Brixton Hatter said:
Some good points in your post Domski - though the two "problems" that I've highlighted above don't really compare to some of the other problems experienced by people in Lambeth as a result of gentrification
BH - I was replying directly to HB's post 'Lambeth Driving Me Crazy'... I appreciate those problems have nothing to do with Gentrification but DO have everything to do with living in Lambeth...
So far problems that have arisen as a result of gentrification raised on THIS thread have been (I apologise again if I haven't read up as much on this subject as a lot of other posters)
1. People not being able to afford to buy their council houses because the applicable discount is too low
2. The new Brixton recreation centre being unaffordable to 'normal' people
3. The systematic closure and marginalisation of many of Brixton's old haunts
4. A lack of new establishments to replace these that cater for 'normal' people
I'm sure there are many more that people are ready to point out - but to answer these in turn...
1. Is not a problem of Gentrification - those who oppose 'gentrification' would never (and should never) support the right to allow social housing to be bought... I personally think that the universal application of this priniciple is wrong and that 'right to buy' is/was a good thing, BUT, in areas with chronic shortages of social and affordable housing (how to measure 'a shortage' would be difficult though, but there are plenty of local government people who could mull over it in triplicate), selling off housing stock is NOT the correct thing to do... however, complaining that you can't afford to buy your house IF you are a person who opposes gentrification is pretty hypocritical IMO.
2. Bollocks - The prices may have gone up but the place is always rammed and NOT with 'conservative young proffessionals' (Sorry LOL!)... just because people can't afford it doesn't mean that the rest of the community isn't benefiting from the improvements... what people are complaining about here is not having the right to use the centre for the unbelievably cheap knock down subsidised prices that there used to be - this is altogether different from it becoming 'exclusive' to certain sections of the community... I'm sorry but that centre wasn't built for nothing and people, christ, even the government have to recoup their investment somehow
3. This is massively overblown, and some of the older 'landmarks' that have been shutdown (Cooltan, GM, Brady's, Duke of Wellington (Is that right?) etc) were shut down despite obviously providing some memorable and generally wicked nights at some point turned into pretty dodgy and dangerous places at others... and I'm sorry, I'm no anarchist, and firmly believe that serious drugdealing, 24 hour parties and the occasional gunfight mean that enough sometimes IS enough - if the owners, occupiers or locals can't keep these places under control something has got to be done and if closure is the way forward then so be it...
4. I agree with this, I'd like some more down to earth places and a couple of proper pubs, but I'm afraid the movement with the times governs this - not necessarily gentrification, more fashions and trends, and also, economic sense does tend to rule many of todays investment decisions - that said, if this massive underswell of local support exists, why in the hell does a market not exist... where is the support for them... or is it too late... I'm not sure it is actually - it's just up to someone with enough sense to try and harness this 'support' rather than pissing money up the wall the wrong way and opening a shop that only sells chakra stylee goods then no-one buys
Running out of steam a bit here, BUT, in answer to the some other points
'The clean-up of some of the pubs is about forcing conformity too IMO'
'And lets be honest, the clean up of pubs tend to be the ones that are frequented by the old skool caribbean community'
This is a damn shame - BUT why the fuck is it happening? I think it's about time the old skool caribbean community stood up to the bloody crack dealers and gun toters who have ruined many caribbean pubs AND STOP blaming the shutting down of them on some sort of bullshit institutional racism... one thing (takeover by dealers) happens before the other (shutdown by the authorities) and NOT the other way around. I'm sure it's not easy to take on the gangs when they're taking over your pub etc, BUT, it's at time's like these when the authorities and the community need to be asked for HELP - unfortunately, there appears to be too much mistrust of 'the authorities' by the old skool caribbean community to do this in many cases. I really hope that this isn't taken the wrong way, because I would be very dissapointed to be labelled a racist.
Anyway, there's loads of good stuff that could happen in Brixton - I wish people would stop moaning about gentrification, marginalisation etc... and let things happen rather than assume there's some sort of sinister plot to undermine the 'incumbent communities'.... phew...