructed the hospital entrance and ordered medical staff not to move.

The other Israelis went up to the surgery department on the third floor and detained medical staff.

At around 2:45, five agents, including two disguised as women, raided a patient’s room.

Four gunshots were heard and the agents left, taking 20-year-old Azzam Izzat Shaban al-Shalalda, a patient in the hospital.

In the room they shot dead his 28-year-old cousin Abdallah Azzam Shaban al-Shalalda....
not quite true they went in disguise to arrest someone a fairly dubious op in itself.
in the process of grabbing the suspect his cousin surprised them and of course being a blood crazed palestinian immediately attempted to kill half a dozen heavily armed israelis :facepalm::hmm:.

totally justified and a heroic action by the israeli police :rolleyes::mad:
The US has released the Israeli spy Pollard from prison.

The US government just keeps bending over backwards for Bibi. Soon Obama will be shining Bibi's shoes.
Isn't feetwashing usually an allusion to blowjobs in the Bible or other script from that time period or am I making stuff up?
No wonder the pope looks nervous when they bring the beggars in on Maundy Thursday.
Never heard that claim before.
Apparently feet can be a euphemism for genitalia in Hebrew so I'm not going completely mad

As noted, it is very widely repeated that "foot" (Hebrew רֶגֶל regel) is a euphemism for male genitals. You can find this repeated all over the place. One example is made in the context of an interesting suggestion about irrigating Egypt "by foot" in an article published in 1988.

Virtually every commentary on Ruth 3 will spend some time on this possiblity, it adding to the frisson of Ruth's night-time encounter in the field with Boaz. So, for example, in Hubbard (p. 203), and Nielsen (p. 69), and Fentress-Williams (p. 89), and Goldingay (p. 180), etc.... It is, accordingly, often also so understood in 2 Samuel 11:8, as for example R.P. Gordon (p. 254) notes.2

I find myself a little hesitant in the Samuel text mainly because we're dealing with idioms, and not simply a single word. In the Ruth text we have the suggestive (from Naomi to Ruth!) to "uncover his feet" (וְגִלִּית מַרְגְּלֹתָיו Ruth 3:4). Fair enough. In 2 Sam 11:8, however, the instruction (from David to Uriah), to "wash your feet" (וּרְחַץ רַגְלֶיךָ). This idiom occurs 7x in the Hebrew Bible (Gen. 18:4; 19:2; 24:32; 43:24; Jdg. 19:21; 1 Sam. 25:41; 2 Sam. 11:8), and in every other case it looks like a straightforward ... washing of feet! (Gen 19:2 may be an exception here, but I'm not so sure.)
Like it says sometimes a foot is just a foot, surely. The mountain farmers I worked with in sw China always washed their feet when they came in and I expect it was the same in dusty Palestine. Never knew that about the double meaning though.
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