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Fucking Football

sleaterkinney - Every weekend, across the world millions of people will enjoy a football match. Playing it yourself, as part of a team, learning to play by the rules etc can be a positive experience.

Fine, as a sport, although its not my thing, I don't have a problem with it. But all the "team" mentality has ever demonstrated to me is an exercise th mass hatred, bigotry & violence.

eg - Where my work required me to kake kids teams to school league matches & ew ended-up having to fight-off the opposition parents because they took exception to our green strip - which automatically made us catholic. :rolleyes:

This is totally unlike some other sports that genuinely brought people & cultures together in an equal & positive way.

take away football and those twats would still be scrapping in a city centre.

All that says to me is that you think it is ok because of football?

Not convinced - the vast majority of street violence I've seen is football related/facillitated/excused & the majority who have got away with it have done so because football allows them to. The rest of us clearly don't matter.

I'd also contend that an awful lot of them would not be getting stuck-in without the legitimisation given by football. They seem to hace more sense when t ey don't have a team to hide behind.
eg - Where my work required me to kake kids teams to school league matches & ew ended-up having to fight-off the opposition parents because they took exception to our green strip - which automatically made us catholic. :rolleyes:

Because that's clearly about football and not sectarian bigotry of course?

How may times do you think that has happened in England?
Offensive bollocks pogofish and you can't see it.

I used to think you were reasonable but tbh this thread has shown you to be a complete idiot.

You haven't seen this before with his anti-dog fantasies, usually involving farmers taking shotguns to pooches left, right and centre?

He's an unlucky man Mr Pogofish, with his tendency to be relentlessly attacked by food poisoning and football fans alike. But it's difficult to warm as much to an angry Franker Spencer type.
*JTG - Offensive bollocks pogofish and you can't see it.

I used to think you were reasonable but tbh this thread has shown you to be a complete idiot.

I'm perfectly reasonable - However I've not seen much of that as far as football is concerned & I've given it more than enough chances.

Not any more though. Or at least not until I see a significant number of fans take the responsibility back on themselves & the clubs stop pandering to the twats.

Maybe you should think about what steps you & your mates can take, instead of wringing your hands at the "offence" of it all?

IME, you are well used to hurling it to & fro at matches!
Fine, lets see a few more extend a mite of tolerance to the rest of humanity then.

I won't be holding my breath. :rolleyes:
another nice expression of your narrow mindedness there, pogofish....
Where my work required me to kake kids teams to school league matches & ew ended-up having to fight-off the opposition parents because they took exception to our green strip - which automatically made us catholic. :rolleyes:
as already said, thats down to sectarianism, not football.

Maybe you should think about what steps you & your mates can take, instead of wringing your hands at the "offence" of it all?

IME, you are well used to hurling it to & fro at matches!
whats the problem with giving the opposition fans some abuse exactly? it's fun! :D thats a bit different from the issue of violence

I doubt if any of the football fans on here think it's important for them to redeem football in your eyes tbh.
*tarannau - You haven't seen this before with his anti-dog fantasies, usually involving farmers taking shotguns to pooches left, right and centre?

He's an unlucky man Mr Pogofish, with his tendency to be relentlessly attacked by food poisoning and football fans alike. But it's difficult to warm as much to an angry Franker Spencer type.

Must say that you are doing a fine job of demonstrating that the general level of intolerance amongst footie types has not changed one bit. :rolleyes: :p

Do you not think I've heard the "you are a freak for not liking football" line a long time ago & longsince got over worrying about it?

I'll make my mind up about folk in non-footie mode, thanks. :)
Rollem - another nice expression of your narrow mindedness there, pogofish....[/quote]

Well, if I'd ever seen much else, it might be difference. Think I said earlier that this is one of the few places I've seen a glimmer of anything better :(
*Rollem - as already said, thats down to sectarianism, not football.

Football is the prime vehicle for sectarianism IME & they are bound-up together like nothing else.

Any attempt to deal with that has been nothing more than an innefectual sticking-plaster IME, with normal service resumed ASAP. :(

whats the problem with giving the opposition fans some abuse exactly? it's fun!

Yes! :D

But seriously - don't drag those who are not interested into it eh? :(
Football is the prime vehicle for sectarianism IME & they are bound-up together like nothing else.

don't you think narrow minded twats with a problem with catholics might have been the cause of the sectarianism were talking about now . Football was the background to it .

I sort of agree with you , there are fans that like to cause trouble/fight etc. but football isn't the cause of that attitude , they may have chosen it for the focus of what they are doing but I guess if there were no football these people would find another way to group together and cause trouble ( like the mods and rockers did back in the old days )
don't you think narrow minded twats with a problem with catholics might have been the cause of the sectarianism were talking about now . Football was the background to it .

Could be but as I've said before, the whole thing seems indivisible. Etiher way, carrying it into a kids league - Whose rules on behaviour were quite clear was utterly unforgivable.

I've also made it pretty clear there are a whole lot of other negative aspects that combine to form my opinion.
You've posted 45 times now on this thread, in the football forum. If you stop no-one is going to chase you and drag you back.

Could I resist the thread title? You bothered to count? :eek:

Anyway, does this forum deny differing opinions?

I'll be on my way soon tho & it will probably be a long time before I'm back in this particular den of iniquity. :p :)
Could be but as I've said before, the whole thing seems indivisible.

I've also made it pretty clear there are a whole lot of other negative aspects that combine to form my opinion.

But is the whole thing indivisible because the narrow minded twats have used football as their focus for being narrow minded twats or did being involved in going to football matches make otherwise normal people act differently .

I agree with you on some levels , supporting a team along with thousands of other people can create a sort of tribal identity which combined with something like sectarianism can magnify a problem , I don't know enough about the situation in Glasgow and Scotland ( I think thats where you are isn't it ) to go more in depth . But to blame football for what is a very human action re. forming groups and acting within those groups in ways that a sole individual may not act is not something specific to football and like I said earlier , if there was no football then the need for some people to form "tribal groups" within society would still happen ( mods & rockers , street gangs etc. ) . I really can't understand why you seem to be ignoring that fact .
But to blame football for what is a very human action re. forming groups and acting within those groups in ways that a sole individual may not act is not something specific to football and like I said earlier , if there was no football then the need for some people to form "tribal groups" within society would still happen ( mods & rockers , street gangs etc. ) . I really can't understand why you seem to be ignoring that fact .

I'm not convinced of that. Some will walways want trouble certainly but football has so much more by way of support & justification for them. After all, most other activities seem to cope admirably - a bit of banter aside. Even the mods & rockers largely buried the hatchet a very long time ago IME.

Equally, I don't see being part of any form of "tribal group" as any justification for being a twat without some considerable degree of provocation.
I'm not convinced of that. Some will walways want trouble certainly but football has so much more by way of support & justification for them. After all, most other activities seem to cope admirably - a bit of banter aside. Even the mods & rockers largely buried the hatchet a very long time ago IME.

Equally, I don't see being part of any form of "tribal group" as any justification for being a twat without some considerable degree of provocation.

I don't see how you can claim football has more justification , surely if someone wants to fight or act like a twat then they will find justification for it , or in some cases they don't need justification . Every football fan I know does not act in the way you describe football fans to act , I have rarely seen football fans acting like twats and I suspect the ones I have seen would act like that anyway .

I appreciate you have had some bad experiences which can't be excused but you seem to want to portray all football fans as acting like the minority ( it may not be the minority where you are but I'm talking about nation ( or even world ) wide fans , and I really don't understand your blanket refusal to even entertain the idea that football is not the cause of the problem .
People who don't like footie like El Jefe are the problem. If he lived in Belfast, he'd wear a Rangers/Celtic shirt, but because he doesn't like football watching his team wouldn't be enough for him, he'd have to go round kneecapping them what wear the other shirts.
taken from your link frieda: heaven forbid the ladies are swearing! >crosses self< next they'll be saying that they like to wear trousers too! :eek: :(

Yup i just chucked it into the mix rollem.;) Seen as a lot of the negative debate was so loaded towards macho, sword wielding, tribalism.

My mate and his wife both have season tickets at Goodison. He sits in the Gladys ST and she's next to the away fans in the Park end.

I once asked him why they didn't sit together. He said
"I like to be as far away from her as possible when she's at the match":D

I've been going to Anfield, Goodison and the Deva (Greyhound) stadium for 30 years now and i've seen it all home and away but i think in general it's a pretty 'civilised' activity.

The majority are just ordinary citizens aren't they:)
I'm perfectly reasonable - However I've not seen much of that as far as football is concerned & I've given it more than enough chances.

Not any more though. Or at least not until I see a significant number of fans take the responsibility back on themselves & the clubs stop pandering to the twats.

Maybe you should think about what steps you & your mates can take, instead of wringing your hands at the "offence" of it all?

IME, you are well used to hurling it to & fro at matches!

tbh, I'm really not interested in taking steps to make you like football better. My matchday routine involves, walking to pub, chatting with mates, walking to ground, having a giggle while watching the game, walking back to pub, going home. Same as hundreds of thousands of people across Britain every weekend. It doesn't involve bigotry, racism, homophobia, violence or anything else you want to accuse us of. I'm sorry if the rude words we may cast in the direction of the participants or opposing fans may offend you but I'm not losing any sleep over it.

If I thought your description of something I have done hundreds of times bore any resemblance to reality I'd address it in more detail but seeing as it isn't I don't see the point.

I'll keep the suit of armour on standby though in case the incidence of sword wielding maniacs at games gets any more out of hand than it already is though.
I don't see how you can claim football has more justification , surely if someone wants to fight or act like a twat then they will find justification for it , or in some cases they don't need justification .

Every football fan I know does not act in the way you describe football fans to act , I have rarely seen football fans acting like twats and I suspect the ones I have seen would act like that anyway .

and I really don't understand your blanket refusal to even entertain the idea that football is not the cause of the problem .

Because that is how it always has been IME. From my very earliest days when my disinterest in (not even dislike at that point) football/ball sports in general was held officially as proof positive for a diagnosis of dyslexia & a reason to remainder me out of any sort education.

Maybe not but you line up with them at the same matches & often join-in/cheer them on & there are no shortage of incidents where the teams &/or clubs have acted up to them in one way or another:


Not the most recent of that ilk either.

Then there are the ways communities near grounds are told they don't matter when it comes to the interests of the clubs - esp when they want to tear the place-up & rebuild with a load of up-market housing. No, we can fuck right-off, don't even get into the "public" meetings :rolleyes:

Simply - I've had enough. The ball is in your court now. :)
If I thought your description of something I have done hundreds of times bore any resemblance to reality I'd address it in more detail but seeing as it isn't I don't see the point.

I'll keep the suit of armour on standby though in case the incidence of sword wielding maniacs at games gets any more out of hand than it already is though.

Now you are living in some fantasy world IMO. So trouble never happens at matches? Come-on! :rolleyes:
Yeah, that's what I said.

Your problem is with Old Firm football seemingly, because that's where all your examples seem to come from.

By the same token, I therefore declare all marching bands and people who enjoy them to be bigoted fuckwits :)
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