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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Israeli settlers stoned a British man volunteering to protect Palestinian farmers

My friend is one of the British women mentioned in this report. I will post her account when I have her permission to share it.

These is my friend's eye witness account

I had to reactivate my account as I need to tell you all about the brutality of the illegal settlers occupying the west bank in Palestine. I was helping the local farmers harvest their olives. I heard 2 guns shots in very close proximity to me. I looked up toward the hill where the settlement is. I saw several settlers on the brow of the hill, then I saw olive trees on fire. These trees belong to Palestinians, the olives are their only source of income as they are pressed for oil. The farmer I was with ran up towards the hill as her friends and part of our group was picking. I ran after her, I saw a member of our group who was an older British man bleeding heavily. He told me that a group of the settlers had attacked him with rocks the size of a large grape fruit. They were less than 2 feet away from him. They stole his phone and the robbed a camera, phone and rucksack of another of the group who was with him. He is ok, needed several stitches and as you can imagine shook up. The settlers started at least 12 fires on Palestinian land. The army turned up, took photos and then left. The fire brigade did not get permission to get to the farm land for at least an hour after the fires started. The Palestinian farmer my group was with was shot at by the settlers. The farmer I was with wanted to go back to her trees as she wanted to continue picking. I was in total shock but agreed to support her. When we returned to her farm 2 soliders were there. They told her she must stop picking immediately as the settlers may return and cause her problems. The army have an agreement to protect the Palestinian farmers. NO they don't. I am ok, frustrated beyond belief. Photos coming. And for East Jerusalem, well it's not as the media portrays it.
Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly asserted that Adolf Hitler had no intention of exterminating Europe’s Jews until a Palestinian persuaded him to do it.

The Israeli prime minister’s attempt to whitewash Hitler and lay the blame for the Holocaust at the door of Palestinians signals a major escalation of his incitement against and demonization of the people living under his country’s military and settler-colonial rule.

It also involves a good deal of Holocaust denial.

Why is Benjamin Netanyahu trying to whitewash Hitler?
Netenyahu if he hadn't already seems to have lost the plot

Meanwhile, what fucking planet is Grade on?

Lord Grade, the former BBC Chairman, has accused the corporation of “inexcusable” bias in its coverage of the recent wave of stabbing attacks on Israelis.

In a letter to James Harding, the BBC Director of News, Lord Grade criticised a report by the BBC correspondent Orla Guerin, which he claimed “directly misled” viewers by failing to acknowledge the involvement of militant Palestinian groups....

Lord Grade accuses BBC of bias in coverage of stabbing attacks on Israelis

This kind of shit scares me, as it really demonstrates that these cunts in power have no plan to end the occupation and apartheid, but to bolster it by shoring up support from extremists already rabid with hate by any means possible- even if that means re-writing their own holocaust history and by doing so, almost vindicating the cunt Hitler.
This kind of shit scares me, as it really demonstrates that these cunts in power have no plan to end the occupation and apartheid, but to bolster it by shoring up support from extremists already rabid with hate by any means possible- even if that means re-writing their own holocaust history and by doing so, almost vindicating the cunt Hitler.


it's a calculated strategy, designed to attract support from far-right extremists in europe (who now make up israel's main allies on the continent) and legitimise support for said extremists in israel (and govt policy at home) it's also a polarising strategy similar to the ones isis use driving a wedge between zionists who are "radicalised" and leftists etc who aren't, adds to the general sentiment of leftists etc as traitors etc

very very dangerous, israel slides further into fascism by the day ...
Its part of a general rehabilitation of fascism in Israel as well. The extreme right are Israel's main European allies now.
I'm hesitant to ascribe what he said to a new phase of something because he's made pretty much the same claim before, in 2012. I don't know as it was supposed to attract this level of attention this time around.

The extreme right are Israel's main European allies now.

My problem with this statement is it downplays the routine, almost unquestioned support that many European nations give to Israel.

Lets not confuse the fact that many of Israels partners are underwhelmed by some of Israels most extreme acts and negotiating stances, they still support them on everything but the most rhetorically rabid Netanyahu type bullshit. By all means draw attention to perverse alignments between Israel and the extreme right, but lets not suggest they are their main allies. Surely at most, main allies for very specific agendas/propaganda directions.
What about the boycotts of settlement goods and the increasing alignment with the US and Iran (which the israeli state through a hissy fit about)?
What about the boycotts of settlement goods and the increasing alignment with the US and Iran (which the israeli state through a hissy fit about)?

Relations on various levels hitting low ebbs on multiple fronts is important stuff. But even a drastic change in 'diplomatic mood music' should not be mistaken for changes in magnitude of allegiances.

The US will remain the vital partner to Israel for the foreseeable future, for a multitude of reasons including rather large corporate ones - just one example is that there is a lot of Israeli military & IT tech stuff going on that is somewhat joined at the hip with various US corporations and government.

As for the Iran stuff, its complicated not just because of the complex relationship between the US and Iran, but because Iran and Israel love to use each other as bogeymen for all sorts of purposes. Some of the fiery rhetoric and war-mongering between the two can always be discounted as an inability to kick this longterm propaganda habit.

Strains in the relationship are quite real I'm sure, but the US and Israel, the EU and Israel etc remain key allies. Nothing has collapsed, boundaries of the relationship have been run into, and interests have not always been in alignment. But away from these areas of friction there is the great bulk of the relationship, completely intact.

Also given the number of countries in the region that have destabilised or had their long-term regimes destroyed one way or another, we might not be paying attention to all the things the US has contributed to in the region this decade that Israel is really happy about.
Is israel actually 'really happy' about the added pressure of refugees trying to get in to its borders, destabilisation in the sinai peninsula and the golan heights, and now a third intifada possibly kicking off? I dont doubt that elements within the israeli state are happy to see destabilisation in many larger arab nations and iran, wanted to see the back of assad etc, but i think the idea that the israeli state sees all US actions as positive may be simplifying it somewhat?
Which is why I didn't say that Israel sees all US actions as positive. They don't have to in order to remain strong allies.
Regarding Iran and its effect on US-Israel relations, seems there was timely evidence the other day to support my case:

Israel, U.S. signal security ties back on track after Iran feud

Israel and the United States signaled on Sunday they were starting to put disputes over the Iran nuclear deal behind them, announcing resumed talks on U.S. defense aid for Israel as it hosted Washington's top general and a joint air force drill.

The allies had been looking to agree on a 10-year military aid package to extend the current U.S. grants to Israel worth $3 billion annually, which are due to expire in 2017.

"With the nuclear deal now moving ahead, Israel is also moving ahead, hoping to forge a common policy with the United states to address the continuing dangers posed by Iran," Ron Dermer, Israel's ambassador to the United States, said in a Facebook post.

"Discussions over a new Memorandum of Understanding between Israel and the United States, which had been on hold for some time, resumed this past week in Washington," he said, using a term for the defense-aid agreement.

Netanyahu, who is due to meet President Barack Obama at the White House next month, warmly received U.S. Marine General Joseph Dunford and praised him for making Israel the first stop of his first trip abroad since becoming chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff on Oct. 1.

"That's an expression of the tremendous alliance between Israel and the United States," Netanyahu said, adding that the alliance was more important than ever given threats in the region, including from Iran.

Dermer said defense-aid discussions would also be pursued during Yaalon's talks in Washington later this month and at the White House meeting between Netanyahu and Obama.

Before the suspension, the two sides were close to a new package of grants worth $3.6 billion to $3.7 billion a year, U.S. and Israeli officials have said. They have predicted that the amount could rise further as Israel argues it needs more aid to offset a likely windfall for Iran in sanctions relief which might be used to finance anti-Israel guerrillas.

"Israel hopes that the discussions we are now engaged in will culminate in a long-term agreement that will dramatically upgrade Israel's ability to defend itself by itself," Dermer said.
I think that Israel *is* looking to the long term in respect of its declining relationship with the US, they don't want a repeat of the US pulling its support for South Africa, they don't want to put all their eggs in one basket.
I think that Israel *is* looking to the long term in respect of its declining relationship with the US, they don't want a repeat of the US pulling its support for South Africa, they don't want to put all their eggs in one basket.

Perhaps - though I think that they recognize that the current spat is largely personal in origin and that both of the main causes (in terms of the difficulties in that relationship) are going to go away sooner rather than later - Obama as his term expires, Bibi as reality catches up with him.

The US is still the best ally that Israel will ever have, worth many times more than every other pro-Israel country put together.
The conjunction of Zionism with fascism/neo nazism is deeply worrying.

And those on the right attempting to portray Palestinians (and wider Muslims) as proto-fascists are helping to heap up Israel's own funeral pyre.

Rule number 1 of peaceful coexistence: don't demonize those you have to make peace with (in order to survive).
So on shitebook, someone posted this:

Deafening Silence | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

To which someone else posted this:

Jerusalem, in context | +972 Magazine

To which my original contact replied "I find your stance absolving Palestinians of wanton murder to be abhorrent."

An Irish prime minister was once asked his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: "I would appeal to Jews and Muslims to settle their differences in accordance with Christian principles". At least that was funny. . .
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