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frank furedi - ex-RCP guru - says 'dont blame bush'


Exasperated, not angry.
we are completely wrong to blame dubya for any of the consequences of the hurricane according to this arch-tosser, indeed we run the risk that 'we will become disoriented by an obsession to blame.


The RCP were always silly children playing 'lets say somerthing rilly rilly shocking', but this latest missive from their intellectual guru (ie the one with half a brain) would lead me back into thinking that they were always just a state op anyway.
does he still have acolytes? I find it hard to believe really. tho such pseudo-controversialist stuff always finds a resonance with a few people I suppose.
belboid said:
does he still have acolytes? I find it hard to believe really. tho such pseudo-controversialist stuff always finds a resonance with a few people I suppose.

What about those gits at the Institute of Ideas, aren't they his 'followers'?
they certainly were, dunno if they still have any actual connection.

12 hits for furedi on the IoI website, not an overwhelming number...
nino_savatte said:
What about those gits at the Institute of Ideas, aren't they his 'followers'?

Them, and Spiked... and they have people planted all over the place, such as the "Scientific Alliance"... is Kate Fox still a fixture on the Today programme?

Unfortunately Furedi does get taken seriously. A silly reactionary piece like that is exactly what editors want as they wind down coverage - indeed in order to justify to themselves winding it down.

His subtext here is that we ought to take the risk of global warming, isn't it?
haven't noticed her on there for a good while now.

we ought to take the risk of global warming....where?
Furedi and the Ex-RCP cult are the court jesters of Murdochian neoliberalism, indeed some of them are on the payroll........ :(
belboid said:
does he still have acolytes? I find it hard to believe really. tho such pseudo-controversialist stuff always finds a resonance with a few people I suppose.

It's more than a few people though isn't it... this kinda stuff is regularly in the national media...
belboid said:
we ought to take the risk of global warming....where?

Over the past three or four year's Furedi's been pushing the notion that the problem with society is that we don't take risks.

It works because there's something in it. But I'm putting it alongside his earlier contrarian focus on the free-markets-are-brilliant-because-they-generate-exuberant-technology angle and suggesting that his actual agenda in all the "risk" stuff is that we should take the risk of letting the market do whatever it "pleases" - e.g. melt the icecaps - and try to clean up after.
Why can't they revive their anti-Good Friday Agreement Republican agenda :(

Hmmm.... maybe too controversial me thinks! :D
laptop said:
Over the past three or four year's Furedi's been pushing the notion that the problem with society is that we don't take risks.

It works because there's something in it. But I'm putting it alongside his earlier contrarian focus on the free-markets-are-brilliant-because-they-generate-exuberant-technology angle and suggesting that his actual agenda in all the "risk" stuff is that we should take the risk of letting the market do whatever it "pleases" - e.g. melt the icecaps - and try to clean up after.
aah. The RCP were always a bit weird on 'scientific' issues. Denied the possibility of chaos theory for example because it would mean the market didn't make snese (??!!), and they certainly seemed to deny the existence of global warming for a time (tho would always phrase it in such a way as to be able to claim they were simply having a go at the more scaremongering proponents of GW).

But your hypothesis is certainly feasible, fits with most of their nonsense.
Divisive Cotton said:
Why can't they revive their anti-Good Friday Agreement Republican agenda :(

Hmmm.... maybe too controversial me thinks! :D

More likely their target poseur audience just are not interested by Ireland north or south.
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