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Farmers' market in Brixton

Well the spindle might have rent open his abdomen, causing his guts to unfurl on the street in front of everyone. :(

Or he might have tripped over the wheel and cracked his head open, causing his brains to fall out onto the street in front of everyone. :(
Well the spindle might have rent open his abdomen, causing his guts to unfurl on the street in front of everyone. :(

Or he might have tripped over the wheel and cracked his head open, causing his brains to fall out onto the street in front of everyone. :(

Would have made for some interesting photos for all those standing around with their camera phones
I must confess my first thought was not to check that he was OK but to think "Hmm, newbie was right, I must tell him." :oops:

You'd probably risk being assaulted by mother for going near child :D

I saw a kid trip over a wheelie suitcase on Saturday. The guy with the suitcase just turned around, stood there for a second and then walked off. Parents looked horrified that he hadn't apologised or stopped to pick the child up. It was the kid's fault though but I did wonder why the guy hadn't said anything. Maybe he didn't speak English or thought "serves the little fucker right, running around a hospital where there's sick people" :hmm:
Actually those wheelie suitcases annoy me far far more than bikes nicking parking space for adverts. Those things are lethal in the wrong hands.
Mrs Magpie said:
Actually those wheelie suitcases annoy me far far more than bikes nicking parking space for adverts. Those things are lethal in the wrong hands.

Search for the Bob Plath thread :mad:
Actually those wheelie suitcases annoy me far far more than bikes nicking parking space for adverts. Those things are lethal in the wrong hands.

The small ones annoy me (ie. little bigger than laptop size). Are people that weak that they can't carry a small bag like that? :mad:
Now that I've seen it and decided I don't like it, I still have to point out that it doesn't actually take up a whole bike slot because you can still attach a bike to the railing bit.
I've noticed that the bike moves around too. It's quite an ugly, unwieldy thing.

There's several, all in differing states of disrepair. However for the cost of the locks they've got on 'em they could have employed a Golf Sale type person, perhaps with a small moustache, jaunty hat and rolled up jeans to promote the market to people when potential Market Types were around, and would have not only saved money but avoided almost braining a small child in the process. Win Win.
Minnie_the_Minx said:
The small ones annoy me (ie. little bigger than laptop size). Are people that weak that they can't carry a small bag like that? :mad:

I like to flip them.
The small ones annoy me (ie. little bigger than laptop size). Are people that weak that they can't carry a small bag like that? :mad:

It's a scale size issue. similar to the Father Dougal cow explanation. Next to them - the normal sized people - those bags look small. Put them next to a person of diminished stature and they'll look large and unwieldy without wheels.

The (green) bike was there again tonight fwiw, taking up a much needed vaguely secure bike place. I'm increasing coming up over all Newbie about it. It's a wanky cheapskate way of promoting yourself, a bit of a parting two fingers up gift that they leave behind with sod all consideration for others. Humbugs.
Now that I've seen it and decided I don't like it, I still have to point out that it doesn't actually take up a whole bike slot because you can still attach a bike to the railing bit.
very thoughtful of them. Well, either that or an unintentional byproduct of placement for maximum visual (and small child) impact.

I wonder if the one under the high level bridge was moved as a result of this thread? Or maybe moving them about is part of someones job description, with locations determined by a marketing department spreadsheet (based on focus groups, surveys and casualty department statistics). Whichever, it shows a degree of deliberation rather than casual improvisation.

Which brings me back to the "Hey! Brixton, eh?" comment above. Is this marketing campaign only used in Brixton or have they carefully placed adbikes and large blackboards in the way all over London? In tribute to the Innocent Child Victim a new points scheme is needed. Points will be awarded for every spotting, anywhere in London, with commendations for tracking movements of individual boards and a special title for getting an interview with an adbike operative. Usual conditions apply, but anyone going undercover should only engage in deceitful sexual relationships if they get the hell out before the resultant offspring reaches primary school.
Very underwhelmed by the fruit and veg my husband got at Brixton Farmers Market.
A big bunch of leeks, all bolted and therefore fit only for the compost. Growers know about bolted leeks being completely inedible so they shouldn't put them all the stall :mad:

A bag of apples that are very pappy and wrinkly or have brown rot (clearly stored from last year). When I told him to get fruit it never crossed my mind it would be stuff well out of season. I thought the point of Farmers Markets was stuff fresh from the fields.


Also I asked him to get cheese and he did come back with some, but all very sweaty and with the addition of very hot chilli. This is why it's best I do the shopping. Particularly as the farmers market is so very much more expensive the the proper market.
I shall only send him for meat and baked goods from the Farmers Market in future.
Just tried to salvage something edible off the leeks, but when I saw the pathetic pile of what could be put in a soup (less than a twentieth of edible off a kilo of bolted leeks) and I didn't want to do fucking soup anyway, so the lot has been binned and I've got frozen veg out of the freezer. Pants :(
Not for nothing is this time of year known as "the hungry gap", Mrs M. We're used to getting stuff all year round and the farmers' market people try to meet our unrealistic expectations. We had some English asparagus from Lidl on Friday; it tasted of fuck all. Probably several days old. Asparagus, that's what the farmers' market should be selling now.
Oh dear, this is my fault really. I thought the leeks looked a bit ropey but I didn't know about the bolting thing. :(

fortyplus: they are selling asparagus.
Oh dear, this is my fault really. I thought the leeks looked a bit ropey but I didn't know about the bolting thing. :(
It's not your fault...if you don't know you wouldn't iyswim. That apricot and almond tart is bloody lovely though.
...just disappearing for another slice of that almond tart....got to say, best I've tasted in a very long time...and the meat got from the previous visit was very good too.
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