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Fat White Family & various offshoot bands (Moonlandingz, Insecure Men, Warmduscher, Pregoblin etc)

I don't give a flying fuck about his politics, he's been a cunt. He may have been pissed, I don't give a flying fuck, he's been a cunt. He can talk to to the landlord and apologise/explain but he has still been an evil nasty racist cunt. I will still piss in his pint.

I'm not disputing what you're saying tallulahj. I've no reason to. I've never met the bloke, know sod all about him, and had never heard of any of them until about 90 minutes ago! :)

All I mean is that it's a bit discordant for someone to position themselves as class war left, and then behave like a racist cunt. I'm wondering what's behind that.
Were you actually there?
No, but considering a trusted staff member (who is about to be promoted to manager), several regulars, and the landlord felt like kicking his head in, i feel inclined to trust their version of events. Were you there?
Same as you as I wasn't there. I trust my own eyes and ears and there is no way they are racist. I don't know what your version of events is as it's not very clear.
The Grosvenor (17 Sidney Road SW9 0TP).

Okay, he may not "really" be racist; he may have been off his tits. But you can't go around saying racist crap like "only niggers can't read" and blah blah blah, and not expect to be pulled up on it.

The landlord has spoken to one of the band (i think the singer), so they know our feelings, we've got our kit back (they borrowed some stuff for their gig at the Queens), and it's sorted. If Saul/Sol (whatever his name is) cares to come and explain himself, he may be un-barred. Its down to the boss, not me. But he may still not get a warm welcome from the staff unless he learns how to treat bar staff like people rather than emotional punching bags for his over inflated ego.
That reminds me of the time we played with Turbonegro almost 20 years ago. First and last time I've been afraid to share a dressing room with a band. They'd literally kick the shit out of each other, high as fucking kites on poppers, BEFORE going on stage.
It's not so much the cuntyness. We get loads of bands and the vast majority are lovely, with random exceptions. We can handle random cuntyness.
We don't like it, but we can handle it.
But if you're going to actually be hateful about race, gender, sexual-orientation, well, you may as well drink somewhere else.
I'm not talking about this band in particular, I just mean generally.
No, the rest of the band are fine, i know it's not them. Its not what they represent and by all accounts they're a great band to watch. But they may want to keep one of their band members on a shorter leash. Great pics btw!
Seems really odd, given the end of this interview with them I just read.

[A writer] emailed me offering to do this interview. He said he loved your music but you were essentially a bunch of shits.
Lias: [He] said that? I’ve known him for years. For fuck’s sake.
Is he telling the truth? Are you a bunch of shits?
Saul: Yeah, he’s telling the truth. We are."

looks like lots of people think they're shits, including their own friends.

i briefly chatted to some of them. they seemed like self-entitled middle class kids who thought that the world was all about them. but, you know, i did tell them how awesome the gig was first, so i have to blame myself for some of that. by all accounts 'they' basically treat the world as their own litter box, have no respect for people, property, or propriety, and are damn talented. that's a combination for being totally marmite!
I've found that newer bands are more likely to be shitty than established bands. We get a lot of punk bands who actually started back in the day and they are absolute darlings. Some of the "younger" bands can be very arrogant self-entitled.
say what you like but you are still talking about them 2 weeks after you saw half of one gig! so they obviously had some effect.
They say all PR is good PR, but I reckon that only holds if you're really good or otherwise notable. The only really notable thing about this lot is that they seem to do a good job of pissing off the staff at the venues they play in. I know you think they're the bees knees, and tbf I wouldn't be surprised if some A&R cunt thinks this lot is worth a punt... Anyway, I've said my piece, not wasting any more calories on this now.
problems solved but you still spread the innuendo and gossip!
its a big accusation to make against someone - id be mortified if it was made against me, and if i didnt say it id want to clear my name in public sharpish - if i did say it (how could anyone even think it?) id grovel - either that or it'll haunt him and come back and kick him in the head
90% of the discussion is about one of the band calling someone a N***** -

do you love or hate the way he racially insults people?
i don't believe he would do that. and actually i'm pretty sure that noone on this thread has said he did that. that is the danger of these kind of unclear accusations though.
not directed AT someone as far as i know, just random arsehole-ness. if it was at someone, he'd prob have had more than being kicked out and being barred. he was speaking to a staff member who is mixed race but she says it wasn't directed at her. obvs she was well fucked off, but it was a sweeping generalization, not about her (which is SO much better :facepalm:)
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