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Anybody posted about the biggest protest in history which has been taking place in India recently? I cannot find anything regarding it on this forum, surely somebody must of posted about a huge issue like this.
Anybody posted about the biggest protest in history which has been taking place in India recently? I cannot find anything regarding it on this forum, surely somebody must of posted about a huge issue like this.
OK, so it got in the news. Then what? Are these kinds of stunts any more successful at effecting change than A to B marches? Or are they even easier to dismiss due to being carried out by one or two people rather than large groups?

I'm not saying that a monthly allowance to buy fresh fruit and veg is a bad idea, which is apparently what they're trying to promote. But I remain unconvinced acts like this are an effective form of advocacy regardless of the nobility of the cause. Has there been any kind of investigation into this? Or is its effectiveness just being taken on faith?
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