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Fatalities and critical injuries at Asake concert crush at the Brixton Academy

I imagine lots of people turned up without tickets. it's sort of become more of a thing again trying to get in for free - see Wireless
Not an ideal location to bring in the preventative measures used at very large venues - street closures would be needed to do ticket checks further etc. Must have been frightening to be caught up in. Fucking tout wankers.
I'd hate to see the venue lost over something like this. While, for the most part, the place is a corporate shithole, at least it isn't the o2.
Radio 4 World at One just had a report.
Mentioned video showing white police manhandling a black woman - pushing her down the steps.
And an anonymous eyewitness was interviewed for the R4 programme - he said
- a bit odd sending white police to sort out a predominantly black event - in Brixton
[where had he been all these years when they talk about police recruitment]
He also said (I think) that the woman concerned had seemed to curse the police
then he said on looking at the video this morning he thought it looked like the police started it with her

All a bit confused

Yes because when you have an incipient crowd disaster you have loads of time to speak quietly and to politely argue and explain as is needed to everyone still trying to get into the venue and add to the pressure building up through the crowd exacerbating the crush at the front.

They know how to respond because their friend is doing A level law
I think blaming the crowd for the failure of crowd control measures is probably something that should be avoided, considering the history of that kind of thing
There's a lot of elements that caused this fuckup and lots of blame to apportion, but if you think those people who pushed over and trampled on people when they were trying to show their tickets on the door are totally blameless, I'm going to disagree with you.
It's a bit fucking weird to single out the race of the cops who were there as well. Is there a specialist Nigerian unit or something?
It's a valid tactic to achieve a number of objectives.

(Just because one might not agree with the objectives doesn't mean the tactics aren't effective.)
It's a bit fucking weird to single out the race of the cops who were there as well. Is there a specialist Nigerian unit or something?
The 'Gold Commander' (whatever that means, i assume it means the top guy in charge) was black, maybe it would have been fine if he had pushed the woman trying to force her way into the venue, as they had a more similar skin pigment.

Had the Police not stepped in to help the overwhelmed bouncers, there would have been people crushed up against the barriers down the front, and we would probably be discussing deaths today, rather than injuries.
The 'Gold Commander' (whatever that means, i assume it means the top guy in charge) was black, maybe it would have been fine if he had pushed the woman trying to force her way into the venue, as they had a more similar skin pigment.

Had the Police not stepped in to help the overwhelmed bouncers, there would have been people crushed up against the barriers down the front, and we would probably be discussing deaths today, rather than injuries.
Gold commander was the old money name for the event or incident strategic commander in any blue light service, NHS, local authority or similar organisation. Almost everyone still uses the term even though it's out of date.

An organisation's strategic commander sets the over all strategic objectives and allocates resources (normally in conjunction with other agencies' strategic commanders. This would normally be done in a strategic command or coordination group SCG.)

Think the police stuff is probably a derail for this thread. An awful event for people looking to have a great night out with friends and were injured and traumatised instead. For some their lives may not be the same again.
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those people who pushed over and trampled on people when they were trying to show their tickets on the door
This is what happens at all crowd crush events. If there's sufficient crowd control measures in place there's no need to start blaming people who're trying to get out of the way of a crush / whatever
I've tried to get in to things without a ticket before, it's hardly a new and novel thing for a venue to cope with. It's one of the many things adequate crowd control measures should anticipate and deal with isn't it?
Same, i try to sneak, blag or pay/bribe my way in though. Sometimes I succeed, but sometimes I dont. I wouldnt however smash the doors, trample people, give the staff a frightening and stressful night, and ultimately get the gig pulled for everyone.
I've tried to get in to things without a ticket before, it's hardly a new and novel thing for a venue to cope with. It's one of the many things adequate crowd control measures should anticipate and deal with isn't it?
Just out of interest, how do you decide what margin of error the organisers and fire service have applied to calculate the safe capacity of the venue, and what do you do to estimate the total number of other people who will also attempt to get in unticketed?

I mean, you must have those two pieces of information to be able to ensure that this is just a safe way of sticking it to the venue and not the actions of a selfish cunt prepared to put other people’s lives at risk for a cheap night out.
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Has anything like this happened at the Academy before? There's always queue barriers and sometimes the queue goes right around the block.

I've not seen a big crowd outside the front doors like that before but of course I haven't been to every gig there and don't know if it's happened before.

How could it have been anticipated if it hasn't happened before? Should they have taken more notice of social media if, as someone said earlier, there were tweets etc. about this happening.
Just out of interest, how do you decide what margin of error the organisers and fire service have applied to calculate the safe capacity of the venue, and what do you do to estimate the total number of other people who will also attempt to get in unticked?

I mean, you must have those two pieces of information to be able to ensure that this is just a safe way of sticking it to the venue and not the actions of a selfish cunt prepared to put other people’s lives at risk for a cheap night out.
I dispute the idea that someone having a level go at hopping into something free is a selfish cunt prepared to put other people's lives at risk for a cheap night out. That's the main thrust of my posts on this thread ffs.
Has anything like this happened at the Academy before? There's always queue barriers and sometimes the queue goes right around the block.

I've not seen a big crowd outside the front doors like that before but of course I haven't been to every gig there and don't know if it's happened before.

How could it have been anticipated if it hasn't happened before? Should they have taken more notice of social media if, as someone said earlier, there were tweets etc. about this happening.

there were the well reported street shenanigans that time madonna appeared at the academy...
e2a...those tweets were mostly but not all from fans who were worried at the possiblity...
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I dispute the idea that someone having a level go at hopping into something free is a selfish cunt prepared to put other people's lives at risk for a cheap night out. That's the main thrust of my posts on this thread ffs.
would you agree that someone intending to have a level go at hopping into something free who arrives at the venue and sees 1000 other people have had the same idea and are now trying to steam the doors and decides to join in rather than fucking off somewhere else is a selfish cunt prepared to put other people's lives at risk for a cheap night out?
The Academy only has one fixture before 31st December - this Saturday 17th December.
Be interesting to see how the Police and Lambeth Licensing react.
Another concert on 19th December was already postponed.
Both 17th December and the 31st December New Year do are late start, with a 3 am "curfew"

Historically when there is "disorder" the Police react by imposing a ban, don't they?
if you go back years the police had a stand off with punks back in '87 - Conflict riot
would you agree that someone intending to have a level go at hopping into something free who arrives at the venue and sees 1000 other people have had the same idea and are now trying to steam the doors and decides to join in rather than fucking off somewhere else is a selfish cunt prepared to put other people's lives at risk for a cheap night out?
It's mostly not very obvious when a crowd is dangerously packed until you're actually in the dangerously packed bit.
This is what happens at all crowd crush events. If there's sufficient crowd control measures in place there's no need to start blaming people who're trying to get out of the way of a crush / whatever
Except some people weren't trying to 'get out of the way of the crush.' Some were actively charging in, knocking ticket holders over and potentially causing very serious injury to those people ahead of them.
I've tried to get in to things without a ticket before, it's hardly a new and novel thing for a venue to cope with. It's one of the many things adequate crowd control measures should anticipate and deal with isn't it?
I've never knocked people over and then trampled all over them when they're lying helpless on the floor. How about you?
I've never knocked people over and then trampled all over them when they're lying helpless on the floor. How about you?
I've never been in a dangerous crush that's resulted in a number of people critically injured in hospital. I'd like to think I wouldn't knock anyone over or trample them when trying to escape from something like that, but who knows.

Either way, some people in crowds do behave badly. That's one of the things crowd control measures are supposed to anticipate and control.
I've never been in a dangerous crush that's resulted in a number of people critically injured in hospital. I'd like to think I wouldn't knock anyone over or trample them when trying to escape from something like that, but who knows.

Either way, some people in crowds do behave badly. That's one of the things crowd control measures are supposed to anticipate and control.
But they WEREN'T escaping. They were charging IN to the venue.
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