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Fucking Football

El Jefe

.. the Rural Juror
great. So normal programmes suspended on BBC London to broadcast the fucking Spurs game.

And football fans wonder why non-football fans get fucked off.
No we don't. We know. It's because they are fucking knobends who wouldn't know a beautiful game if it sucked them off.
Has this not been happening every year since the 60s? surely you non football people must be used to it by now?
As a football fan, I get equally fucked off when they broadcast The Jeremy Kyle Show instead of football.
Errr, Spurs??

Mate, I've seen Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate, the lot. But I've seen very few things more beautiful in this universe than the sight of Tottenham getting done over.
Mate, I've seen Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate, the lot. But I've seen very few things more beautiful in this universe than the sight of Tottenham getting done over.

That's okay, then, Roy.

Cos obviously, the suggestion that Spurs might play the beautiful game is just.... :D :D
Dodgepot's yer man for indignation on these here boards but you can't beat Geoff for sheer huffiness, can you?

*doffs cap*
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