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Fucking Football

No shit? So my experience over 30-odd years counts for nothing then? :rolleyes:.

Pogofish could you just elaborate on what clubs your 30 years of negative experience in football relates to.

Or maybe try looking again when you are out? Spending so much time in the company of utter fucking scum might have made you forget what halfway civilised human behaviour is like?

That's such an unpleasant attack. Are you saying that there is no 'civilised human behaviour' displayed on the terraces by football fans?

Used to be pretty common IME - Seen them often. Although more recently, the trend seems to be towards more improvised weapons

So can you give us some examples to back up this statement. I'm not trying to have a pop but maybe if you could be more specific we could appreciate your POV.


you are most surely on a complete wind up. in 14 years of going to football matches i have not once seen a sword or any other weapon for that matter.

I'm not trying to dispute this at all (I've only ever been to one football match - I kept falling asleep and left halfway through). I also don't agree with Pogofish's portrayal of football fans.

But a few years ago now, wasn't there some police swoop on Cardiff City football hooligans where they confiscated a chainsaw? :D:D
Or maybe try looking again when you are out? Spending so much time in the company of utter fucking scum might have made you forget what halfway civilised human behaviour is like?

Oh dear. I'd better tell me dad he's utter fucking scum.

He won't be happy.
Holy shit, pages 1-3 of this thread are exactly the same as pages 20 & 21.

The thread doesn't seem to have deviated at all, I don't have the time to read the other 17 pages but could someone sum them up for me? :D

Also, did anyone else get picked last for football in school and still love the game. :cool:
Holy shit, pages 1-3 of this thread are exactly the same as pages 20 & 21.

The thread doesn't seem to have deviated at all, I don't have the time to read the other 17 pages but could someone sum them up for me? :D

Also, did anyone else get picked last for football in school and still love the game. :cool:

Yup my brother and the mate i share my season tkt with at Anfield. Both big lads, both big on footie, both on the bench if lucky for the school team:D, never stopped either of them wanting to play too, both married to women who go the match with them and neither both (Nor their wives for that matter) are like the people pogo describes as representative of football fans.

You've missed nothing in 17 pages either really;)
it's no wonder we've turned out the way we have :(

Yeah i can't wait to stab some cunt at Chester V's Lincoln TMW:mad: I'm going to make sure my 9 yr old daughter gets in on the action too.:mad::D When we've seen the match we're going to go down town and do some littering.:cool:

Big firm Lincoln
Pogofish could you just elaborate on what clubs your 30 years of negative experience in football relates to.

You don't ask for much! :eek: I had hoped to go to a gig tonight! :eek: :D

Really, in all my life (40+) I've seen very little by way of anything positive in football & those who follow it. I'm also appalled by the way folk who can be fine at other times can become complete twats or their apologists where football is concerned. Otherwise, if it is your thing, fine. :)

That's such an unpleasant attack. Are you saying that there is no 'civilised human behaviour' displayed on the terraces by football fans?

I've seen precious little of it - as well as growing up in a place where football defined you & having been to many matches where the only reason for many going was to get the opposition (tooled-up was quite normal), I've lived cheek by jowel with a big football stadium (shared by two teams -double the fun!) & also on a street lined with popular football pubs. Here & in Berlin - Got sick to the back teeth of those areas becoming total no go areas on match days & nothing being done about it, by either the authorities, teams or least of all the "civilised" fans themselves. It was a classic kettle situation & what went-on inside it & those who lived there simply did not matter. Been attacked frequently (last time, Thursday before last), watched them knock/cut/batter lumps out of each other frequently, put-up with all kinds of other truly offensive, antisocial & violent behaviour - often on a mass scale, had to repeatedly clear-up the filth needlessly left behind by them & had to totally disrupt my life to fit-in with the frequent tide of inhumanity.

Yes, I got out of both places as quick as I possibly could - Plenty former neighbours were not so lucky

So can you give us some examples to back up this statement. I'm not trying to have a pop but maybe if you could be more specific we could appreciate your POV.



Again, how long have you (or I) got?
Lmao - I only made the connection a week or so ago on the music forum. Dub was really nice. Not so sure about this wrong un. What happened? Did he bang his head when he changed his name? :)


I truly believe this thread has everything.

Whoever the OP is..I salute them.

I've seen precious little of it - as well as growing up in a place where football defined you & having been to many matches where the only reason for many going was to get the opposition (tooled-up was quite normal), I've lived cheek by jowel with a big football stadium (shared by two teams -double the fun!) & also on a street lined with popular football pubs. Here & in Berlin - Got sick to the back teeth of those areas becoming total no go areas on match days & nothing being done about it, by either the authorities, teams or least of all the "civilised" fans themselves. It was a classic kettle situation & what went-on inside it & those who lived there simply did not matter. Been attacked frequently (last time, Thursday before last), watched them knock/cut/batter lumps out of each other frequently, put-up with all kinds of other truly offensive, antisocial & violent behaviour - often on a mass scale, had to repeatedly clear-up the filth needlessly left behind by them & had to totally disrupt my life to fit-in with the frequent tide of inhumanity.

Rant of the year!

You don't ask for much! :eek: I had hoped to go to a gig tonight! :eek:

Really, in all my life (40+) I've seen very little by way of anything positive in football & those who follow it. I'm also appalled by the way folk who can be fine at other times can become complete twats or their apologists where football is concerned. Otherwise, if it is your thing, fine.

I've seen precious little of it - as well as growing up in a place where football defined you & having been to many matches where the only reason for many going was to get the opposition (tooled-up was quite normal), I've lived cheek by jowel with a big football stadium (shared by two teams -double the fun!) & also on a street lined with popular football pubs. Here & in Berlin - Got sick to the back teeth of those areas becoming total no go areas on match days & nothing being done about it, by either the authorities, teams or least of all the "civilised" fans themselves. It was a classic kettle situation & what went-on inside it & those who lived there simply did not matter. Been attacked frequently (last time, Thursday before last), watched them knock/cut/batter lumps out of each other frequently, put-up with all kinds of other truly offensive, antisocial & violent behaviour - often on a mass scale, had to repeatedly clear-up the filth needlessly left behind by them & had to totally disrupt my life to fit-in with the frequent tide of inhumanity.

Yes, I got out of both places as quick as I possibly could - Plenty former neighbours were not so lucky

Again, how long have you (or I) got?

I don't want to get in the way of you having a few pints before your gig mate but that's still very non specific apart from the Berlin bit.

I think living in the vicinity of a football ground must be pretty uncomfortable to say the least. The invasion on your right to some privacy in your home is enough to make you agitated what with the presence of so many people in areas that are generally neither built for or capable of dealing with large numbers of people desending on one venue at the same time. That's just as much a planning issue as it is for pubs or venues that become popular for other mass attended any sort of events though innit.

IME there was more loutish behaviour and shite left behind at Main road when oasis played than when citeh ever played when i lived in Followfield.:mad:

Anyway enjoy the gig more to think about here including this.

Birds going to the footie:hmm:

I do think you're hitting too many heads with the same hammer here though;)
Just to reinforce what the Rovers lads have been saying, I've been going to the football off and on since 1978 and bar the odd incident (not involving swords I hasten to add) have had a great time watching us lose, win and draw.

pogofish is either the unluckiest chap in the world or a complete trolling buffoon.

I'd wager on the latter.
IME there was more loutish behaviour and shite left behind at Main road when oasis played than when citeh ever played when i lived in Followfield.:mad:
are oasis fans a fair comparison to the rest of the gig attending public though?

its the small minority which spoil it for everyone else you know....;)
To cast my mind back to my days of stewarding at Wembley, not every gig crowd was much fun either. Take a number of heavy metal gigs, where excitable social retards seemed to spend a disproportionate amount of time groping female stewards and tossing around pints of piss.

Fucking weedy long haired tossers in the main, with their strangely identikit uniform of silly denim jackets with patches. The juvenile dank greasers were probably bullied at school and were trying to show off. And obviously they were all the same when tarred with the Pogofish brush

i don't believe i'm overstating the case when i state that you are one bitter, deluded, bordering on neurotic individual who has got absolutely no clue about what really goes on at football matches. your claims are as laughable as they are offensive to every real football fan both on these boards and in real life.
offensive? nah, just narrow minded. i can handle that, as i am sure a few other fans of the game can.
That was kinda my point ;)

are oasis fans a fair comparison to the rest of the gig attending public though?

its the small minority which spoil it for everyone else you know....;)

Alright granted i went to a hear say concert once and fans painted 3 scuffy looking houses on the way home from the gig.
taken from your link frieda:
And the report shows women enjoy the tribalism and abusive chanting just as much as male fans.
heaven forbid the ladies are swearing! >crosses self< next they'll be saying that they like to wear trousers too! :eek: :(
You don't ask for much! :eek: I had hoped to go to a gig tonight! :eek: :D

Really, in all my life (40+) I've seen very little by way of anything positive in football & those who follow it. I'm also appalled by the way folk who can be fine at other times can become complete twats or their apologists where football is concerned. Otherwise, if it is your thing, fine. :)
It provides entertainment to those who play and watch it, Every weekend, across the world millions of people will enjoy a football match. Playing it yourself, as part of a team, learning to play by the rules etc can be a positive experience. I don't want to dig out those camus quotes. :hmm:
I've seen precious little of it - as well as growing up in a place where football defined you & having been to many matches where the only reason for many going was to get the opposition (tooled-up was quite normal), I've lived cheek by jowel with a big football stadium (shared by two teams -double the fun!) & also on a street lined with popular football pubs.
You can't seperate it out from the society it's in, take away football and those twats would still be scrapping in a city centre.
friedaweed - . The invasion on your right to some privacy in your home is enough to make you agitated

I've repeatedly found you have no right to anything where football is concerned.

Many places, many teams, here & abroad. The exceptions are very few & far between - Caley Thistle & Frankfurt maybe & I'm hard pressed to think of much more.
*tarannau - Take a number of heavy metal gigs, where excitable social retards seemed to spend a disproportionate amount of time groping female stewards and tossing around pints of piss.

Bottles of piss - now where did I first see that. Yup, on the terraces & heard plenty of old guys laughing about that jolly jape - right back to the 30's!

Equally, I've been to many metal gigs that were policed far more mercilessly than any match & the difference was obvious to all. Also, I've never needed to have the police beat a path through a crowd of pissed-up battling braying animals determined to have a go at us/them/anyone, so my partner & I could get to or from our door.

What happens in a gig does tend to stop at the door, except where it has been invaded by football twats IME

But no, I deplore the mentality spreading like that wherever it happens. :(
*Rollem - i can handle that, as i am sure a few other fans of the game can.

Fine, lets see a few more extend a mite of tolerance to the rest of humanity then.

I won't be holding my breath. :rolleyes:
Offensive bollocks pogofish and you can't see it.

I used to think you were reasonable but tbh this thread has shown you to be a complete idiot.
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