If I'm in town and have time to kill, I'll often check what's showing next at the cinema and so that's how I end up watching some random stuff, just because it was the next thing starting.
House of Gucci - I went to see this because I'd watched Halston and thought it might be a bit like that, in terms of having a wee bit of insight into the clothes design, might see some restaged runway shows, that sort of thing, but it wasn't like that at all, wasn't what I expected, which I was disappointed about, on one level - I'm doing a pattern cutting course in evening classes, so I'm interested in fashion design - but this was more about the family and the business. I had no idea Jared Leto was in it until a few days ago, when I saw a clip of Anne Hathaway mentioning him having been in House of Gucci on a talk show and I had a 'Wait, what?' moment. Lady Gaga's very good in it, as is Adam Driver. Salma Hayek steals the scenes that she's in, in her sort of cameo role as a crazy psychic. Because I didn't know what it was about, having expected it to focus more on the fashion design and catwalk side of things... it took a turn, as they say. Wasn't expecting how it played out. Fuckin'ell family dramas. The wardrobe was good though, lots of Gucci in that. (I'm not a particular fan of Gucci label clothes, but I loved seeing at least some of them in the film.) Having said that it was a disappointment, in that I was expecting more fashion design and clothes-making and catwalks, I wasn't disappointed overall, thought it was an excellent film for the film it actually turned out to be, rather than the film I was expecting.
Moonfall - one of the 'it's the next film starting' ones I went to see. Utterly preposterous, and not in a so bad that it's good way, just a so bad that it's bad way. I mean, I vaguely assumed it was just your regular disaster movie, like asteroid disasters, earthquakes, whatever. I can suspend disbelief to a great extent, but this one jumped the shark, and then some. It all got a bit too silly for me.
The Duke - I'd seen a trailer, so I actually went to see this one. I liked Jim Broadbent in it, liked his character. Imagine a Woolfie Smith, but in the 1950s, but a bit of a sitcom-style henpecked husband. The story's about the audacious theft from the National Gallery of a famous painting in protest against pensioners having to pay the television licence fee, which is one of the things that the main character has a bee in his bonnet about about. The court scenes are very amusing.
Ambulance - another 'it's starting next' film, a bank job gone wrong, fast car chases in LA, well, cars chasing an ambulance. I like fast cars and car chases. What can I say? I'm easily pleased. Jake Gyllenhaal was an added bonus.