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Welsh lad

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Nearly 1m Brits rely on handouts to eat, according to report from the Trussel Trust charity.

Cuts to benefits seen as the main reason.
Yeah and the DWP said there's no evidence cuts are to blame. I fail to see what planet they live on. If it's not cuts to benefits then what is it? People thinking 'd'ya know what? I quite fancy a free tin of Asda value beans and some UHT milk so let's concoct a story about how poor we are, go to the debt advice centre and get a referral so we can do just that' it's just laughable.

I've had to use a food bank and it was precisely because of cuts to benefits. In my case it's because of local housing allowance not being enough to cover my rent. I can't move anywhere because I'm on JSA so don't have the money and no landlord will accept me anyway. I have to keep begging for discretionary housing payments and have no idea whether I'll get it or not.

Nearly 1m Brits rely on handouts to eat, according to report from the Trussel Trust charity.

Cuts to benefits seen as the main reason.

Surely that's just Tressel Trust F/B's, there are plenty of others,

Senior Journo from The Times on Sky News last night, trying to undermine The Mirror front page story, saying they used a model and that "no mother would let her children starve"

This is a weak flank for the Tories and they know it, people don't like 'scroungers' but they don't like people especially children going hungry, hence the masses of food being collected, a decent opposition would go for this, we don't have one.
Yeah and the DWP said there's no evidence cuts are to blame.

What the DWP actually mean when they say that is that no state-sponsored or internal DWP research has shown evidence. Those of us who read a bit more widely than internal bulletins are well aware of the links.

I fail to see what planet they live on. If it's not cuts to benefits then what is it? People thinking 'd'ya know what? I quite fancy a free tin of Asda value beans and some UHT milk so let's concoct a story about how poor we are, go to the debt advice centre and get a referral so we can do just that' it's just laughable.

It's a "device" to justify inactivity with regard to people suffering, nothing more.

I've had to use a food bank and it was precisely because of cuts to benefits. In my case it's because of local housing allowance not being enough to cover my rent. I can't move anywhere because I'm on JSA so don't have the money and no landlord will accept me anyway. I have to keep begging for discretionary housing payments and have no idea whether I'll get it or not.

Your first-hand experience, and that of hundreds of thousands of others, is meaningless in the face of IDS achieving his aim to reduce claims for selected benefits by 30-50%. We don't matter, all that matters is Iain Dunked-in Shit reaching his targets, by hook or by crook.

Nearly 1m Brits rely on handouts to eat, according to report from the Trussel Trust charity.

Cuts to benefits seen as the main reason.
This is the story that the tories cannot keep a lid on, no matter how much spin IDS and his sick cabal apply. Sooner or later there has to be a reckoning.

Unfortunately there's a year to go to the election so they will tough it out and then labour will do precisely fuck all while Jack Monroe pats Reeves on the back and shows us how to cook meals out of cardboard and despair.

I've said it before, and I'm saying it here, the fucking PCS needs to ballot for strike action. It's members must include, if only by the law of averages, those that are willing to sanction people unjustly. Never mind the merry hell the DWP has turned into with delays and penalties.
Sickening isn't it. People shouldn't need to rely on charity when there's a welfare state.

A few recent threads.

Food Banks not necessary says Cameron


More Tips from McDonald's on How to Live on Poverty Wages
Cameron turned down EU money to help with precisely these issues. He fucking TURNED IT DOWN!

That's like a beggar on the street being offered a tenner from a good samaritan being interceded by a banker billionaire who pushes the money back saying "i'm good thanks"!

Fucking burn you rich cunt.
It annoys me when people think any old Tom, Dick and Harry can come in off the street and get 'free food'. I have to tell them that food banks operate on a referral system. Vouchers are handed out to those in need by social workers, health visitors, Citizens Advice Bureau, Job Centres and housing officials. Then the voucher can be exchanged at the food bank for a package of food which usually lasts about three days.
Has this been covered across the broadcast media?, from what I've seen its been about the fall in employment without any real evaluation of the figures and the BBC seemed to be crowing about the fall.
Has this been covered across the broadcast media?, from what I've seen its been about the fall in employment without any real evaluation of the figures and the BBC seemed to be crowing about the fall.
Yes. Good C4 News report on today's economic numbers that included interview with David Gauke; first question put to him was about the Tressel Trust to which he said he was not embarrassed about the figures and that FB's are now better publicised and that the previous govt' had suppressed information about them.

Piano wire time.....again.
yes, it was indeed on the front page, I meant the article I linked to was not the front one.

good for the Mirror, the Express one was 'Pregnant for Benefits':mad:
Um, yes, lots of BBC crowing about wages matching inflation.....growth.......unemployment down (sanctioning gobshites) blah blah - I expect we are going to be fed a relentless buffet of lies, damned lies and (dodgy) statistics, ramping up to feverish states as election looms.
Surely that's just Tressel Trust F/B's, there are plenty of others,

Senior Journo from The Times on Sky News last night, trying to undermine The Mirror front page story, saying they used a model and that "no mother would let her children starve"

Quite apart from this being the worst kind of loathsome Toryism, the mothers that don't 'let their children starve' are starving themselves instead.
ITV News report was excellent: they reported on a FB in Mold that supplied 6'000 parcels last year!, the volunteer was clear about the nature of FB's and said "she would like us to be redundant asap"!

worth watching on catch up

McVile was appalling and came across badly, hard to believe she is a media veteran
The a4e got me a job. Job didnt pay me for 2 and a half months, couldnt get any benefits as i was working. Got one trip to the food bank which was miles away and no bus route nearby. My friend gave me a lift so was lucky. The next time i asked for a food bank referral they said youre not entitled so go and ask a church for your meals. Phoned dhss and bloke said to me you would be better off jumping off the forth bridge.
Since the Trussell Trust says it has handed out 913,000 food parcels (which each contain three days of emergency food supplies) over a 12 month period.

Can anyone work out how many people are using foodbanks at any one point in time?

eg. Would this be equivalent to 7504 people relying on food parcels for 365 days per year? (ie 2,739,000 days worth of food)
ITV News report was excellent: they reported on a FB in Mold that supplied 6'000 parcels last year!, the volunteer was clear about the nature of FB's and said "she would like us to be redundant asap"!

worth watching on catch up

McVile was appalling and came across badly, hard to believe she is a media veteran

I saw it. She said everybody "including herself" has been suffering over the last few years.

She is an odious little witch. She needs to fuck right off.
Cameron turned down EU money to help with precisely these issues. He fucking TURNED IT DOWN!

That's like a beggar on the street being offered a tenner from a good samaritan being interceded by a banker billionaire who pushes the money back saying "i'm good thanks"!

Fucking burn you rich cunt.
Do you have a link for that, Awesome Wells?
It annoys me when people think any old Tom, Dick and Harry can come in off the street and get 'free food'. I have to tell them that food banks operate on a referral system. Vouchers are handed out to those in need by social workers, health visitors, Citizens Advice Bureau, Job Centres and housing officials. Then the voucher can be exchanged at the food bank for a package of food which usually lasts about three days.
Foodbanks also ask that people donate other things, like toothpaste, shampoo, feminine hygiene products (they're not cheap at all), pet food, baby stuff, anything that could help a family for a few days.

It's not just food people need.
Since the Trussell Trust says it has handed out 913,000 food parcels (which each contain three days of emergency food supplies) over a 12 month period.

Can anyone work out how many people are using foodbanks at any one point in time?

eg. Would this be equivalent to 7504 people relying on food parcels for 365 days per year? (ie 2,739,000 days worth of food)
Sounds about right, although you'd ned to check how long people use food banks for e.g. just three months a year on average or six months, so the number of people helped could reasonably be larger that 7504 people.

Also, is the three days worth of food for a single adult, or for say 2 adults and 2 children? The number of meals given out might be higher that 2.739m.

It's utterly disgraceful that so many foodparcels are given in this day and age. Damn all the Tories to hell via a slow painful death.
Cameron turned down EU money to help with precisely these issues. He fucking TURNED IT DOWN!

That's like a beggar on the street being offered a tenner from a good samaritan being interceded by a banker billionaire who pushes the money back saying "i'm good thanks"!
Is it exactly the same? My understanding of it (based purely on reading a Guardian article about it) is that the UK still has the same total amount of money to spend, via the UK structural adjustment funds since any funding the UK receives from the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived is taken out of the UK's structural fund allocation.


(Not saying I agree with the decision, just seeking clarification)
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