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'First' riot-related eviction notice served by Wandsworth Council

People have to live somewhere, unless the intention is to make these people homeless.

I can't see that solving anything.
So, lets say that Wandsworth do evict these people.

Where will they go?
How much rent will they pay?
Who will end up paying that rent?
We all know the approx. answer to those questions, thus it's just more Tory bullshit to appease middle England.
It is. Of course it is. But I think they'll still want to make some examples for the tabloid headlines. I've been avoiding the media this week, but I just read the Mirror in the takeaway and it thoroughly depressed me. Not a single word about any social context to the riots, just pure condemnation of criminality. And that was the Mirror. I shudder to think what the Sun is saying.
As i read it, they can start eviction proceedings due to breach of tenancy contract, but the final decision must be made on the basis of the above legal stuff - except in certain cases of special tenancy agreements.
they are on dodgy ground, afaik, there is a locality clause - you need to have committed the crime local to the tenancy, or the member of your household needs to have committed their crime, local to the tenancy - what will happen in court will be an argument between barristers about what is local -

Wandsworth just wanted to be first out of the gate - it'll be very difficult to prove in court - serving a notice does not mean that the tenancy will end-

Demonstration been called for the 18th outside the Wandsworth council leaders house..

I find it hard to understand how people who support this actually think it's going to help. These are the same people who think there wasn't an impoverished and deprived underclass before, and now want to put all of them on the streets, with no access to benefits.
And these are people who, assuming the criminal justice system has done it's job properly, we know are happy to rob and loot stuff from shops.
What do they think is actually going to happen?

see AKA posted the event as I was typing :)

But really, no government can preside over vast increases in homelessness, even the current levels are not acceptable to my mind.
Of course not, which is why most of what has come out of the mouths of ministers in the last few days has been pure hot air. But I do think examples will be made for publicity purposes. Pour encourager les autres. :(
What gives councillors the power to call the odds like this when they have singularly abdicated their responsibilities for social housing?

I think LB Wandsworth still manage their own housing.

I will piss myself if they come up against some lawyer like Jan Luba and get the book thrown at them.

I suspect what has happened is that a notice of seeking possession has been served, which takes 28 days to expire, by which time the kid may or may not have been found guilty. Using the word 'eviction', while avoiding jargon for a non-housing audience, is disingenuous and sounds like macho posturing by Wandsworth's media team acting on the instruction of gung-ho councillors.
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